Peace Action

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Everything posted by Peace Action

  1. Somalis and their mentality. When are they going to learn that killing and destroying is easy but cowardly but working for peace and progress is noble and courageous.
  2. The wingnuts in the USA have gone crazy on the issue. They are officially named "Brithers". http://www.huffingto why-the-birthers-mat ter_b_243647.html
  3. It is welcome development that Puntland leaders continue to pursue this important sector of the economy. I am sure they realized that without concrete economic progress, the peace may be in danger in the long run. In today's world, the quickest way to develop is to expliot natural resources such as oil, gas and minerals.
  4. Congradulations to PL. May the people continue to value peace and progress, Aamiin. Welcome positive comment from Che.
  5. The guy is retarded i new him when he lived an ran a gas station in seattle he so retarded its scary and he has big issues with his ego. i hope they give him the death penalty that should teach him a few things. Somalia's government is in name only, not only that Somalia itself exists in name only. wake up to this reality and we could move toward a better direction and actually work together to tackle the real problem.. Death to someone you disagree and work together with others. What happens when you disagree with them later. Cut off their heads?
  6. From Mr. Bugland Faan weynaa ,,,,, Bal adiga yaa kaa faan badan. So calling the Col is faan but promoting a fabricated news is what... faataadhugle
  7. he is just stubborn Punjabi . He is more like Khan.
  8. Dhagax-Tuur was asleep for the 19 years and he just wake up. Adeer dhilo can easily be satified but Somalia is one tough cookie to crack. Thats why only the bravest of men attempt to subdue her.
  9. I am not sure if he is ok. You can see the bullet exit thru his stomach shining as Abwaan observerd. These shabaab fighers are too carless to take cover. Because of large supply of brain washed kids, the leaders of shabaab can afford to send these young man to certian death while they stay behind in the comfort of their homes or previously in Asmara.
  10. Ilaahay ha u naxariisto. I understand one of th youngman survived. Who ordered the killing?
  11. Excellent speech by the President of Puntland. It seems Faroole has added CH to his dazzeling performance at the US Congress. With Mogadishu at war and Hargeysa confused, Faroole is positioning Puntland as the gateway to solving Somalia's chronic problems.
  12. I am not angry at all but I am concerned for your sanity. This daily diatribe against President Sharif is not healthy and I am reminded of Rush Limbaugh's infamous comment on President Obama about wanting the Presient of USA to fail and now continous to say that the President has failed. Mr. Limbaugh's comments lost him a lot of credibility because he showed his true colors of partisanship without regard to the welfare of the country. I am not comparing you and Rush nor Sharif with Obama (As a Somali Sharif is better and his success is more important for Somalia), but if you want Sharif to fail, then does that mean you want Somalia to fail? Sharif was head of the ICU and shabaab was under ICU. If today Sharif saw how unreasoble the shabaab have become, then I will give him credit for opposing them. Sharif definately made mistakes and he is new to the zero sum game of Politics in Somalia but nevertheless we have to work with him in his noble task of restoring the Somali nation. Sharif is still the legal President and occupies Villa Somalia and is fighting shabaab. As for the killing in Mogadishu, shabaab are fully responsible since they rejected peace and opted for war. All I am saying is let us wait before proclaiming the demise of the Sharif's govt.
  13. HE Sharif, the President and HE Sharmarke, the PM will be warmly welcomed when they visit Puntland state of Somalia, I predict.
  14. Duke you are losing it brother, stop the irrational obssession with Sharif. I know it hurts, Sharif beat A/Y at his own game, but it was political and peaceful and the old man accepted the defeat gracefully. Still Sharif is the President, if you do not want to support him morally, at least minimize your unwarranted attacks against him. You are absetting many SOL members and readers who want the TFG to succeed for the sake of Somali poeple. You look very bad with non-stop attacks and copy paste. If Sharif defeats shabaab you would be the biggest fool in SOL. War caanaha daadanay daba qabo.
  15. Xiin has principles and is consistant but Duke is very confused these days. A/Y, Faroole, troops from Puntland and most Puntlanders support Sharif and the TFG against the takfir shabaab. All Puntlanders have been waiting and will be very happy to see an effective government in Mogadishu. If Sharif succeeds and pacifies Mogadishu that will be good for Somalia/Puntland. We need to support the restoration of the Somali nation as an strategy regardless of individual contributions. Sharif and the TFG may be under siege at the moment but it has shown how cruel and unreasonable shabaab have become. In addition the people of Mogadishu may have finally hit bottom and will not support anymore warmonger.
  16. Somaliland Forum considers the language that came out of the June 25th hearings a momentary lapse and not the policy of the U.S. government. The tone set by a U.S. policy maker could have unintended consequences in the volatile region of the Horn. A bit of of contradiction and a subtle threat. Instead of this poor damage control, they should have attended the hearing to display the progress they have made for the past 18 years and argue for their case of seccession from Somalia strongly.
