Peace Action

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Everything posted by Peace Action

  1. Mr. Bugland's hero worship is evident for all to see. What will he do when his King is dethroned?
  2. Another question for A&T isn't there a significant portion of the ONLF people who are working for administration of Kilinka. I believe one of them was the President at one time?
  3. A&T wuu carooday ma foga. Still it is surprising to see him call for clan warfare. The good news is that cooler heads will prevail in the end.
  4. anigu dhiig baan cabbay Ciidamadii xooga somaliyeeed baan liqay Xaaji is this really true or is just a metaphor?
  5. Xaajigu waa runtiis, shalay Ethiopia ayaa cadow ahayd maantana waxay ladagaalamayaan asxaabtooda Sh. Sharif TFG iyo Xisbi Islaam in Kismayo. In other words, they are eating their babies.
  6. If the Somalis were organized and united when the Tigray came to power, they would have accomplished a lot by now. They could have build strong institutions and become one of the dominant groups in Ethiopia and would have the option to seek independance at some point in the future if necessary. The problem for Somalis even in Somalia is that a house divided against itself can not stand.
  7. The only common interest should be to get justice and live peacefully with your fellow citizens.
  8. If you have the demographics in your favour as far as muslim identity is concerned, assimilation will be determined by the majority in the long run.
  9. Casha Geelle is becoming quite famous and is a capable minister better than her male conterparts. Somalis in MN should do fundraising for the minister so that she can more for the people back home.
  10. Zack don't be angry brother, Duke is starting a discussion for the betterment of Somalis in the Somali region of Ethiopia. What is the bet strategy to move the Somali people forward towards better future. What I will add to the discussion is Ethiopia's population is 60% muslim and growing. I was told in Addis Ababa there are more muslims than ever and Friday prayers overflow to the streets, a situation unimaginable in the time of Haile Selasi. What is wrong with stoping armed struggle and becoming better citizens of Ethiopia? AT&T can you forcast the long term implications of such a strategy?
  11. Kelmadda Nazi way ba'day. Odayga lama yaabin waayo wingnuts maraykanka waxay Obama ubixiyeen Hilter Nazi.
  12. Mr. Somalia walaal isku xishood. The late President of Somalia, Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke said: Being the then Prime minister, Mr. Sharmarke was asked how his government could manage the elections and the Ethiopian aggression at the same time. He remarked his popular utterance “we will fight with one hand and hold the elections with the other”.
  13. Horta, Somaliland maanta ma ay abuurmin, xadka ama maabka Somalilandna waxa la sameeyay 1884 oo cidna laga baryi maayo. Inagu (reer Somaliland) waxaynu degenahay Itoobiya oo soonkaa (Hawd) ciddi inagagama badna, Jabuuti ciddi inagagama badna, Is he saying our clan is the majority in Djibouti & Hawd ?
  14. This will be very good development. In Puntland the aid agencies that reside there waste a lot of many going back and forth to Nairobi. Everytime there is security problem such bombing, they run to Nairobi wasting a lot of resources. Unfortunately until the fighting stops in Mogadishu, the UN will have the perfect excuse not have offices in relatively safe areas in Somalia.
  15. He should retire from politics, just like A/Y. This is not the time to call for more bloodshed, there is already too much blooshed for no good reason.
  16. A better question will be what the M society want?
  17. Allaha u naxariisto, EAU insha allah will be his sadaqa jaariya.
  18. Interesting gibberish, keep them coming. Dheg haw dhigin jees jeeskooda.
  19. 2.In beeshu ay qayb ka tahay Dowlada Soomaaliyeed ee Puntland ayna diyaarna u tahay doonista midnimo Soomaaliyeed. This sounds very constructive. After all the meeting was about unifying the powerful darwish clan. Allow u gargaar ummadda, aamiin.
  20. This is Somalia and the writer is in Mogadishu by the name Abdi Shaikh. Tell me who will corroborate this story? I will tell you no one can do it. All the women in Mogadishu wear "Jilbaab" that covers them pretty well. It is illogical that some religious person will remove the "Jilbaab" and look whether a particular lady is wearing bra or not. This story is pure fabrication.
  21. This looks like propoganda. I doubt the shabaab can be accused of being that immoral.
  22. If Garaad Jama can unify his people, then it will not take much to evict Somaliland. If that does not happen then it will be better to keep the status quo because Somaliland is still part of Somalia contrary to cool aid drinkers of secessionists.
  23. If Garaad Jama can unify his people, then it will not take much to evict Somaliland. If that does not happen then it will be better to keep the status quo because Somaliland is still part of Somalia contrary to cool aid drinkers of secessionists.
  24. Cowke don't be silly and stop your clanish comments. Read the article, it is 4 pages long and then make your comment without reference to clanism.
