Peace Action

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Everything posted by Peace Action

  1. Last month has been very nice to us," said one banker, referring to the flare-up in Mogadishu Subhanallah, grave digger happy for the work in war zone Mogadishu.
  2. Somalia does not have rulers yet, if their is anyone worthy of leadership, the country will not have become a hell hole worse than a failed state. I think what you mean to say is that they all came to destroy the country with the help of Somali people and the sad thing is that Somali religious men (misguided) are taking part in the orgy of killing and destruction. In the end, Somalis themselves bear most of the blame .
  3. Osman newbie, saxib nagadaa faanka. Waxa Somalidu dhehdaa nin is faanshay waa ri isnuugtay. At the end of the day what matters is what you make of yourself, not wether you are from Pland, SLand, Somalia or even the most powerful country the USA. For the homeless in the USA, what does it mean to be a US citizen. Not much I will bet.
  4. Waryaa Turub don't hijack the thread. Very interesting discussion. I like how Buuba is quoting hadith and Quran to highlight the futility of the wadaadis. This is a very sad comment on religious men (shabaab)who are fighting to gain power for their personal glory without regard to the well being of their fellow muslims. Don't they know the live of a muslim is holier than the Ka'ba?
  5. If true this is terrible. These people are sick and I am afraid do not have religion in their heart.
  6. Too much propaganda from Hassan. Waryaa wararka beenta ah nagadaa. It is not good for your credibility, if at all.
  7. This was an important and timely speech. President Obama has extended his hand to the Islamic world and I hope Muslims extend their hand and work with him for peace. It was also brutally honest and frank. Obama is becoming a transformational world Leader. May Allah guide him to the right path, aamiin.
  8. That is why shahaada which is a Quranic verse should never be on a flag. It will give the ignorant a chance to abuse the noble Quran.
  9. Nephissa comes out of hypernation when Yey is mentioned. The question is what is her stand on the mayham caused by her beloved shabaab. Ethiopia and Yey are gone but the guns of shabaab and their sucide bombing continues unabated.
  10. Mise waa iska dheh waxaagu, I don't believe you feel their pain, but love their pain to continue, so you may be recognised Ishaad ka riday. It is also called crocodile tears. If History is any guide then we can rest assured that the South will rise again and Somali state will be reborn with brotherhood/sisterho od, justoce and prosperity, Insha Allah.
  11. RR are you serious? Blaming A/Y and his clan for the problem in Mogadishu is insane. Mogadishu has been on fire for 20 years and who will take the responsability for making the capital of Somalia a hell hole?
  12. No sympathy for those who want to turn Somalia into a Arab colony where we worship backward arab culture and beliefs while they live it up in their developed cities. No more Arab worshipping. No sympathy for the islamic thugs To fight shabaab is one thing but to attack the religion of Islam and make racist comments about Arabs amd their culture is plain silly. When you condemn Arab culture, please note you are also condemning Somali culuture since we share similar cultural traits. If you are attacking Islam as religion and Arabs as , then you will loose all Somalis.
  13. This is childish. Sharif govt officials need less talk and more action before the takfiirs take over the capital.
  14. Where's Mr. Ghelle T?? He believes it was Cade admin that brought the piracy but everyone knows who are the pirates and the epic center is Eyl. It is upto to Faroole to shut it down before it brings him down.
  15. The picture above looks like they are starting to dance hiliimaale since they are not wearing macawis. Nice pictures but the seccession talk is just an opinion and dos not have public support.
  16. Agreed. Duke and the king should aim their firepower at the takfir shabaab. Sharif is much better for Somalia than these crazy shabaabs.
  17. NG owns Norf period meeshana haka cararo haddiikale karbaashku wuu sii badanayaa. The reason is Norf is making his own facts just like Chenny in USA.
  18. 2006 (not sure when) - Yeey and TFG refuse to attend talks in Sudan. UIC attend. Wrong and re-writing history. A/Y and Gheedi both went to Khartum. It was the ICU that sent low level officials. Still there were agreements signed between the TFG and ICU for ceasefire. The ICU violated and started war in Juba capturing Kismayo and capturing all the terroteries around Badio threatening the seat of the TFG. It is ironic that we are in the same situation after A/Y resigned and Sharif was elected. Al-shabaab is again threatening to overthrow a govt headed by their former leader. The question is will you still support Sharif if he calls Ethiopia for milatary help?
  19. Soomaali haddaan nahnay maba jeclin haddii nala soo faragishto arrimaheena. Haddii faraha nagala qaadana still we complain. Waxa kasii daran saan isula weynahay iyo sida aduunka inoo dhaafay.
  20. Constant mugging is making the man age very fast.
  21. It is strange to watch the confusion in Duke. One minute he is against shabaab and then against the besieged Sharif. Even A/Y supports the Sharif and the TFG because he knew the alternative will be talibanization of Somalia. The "mistake" of Sharif was calling for peace to resolve differences and not preparing for war. This is considered a virtue anywhere but Somalia. Still the TFG was attacked by shabaab and it seems they are defending themselves. It will be wise to wait before annoncing the demise of the TFG and Sharif. Better yet pray that Sharif and the TFG wins this war because they are fighting for the Somali nation.
  22. When they started the war, they made all other issues irrelevant. They made their bed and now they must sleep on it.