  17. Don't be naive. It will apply to him even if he does not live in GB. What if he is a visitor. I fail to see what you are defending.
  18. Oodweyne, Here is the proof. Of course you will not accept it because your aversion to A/Y blinds you to the truth. Somali President Yusuf demands international peace troops January 05, 2007 Subscribe to: RSS, Email Mogadishu/Nairobi (dpa) - Somali President Abdullahi Yusuf demanded Friday that the international community quickly send peace- keeping troops to his beleaguered country. The take-over of power by the Somali interim government in the capital Mogadishu was an opportunity to end the 16-year conflict in the Horn of Africa nation, Yusuf told a conference of the International Contact Group for Somalia being held in the Kenyan capital Nairobi and led by the United States and Norway. "We do not want a power vacuum in Somalia," US Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Jendayi Frazer said, echoing Yusuf's call for international troops. The first troops were expected to arrive at the end of January. Uganda has declared that it is willing to send 2,000 troops. The Contact Group additionally appealed to the Somali interim government to engage in dialogue with the Islamists. "Yusuf committed himself to inclusive dialogue," Frazer said. Somali Foreign Minister Ismail Mohammed Hurreh however rejected the latest calls for talks saying "our government is already all- inclusive." Hurreh additionally expressed confidence that the interim Somali administration would be able to effectively rule the country without Ethiopian help. "We have chased all the Islamists away," he said. Also Friday, the second-in-command of the al-Qaeda terrorist network accused the United Nations Security Council of cooperating with Ethiopia to violate Somalia's territorial integrity. In a sound recording broadcast on, Ayman al- Zawahri said, "The UN Security Council is involved with the Ethiopian crusaders in sending international forces to Somalia and refusing to issue a decree forcing Ethiopia to pull its forces out of Somalia." Al-Zawahri called on Muslims across the globe to help their fellow Somali Muslims in all possible ways. He further called on the Islamic Courts in Somalia to recompose itself in what he called "the new battlefield," the war waged by the US and its "anti-Islamic allies" against Islam and Muslims. Meanwhile, one person was killed Friday in Mogadishu in a hand- grenade attack aimed at Ethiopian soldiers, amid reports of rising violence in the Somali capital. Eyewitness reports cited by the SomaliNet agency said Ethiopian soldiers opened fire on attackers. At the same time, residents in the city were reporting a rise in violence with the return of Islamist clan leaders who were setting up street blockades between the city's districts in order to extract passage money from people. A report from the UN agency coordinating humanitarian aid said at least three women had been raped at such city checkpoints. These developments came in the wake of the expiration Thursday of the government ultimatum to militants to turn over their weapons. Premier Ali Gedi has threatened to disarm the militants by force, a move which the UN aid agency says would result in further unrest. In a related development, Nairobi rejected UN criticism over Kenya's turning back hundreds of Somali refugees, including many women and children, at the border. "There are no battles going on in Mogadishu or Kismayo," Foreign Minister Raphael Tuju in defending Kenya's actions. In the meantime, 16 suspected Islamists have been taken into custody by Kenyan authorities. Reportedly, several hundred Islamists are believed to have taken refuge in the forest-covered peninsula Ras Komboni, close to the Kenyan border. // © 2006 DPA
  19. Abwaan still you are wrong in your clanish selective prosecution. You left out Abdi Qaybdiid and many others? I don't have any problems with charging war crimes to those individuals who committed crimes in Somalia but how, where and by who is very difficult at the moment. The best solution will be to have "truth and Reconsilation" after the country is stablized with an effective federal government. The objective will be to shame those who committed crimes by having them admit and catalogue thier evil deeds in front of the whole nation so that the next generation will never repeat such horrible crimes.
  20. Is this another fix for the often delayed Presidential election.? Silaanyo waa loo tashaday.
  21. What is wrong with Sharif doing all he can to defend the Somali government? What is wrong with meating with PM of Ethiopia? Until Somalia can stand on its own two feet, it is better to keep Ethiopia on your side rather than against you. As they say in politics, make your friends close and your enemies even closer (to keep an eye on their msichief).
  22. Oodweyne, You don't seem to realize how diffcult the problem of Mogadishu has been and therefore it is easy for you to dismiss attempts by A/Y to pacify the city. In the past 18 years, Mogadishu came closest to being pacified under A/Y rule. A/Y plan was to use Ethiopia to pacify Mogadishu and then qucikly get AMISON to take over from the Ethiopians. Unfortunatley the international community was unable to get even 8000 troops to Somalia. I believe it is only 3000 troops from Unganda and Brundi that are protecting key government installations from the crazy shabaab. These are facts that are not to be debated. As for Somalilands political influence in the south being limited to a mediator is noble idea and I would fully support. Unfortunately the elite in Hargaysa have convinced themselves that the problems of the south may help their cause of seccession.