Peace Action

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Everything posted by Peace Action

  1. Look on the positive side, there is so much wealth to share. The blind cow means Faroole is not sending any more assisance to Mogadishu unlike A/Y & Cade. Too bad Faroole protested too much last time Amin did satire on him and Amin will keep provoking him. May be Faroole should put him on the payrol if he wants to have good compliemtary satire from AminArts.
  2. Hamlyo for the Sanaag team. I like how the women honor the Somali flag. Where are men who will raise the Somali flag and make their nation proud again?
  3. NG I thought they said Riyaale wuxu ku fadhiya dhabta libaax? Still the man has become a master politician. May be he has learned from Egal who managed to dominate politics in the north all his life.
  4. Xaaji don't expect much from Ina cali waraabe, when the going gets rough, he will side with Riyaale. Waatay dheheen Riyaale Libaax dhabtiisa ayuu ku fadhiyaa.
  5. Look at the one who is looking at the camera? On second thought, there are few who are impressed with the camera man.
  6. Eid Mubaarak to all SOLers. May Allah make our country Somalia in peace by next Eid, Insha Allah.
  7. Yea, why is it so important to them. Gaalada and their one's age obsession. Join the league, Md. Shariif. Reer First January, of course Most Somali refugees have birth date as January 1.
  8. With the price of oil at $70 and expected to rise when the world economy recovers, Africa oil has excellent change of stricking oil especially in Puntland where the prospects are good. This shows also the forsight of the former President Ade Muse who saw discovery of oil and other natural resources as the gateway to peace and prosperity.
  9. Ibbi does not have the authority to say no to Puntland. Puntland is an integral part of Somalia and has the right to host any national institution or entity for this matter. The story that is making the rounds now are based on the fabrication of few the character spreading this malicious lies is well known. Puntland will house many national institutions and will play a role in bringing back Somalia. Because Puntland is Somalia I don't think President Sharif will fall for the traps setup by Ibbi and others who are enemies of peace and progress. It is illogical to have the anti piracy base located in Djibouti and not in Puntland unless one is intent on undermining the cooperation between TFG and the state of Puntland.
  10. Did you read the article or do you have comprehension problems. Puntland said the aircraft had earlier landed at an airstrip near a pirate haven elsewhere in the region. It said 23 suspected pirates had been handed over to other gunmen and friends and the three sailors had been taken away in exchange. "These persons, who were involved in pirate smuggling and ransom transfer, had no legal clearance to land in Puntland and are now under criminal investigation," the Puntland government said in a statement on Monday.
  11. Waryaa Moonlight Xishood waa Ramadaan. A powerful picture indeed. Shabaab need to moderate their militancy and concentrate on fixing Somalia period. Talk of invading Ethiopia will give Ethiopia license to keep medelling in Somali affairs.
  12. Waranle hold your thoughts until after Ramadan if you are iching for karbash from Xiin. Ramadan Kariim to you all.
  13. A good first step to find out who was behind the killing of Minister Seefta Banaanka alaha u naxariistee. Mudug clans should sign on capital punishment (Qisaas) for killers. "Walakum fil qisaasi xayaa"
  14. A mere state and that is the reality. Puntland has never claimed seccession unlike Somaliland. Anything to advanced peace and cooperation for the TFG and Puntland is win win for both.
  15. A good, long overdue homecoming for the PM. The visit to Puntland will strenghten the ties between TFG and Puntland. The TFG need to show to the world that it has support outside their enclave in Mogadishu. Sharif also should head to Groowe.