  25. By Jeffrey Bartholet | NEWSWEEK Published Oct 1, 2009 From the magazine issue dated Oct 12, 2009 Share: Facebook Digg (4)Tweet LinkedIn Buzz up! (2) Tools: 60 Post Your Comment Print Email SPONSORED BY Email To A Friend Please fill in the following information and we'll email this link. Your Email Address Recipient's Email Address Separate multiple addresses with commas SPONSORED BY At Dul Madoba, which means Black Hill in Somali, a jihadist known to his enemies as the Mad Mullah enjoyed a great victory in 1913. It is a place and a moment of legend in these parts, but the site remains as it was, a wilderness of thorn bushes and termite mounds. No heroic memorial marks the spot. No restored ruin, no sturdy plinth holding up a statue. The place is venerated in other ways. Every Somali with an education knows what happened here, back when the area was a protectorate ruled by British authorities. Some have memorized verses of a classic Somali poem written by the mullah. The gruesome ode is addressed to Richard Corfield, a British political officer who commanded troops on this dusty edge of the empire. The mullah instructs Corfield, who was slain in battle, on what he should tell God's helpers on his way to hell. "Say: 'In fury they fell upon us.'/Report how savagely their swords tore you." The mullah urges Corfield to explain how he pleaded for mercy, and how his eyes "stiffened" with horror as spear butts hit his mouth, silencing his "soft words." "Say: 'When pain racked me everywhere/Men lay sleepless at my shrieks.' " Hyenas eat Corfield's flesh, and crows pluck at his veins and tendons. The poem ends with a demand that Corfield tell God's servants that the mullah's militants "are like the advancing thunderbolts of a storm, rumbling and roaring." They rumbled and roared for two full decades. The British launched five military expeditions in the Horn of Africa to capture or kill Muhammad Abdille Hassan, and never succeeded (though they came close). British officers had superior firepower, including the first self-loading machine gun, the Maxim. But the charismatic mullah knew his people and knew the land: he hid in caves, and crossed deserts by drinking water from the bellies of dead camels. "I warn you of this," he wrote in one of many messages to his British foes. "I wish to fight with you. I like war, but you do not." The sentiment would be echoed almost a century later, in Osama bin Laden's 1996 declaration of war against the Americans: "These [Muslim] youths love death as you love life." History doesn't really repeat itself, but it can feed on itself, particularly in this part of the world. Sagas of past jihads become inspirations for new wars, new vengeance, until the continuum of violence can seem interminable. In the Malakand region of northwest Pakistan, where the Taliban today has been challenging state power, jihadists fought the British at the end of the 19th century. In Waziristan, a favored Qaeda hideout, the Faqir of Ipi waged jihad against the British in the 1930s and '40s. Among the first to take on the British in Africa was Muhammad Ahmad, the self-styled "Mahdi," or redeemer, whose forces killed and beheaded Gen. Charles George Gordon at Khartoum. But no tale more closely tracks today's headlines, and shows the uneven progress of the last century, than that of Muhammad Abdille Hassan. His story sheds light on what is now called the "forever war," the ongoing battle of wills and ideologies between governments of the West and Islamic extremists. There's no simple lesson here, no easy formula to bend history in a new direction. It's clear, even to many Somalis, that the mullah was brutal and despotic, and that his most searing legacy is a land of hunger and ruin. But he's also admired—for his audacity, his fierce eloquence, his stubborn defiance in the face of a superior power. Among Somalis, the mullah's sins are often forgiven because he was fighting an occupier, a foreign power that was in his land imposing foreign values. It is a sentiment that is shared today by those Muslims who give support to militants and terrorists, and one the West would do well to better understand. The Rise of the Mullah Muhammad Abdille Hassan was slightly over six feet tall, with broad shoulders and intense eyes. Somalis called him Sayyid, or "Master." (They still do.) He got much of his religious training in what is now Saudi Arabia, where he studied a fundamentalist brand of Islam related to the Wahhabi teachings that have inspired Al Qaeda. Stories abound about how he came to be called the Mad Mullah. According to one popular version, when he returned to the Somali port of Berbera in 1895, a British officer demanded customs duty. The Sayyid brusquely asked why he should be paying a foreigner to enter his own country. Other Somalis asked the Brit to pay the man no mind—he was just a crazy mullah. The name stuck. Many Somalis would come to think him mad in another sense—that he was touched by God. "He was very charismatic," says historian Aw Jama Omer Issa, who is 85 years old and interviewed many of the Sayyid's followers before they died off. "Whenever you came to him, he would overwhelm you. You would lose your senses…To whomever he hated, he was very cruel. To those he liked, he was very kind." His forces wore distinctive white turbans and called themselves Dervishes. The first British officer to hunt the mullah and attempt to crush his insurgency was Lt. Col. Eric Swayne, a dashing fellow who had previously been on safari to Somaliland, hunting for elephant and rhino, kudu and buffalo. He was dispatched from India, and brought with him an enterprising Somali who had once worked as a bootblack polishing British footwear. Musa Farah would serve one British overlord after another. He would gain power, wealth, and influence beyond anything he could have imagined, including a sword of honor from King Edward VII.