Peace Action

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Everything posted by Peace Action

  1. Shirka oo habsami u socda, I like it. Now we need some action items out of the conference such: 1) Education and infracture development such as diging wells, water basins, major water dams to fight drought. How about each person donating the cost of one cup of coffee ie $2 strickly for humanitarian activities.
  2. You mean diddly squat as Rush would say when he is angry. Wow. Great pictures, let us pray for a bright future.
  3. Thanks MMA for the clean up. That will teach them not to waste their time and energy with insults next time. Brothers let us keep the forum clean.
  4. Duke, This is very impressive conference, kudus to the Somali community in Mnpls, they are making positive contributions. I wonder if the processing will be video taped so that those who are unable to attend can benefit.
  5. You are typical of your worthless lot. First of all. You are a failure, your society and what it stood it for. You have no right to even partake in normal society. Yes you and your female genitalition abuse and a culture that has amounted to nil. Your mother, bless her, would not take kindly to the above statement. Let me suggest you stop insulting Somalis & Muslims and we would do likewise. Fair enough.
  6. You are typical of your worthless lot. First of all. You are a failure, your society and what it stood it for. You have no right to even partake in normal society. Yes you and your female genitalition abuse and a culture that has amounted to nil. Your mother, bless her, would not take kindly to the above statement. Let me suggest you stop insulting Somalis & Muslims and we would do likewise. Fair enough.
  7. 1.53 bln Muslims, there more muslims in Indonesia than all the arab countries combined. This is an excellent work.
  8. 1.53 bln Muslims, there more muslims in Indonesia than all the arab countries combined. This is an excellent work.
  9. It is politically naive to think that all Puntlanders or majority oppose Sh. Sharif. In fact the majority support him and wish him to succeed because that will benefit the people unlike seccessiont who believe that the tragedy in Somalia is good for their "gooni isu taag". The article in question is written poorly and is incoherent and reflects badly on the auther. The only good part is the title "Sharif Xarif". Indeed Sharif waa Xarif politically since he was able to come from nowhere and take the toughest job in the world today.
  10. Waa nin badow ah, yesterday he was encouraging AMISON troops to be killed and now that he changed sides he though he could slip into Uganda unannouced. People like Indhacada are like cancer in the govt of Sharif, the sooner they are discarded the better for the TFG.
  11. This is one of the times I got jealous not residing in MN. Good for the Somalis in the twin cities to act respectfully and welcome Sh. Sharif. The majority are quietly rooting for the President to succeed.
  12. Moonlight1 you gave the President some Sanbus. Seriously, you keyboard warriors how long would you last in Mogadisho? May be one minute will be too much for you and you will run faster than Abdi Bile.
  13. Good job, thanks to the former Cade admin, a major task was achieved. Thanks also to Faroole for continuing the economic and political progress of Puntland.
  14. Poker, Don't be surprised if there is DNA test machine in Hargaysa General Hospital. I am sure the doctors there can find a way to do test if given the chance, after all they perform daily more difficult tasks.
  15. Haduu dafiray ilmaha, it is easy to take his DNA and match it with the baby. The days of denial of illegimate child is over. This is a case where the courts need to take up the matter and resolve it. If he did it, then throw the book at him. A shameful act indeed.
  16. It is Faroole admin learning how to deal with the media on job. He should learn to how ignore and make his own news. That is what all govts do nowadays.
  17. Zack, Do you know what you are talking about? Very few of the shabaabs are known Islamic scholars. Most of the them are too young to know more than the average Farah. Their eventual downfall will be their hunger for power and limiting it to themselves.
  18. Allaha u naxariisto. May Allah have mercy on him and give patience to his loving family. Blessed with unparallel brilliancy and with unique intellect, Abdalla was a remarkable pragmatic thinker with creative writing style
  19. Did anyone notice the top officials are all sheikhs. Does that mean shabaab believe that wadaads are the only people qualified to be leaders like Iran.
  20. Sadly the lone super power does the same thing everday. Leave Sl security services alone.
  21. Waa beentii, Africaown wrote: -------------------- --------------- ^^ I'll like to see Faisal take it all. Silaanyo and his whole camp are just reduced to just crying and provoking things. I think everyone wants to see Udub to sit down, but Silaanyo and his camp are making a lot of unnecessary & wrong political moves. You have to be patient with these Udub guys. Plus..I hear that Cawil is the true culprit behind the Riyaale admin. Sad to say that his my uncle. -------------------- ----------------
  22. Nuxurka qodobada heshiiska ah ee la kala saxeexday, ayaa waxa dhigayaan; in saddexda xisbiba is-la ogaalaadeen in diiwaan-gelinta lagu galo doorashada oo liis sharci ah la diyaariyo, in xisbiyadu is-la ogalaadeen in xubnaha Komishanka is-bedel lagu sameeyo si loo dhiso kalsoonida ay xisbiyadu ka qabaan komishanka, in xisbiyadu isla ogolaadeen in khubaro caalami ah dibada laga keeno khubaro caalami ah oo Komishanka ka caawiya doorashooyinka oo weliba talo ka bixiya sida ugu xirfadaysan ee SERVER-ka diwaan-gelinta codbixiyeyaasha loo kala saxayo, taas oo Guddida doorashooyinku ku jaan-goynayaan maalinta cusub ee doorashada madaxtooyada, in muddada kordhinta ee madaxweynuhu ku ee kaato doorashda madaxtooyada bil ka bacdi Good for the people of SL, peaceful conflict resolution is win win for everybody. When the elections will take place is not clear.
  23. It does not matter who he is, even MP can not escape justice. Throw the book at him if he did it, what a shameful person.
  24. Excellent pictures and good progress for Somalia.