  16. Ra,iisul Wasaaraha DFKM Dr.Cumar C/rashiid Cali Sharmaarke oo safar ku imaan doona Puntlland Posted to the Web Aug 15, 12:05 Boosaaso:-Raiisulwas aaraha DFKM Dr.Cumar C/rashiid Cali Sharmaarke ayaa waxaa la filayaa in maalmaha soo socda soo gaaro Puntland ,R/Wasaaraha iyo wafdigiisa ayaa la sheegayaa in ay qabanqaabo ugu jiraan safar aysan weli shaacin oo ay ku imaan doonaa Puntlland. Raiisul Wasaaraha DFKM Dr.Cumar Cabdirashiid ayaa la filayaa in uu safarkiisa ugu horeeya uu ku imaan doono magaalada Gaalkacyo ee xarunta Gobolka Mudug oo hadda ay ku sugan yihiin inta badan 2 Gole ee Maamulka Puntlland. Warar badan oo soo gaaraya warqabadka ayaa sheegay in safarka Raiisul Wasaaruhu DFKM iyo Wafdigiisu ay ku imaanayaan Puntlland la filayo in uu bilowdo maalinta bari ah walow aan ilaa hadda war rasami ah oo ku saabsan safarka Raiisul Wasaaraha DFKM Dr.Cumar Cabdirashiid iyo wafdigiisu uusan ka soo bixin xafiiska Raiisul wasaaraha. Safarka Raiisul wasaaraha DFKM Dr.Cumar Cabdirashiid Cali Sharmaake ayaa waxaa uu noqonayaa safarkii ugu horeeeyey oo uu ku tago Puntlland ilaa intii xilka loo magacaabay,Raiisul Wasaaraha DFKM Dr. Cumar Cabdirashiid ayaa la filayaa in uu safaro kale duwan uu ku bixin doono Gobollada Puntlland. Wafdiga Raiisul Wasaaraha DFKM Dr.Cumar Cabdirashiid ayaa la filayaa sidoo kale intii ay joogaan Puntlland in ay shirar dhowr ah la qaadan doonaa Madax da Dowlada Puntlland ,shirarkaas ayaa waxaa diirada lagu saari doonaa sidii loo wanaajin lahaa xiriirka ka dhexeeya DFKM iyo Puntlland iyo sidii ay Maamulka Puntlland taageero buuxa u siin lahaay een DFKM. M_M_Deeq
  17. It is a shameful and tragic act. May Allah have mercy on the pak Jamat Tabliq dead and make their abode janatul firdose. MMA, I think it is more appropriate to edit what peacenow wrote which is clearly condoning an act of murder of peaceful muslim foreign visitors. Peacenow is adocating an act of terrosim against unarmed muslim visitors to Somalia.
  18. Very creative and they are doing a favor for the men who were not supposed to wear gold.
  19. As Mr. Bugland, when you apply for a non profit organization in the Untoed States, it is better to include as many areas as possible otherwise you will be limited to the locality you intent to work. So if they were authorized to work in Awdal, then technically they are not allowed to collect funds for any other areas.
  20. Red Sea, come on you cab do better than blaming Xidigo. This act was a criminal act that does not need any excuse and the killers need to brought to justice. I heard that the clan animosity has been brewing for a while and people have died on both sides. Clan warfare can be stopped when the clans agreed to qisaas and forgo the diya and the authorities need to take control of the situation before it explodes.
  21. Not so fast, son. Somalia is very much alive. Only living things feel as much pain, trial and tribulation as Somalia. Sometimes, you have to have a near death experience to experience real living. Somalia has sweet days ahead of her, just as pain is always followed by relief. Gardaro read the above answer and don't ever ask a silly question like that.
  22. Juje wrote Tell the SSU, CBA, ASW, UUS, or any other trio you can pick that Dalxa should be in Xamar and part of the delegation seeing the President off during one of his foreign trips - and not in foreign capital cities welcoming the President. We have ambassadors and Diasporas for that role. Any thing other than that is pure rubbish. . You are still not getting it? To ask Dalxa to go back to Xamar is one thing but to say that he was "humilate" for being denied to welcome President Sharif is totally childish. I am surprised that Sharif camp keep shooting themselves in the foot by supporting the foolish action of a mere ambassodor.
  23. Where is Juje, looks like he agrees with the "humilation" in his thread covering the same subject.? Or on May be not.
  24. Outside plan will not work. That has been done already. A plan to bring shabaab on board without alqaa'ida elements or ask for more foreign troops to defeat them.
  25. Outside plan will not work. That has been done already. A plan to bring shabaab on board without alqaa'ida elements or ask for more foreign troops to defeat them.