Peace Action

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Everything posted by Peace Action

  1. Mr. Bugland it is Somalilamd Times what do you expect. And the picture is fake, where did that picture was published again?
  2. Aw Tusbaxle kadroo dibi dhal. Ilaahay sharta reer Puntland iyo Somali oo dhan haka celiyo, aamiin.
  3. Faroole's past misdeeds will not matter if he takes concrete action against this organized targeted killings. I do not understand why he is not fired up and outraged and moblizing security services and the media and assigning bodyguards to all govt officials. But if he is not upto the job, then people will remember his past mistakes. They need to find who is behind these crimes fast?
  4. Allah u naxariisto. Is he related to Ali Abdi Aware, the former minister.
  5. Of course, the chicken crossed the road because it could not stand the nonsense on the other side. But the shameless Buglanders will do everything in their power to prevent everyone from knowing that it, indeed, and unequivocally crossed the road. ------------------------------------------------ Weli Aw Tusbaxle caraddii kama degin.
  6. Suldaan Xume iyo Macnoyare if you believe that I will sell you a bridge in NY. Bosaso is the most sucessful commercial city in Somalia and it's port has been in operational for the past 19 years. Why, because it has the lowest tarrifs and is open to all Somalis let alone Puntlanders. Even your own people instead of Berbera do profitable business in Bosaso.
  7. Waryaa Qudhac adiga mahadsanid xataa lagaama helo, warninku bakhaylsanaa (maybe only when it comes to Puntland). The hijackers are in jail in Bosaso, one of them was injured. I don't think they will get out easily.
  8. Soomalinimo needs to be brought back to Northeastern Somalia. Don't worry Somalinimo is alive and well in Puntland and that is why for the last 19 years all peace loving Somalis are welcome and are thriving in Puntlamd state of Somalia. Whatever shortcoming are of the Puntland state are minor compared to the real tragedy of the constant mindless warfare in the south (specially Mogadishu) that has brought shame and destruction to Somalia. We went from Brutal dectatorship to the worst kind of anarchy.
  9. This is crazy idea but not as crazy as calling for seccession, which I am afraid may be what this misguided clanish idea will lead to. The blue flag will always fly on the Puntland state of Somalia and as long as there is a federal system where each region can manage it's own local affairs their will be peace and progress.
  10. Ethiopia wants to milk uncle sam for no existent threat to the north at the moment. Shabaab are in quaqmire in the south and have no far sighted strategy of how to govern the Somalia.
  11. Both of you, your tongues (in your case the keyboard) work faster then your brains.
  12. Xaajigu sidu dhiiga u cabayba, siyaad bu riyo ku arkaa habeen kasta.
  13. Sayidka, wixii afxun ba is metala Good point. Maxaad isu xiijinaysaa. Isudhaaf iyagaa isafyagaan, mise timirta lafbaa ku jidha?
  14. Sayidka, Qolo kasta rag afxun baa halka umetala, adiga maxaa ku saaray kuwaaga. Jinni jinni kale baa af yaqaan.
  15. ^^or qashinkii Puntiland oo daan baa jooga halkan and the nice normal ones hang out else where- hence why the normal ones are a minority here. The others are probably too embarrassed to be associated with daad kuu sheegan meesha ka buuxa who all speak on behalf of the people of puntiland The kettle calling the pot black, nin ka afxun Oodweyne kana faan badan meeshaan majoogo waana ina adeerkaa, is he qashin too? The "qashin" as you call are from every region and they cancel each other, no need to pick on Puntlanders.
  16. Timely post, the more things change, the more they stay the same.
  17. Job well done PDF congradulations. Duke, is there english translation?
  18. If there is one thing we learned in the last 18 years is that peace is everything. Excellent observation. All Somali portals are clan oriented, surprised?
  19. Ps. I own you son. AfricaOwn it is amazing how a person who doe not speak the language can be more clanish than the average Farah in Erigavo Son, talk of what you personally own, not even what your blood brohter owns.
  20. Suldaanka So fact don't matter, it is trade house not embassy. Kabish.
  21. Other Ethiopian representations abroad - Somalia - Hargeisa, Trade Office Stop posting lies. He is just trade rep in a city in Somalia.
  22. This is a good post, well done Cowke. Don't pay attention to haters.