Peace Action

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Everything posted by Peace Action

  1. At least in the south Somali people are not kidnapped and handed over to Ethiopia. Talk about leadership! Are naive or you just wake up. In Mogadishu in the time of warlords so many people have been kidnapped and sold to Ethiopia and USA. What is this a romatic view of the south that crontradicts reality, my son the place have become the graveyard for Somalia for last 20 years.
  2. ThankfulSP you are missing the point, the fact that there is outrage is good for Puntland to correct it mistakes. We need to hold Somali leaders to high standard to protect human rights and when that happens is the day we will be able to join the civilized world.
  3. MMA don't forget Zinawi was once a stooge of Somalia according to your logic so what changed. I don't believe that Ethiopia calls the shots in Puntland, they have influence and interest but they are unable to dictate and overrule Puntland against its own interest and well being. Puntland does not need or relay on Ethiopia for anything, therefore their influence is limited for their capacity to make mischief. Waxaan midnimo iyo iskaashi la'aanta Soomaalida keentay. Midba mooradiisa loogu hanjabo, juuqna dhihi karin. I gree with you on this point but it is the senseless and never ending war for 20 years that has consumed our Capital Mogadishu and ultimately shamed and dishonored the Somali people everywhere.
  4. No, bad press is never good when it comes to governments (Can't say the same for publicity seeking stars}. It is ironic that Faroole who rode to power using the media successfully to attack Cade Muse fairly or unfairly is today impotant and belwildered by the bad press he caused for himself and for Puntland. If I was Faroole, I will get rid of his communication director and I will advice him also to measure his words and speak more diplomatically. In addition, he needs to release the 4 political prisoners and pay blood money for the deceased as good will measure.
  5. Xaaji Xayraan baa beeta soo daabacay, dheg ha'u dhigin. Saxib you loose credibility when you yourself write fake news. Or may be not, claiming a fake country to fake news.
  6. Allaha u naxariisto, there is no better place to die than Makkah during Dul-Hija.
  7. Mr. Bugland do you what corruption is? The absence of law and order hence the absence of governemnt institution is the biggest contributor to corruption. For example when there is illegal road block and citizens are asked to pay money by force that is one of the worest kind of corruption.
  8. Mr.Bugland, this is worrying you eh? Che did you notice the letter says office of the President but signed by the VP with the VP seal. Where Mr. Bugland got this letter?
  9. We are all tested in various ways by Allah (S.W.T.) in this world. In the Qur’an, in Surah Baqarah (2: 155), Allah States unequivocally that He will test us: Be sure we shall test you with something of fear and hunger, some loss in goods or lives or the fruits (of your toil), but give glad tidings to those who patiently persevere,
  10. Good and realistic analysis and a concrete solution to the piracy problem. Aw muuse your flag is taking too much bandwith, make it smaller.
  11. Macno Yare stop digging. You lost the argument and you are the emotional one. The best course for you is to wait one year and then compare data.
  12. MMA to be fair the Transparecy Int'l defines corruption inn the case of Somalia as follows: "Corruption in Somalia has been perceived to be the highest in the 2007-2009 CPI. This does not, however, indicate that Somalia is the ‘most corrupt country’ or that Somalians are the ‘most corrupt people’. While corruption is one of the most formidable challenges to good governance, development and poverty reduction in Somalia, the vast majority of the people are only victims of corruption. Corruption by a limited number of powerful individuals, and failure of leaders and institutions to control or prevent corruption , does not imply that a country or its people are most corrupt.
  13. No surprise here. It is the non-stop killing that is bring death and destruction to the proud people of Somalia. Yaa Allah ummadan ugargaar, aamiin.
  14. Somalia tops list of most corrupt countriesNovember 17, 2009 -- Updated 1204 GMT (2004 HKT) Heavily-armed militants patrol the streets of Somalia's crumbling capital, Mogadishu.STORY HIGHLIGHTS Transparency International's annual Corruption Perception Index measures perceived levels of public sector corruption Survey found that lowest-scoring countries were fragile, unstable and scarred by war or long-standing conflicts Somalia topped the list as most corrupt, while New Zealand ranked highest at the other end of the scale RELATED TOPICS Transparency International Somalia (CNN) -- War-plagued Somalia, with its crumbling government infrastructure, is the world's most corrupt country, according to a global survey by the international watchdog Transparency International. The group's annual Corruption Perception Index measures perceived levels of public sector corruption. As was the case last year, the 2009 survey found that countries that scored lowest all have something in common: they are fragile, unstable and scarred by war or long-standing conflicts. The group scored 180 countries on a scale of 0 (perceived to be highly corrupt) to 10 (perceived to have low levels of corruption). Somalia scored 1.1. Next came Afghanistan at 1.3, Myanmar at 1.4, and Sudan and Iraq -- both at 1.5 On the other end of the scale, New Zealand ranked highest at 9.4, followed by Denmark (9.3), Singapore and Sweden (9.2) and Switzerland (9.0). The United States came it at 19 (7.5) and the United Kingdom was at 17 (7.7). "When essential institutions are weak or non-existent, corruption spirals out of control and the plundering of public resources feeds insecurity and impunity," the group said. On the other hand, countries that fared well in the survey have oversight to stem corruption. These include a well-performing judiciary, an independent media, and vigorous law enforcement, it said.
  15. Macno Yare again you are making up facts why Berbera dos not export to Yemen. How do you know the Bosaso from 2001 to present only exported to Yemen to the tune of 1.6 million? If you do not know livestock is exported to Oman and UAE as well. In terms of tonnage Berbera can handle more then Bosaso (deep water port etc), for example imports for Ethiopia, but in terms of livestock Bosaso has managed to outperform Berbera and the charts produced by The Point proof that notwithstanding your weak explanation. Pirate money is definately xaraan and it brings more harm than good and Puntland admin is trying their best to stop it if ransom giving nations cooperate in stopping both pirates and illegal sea fishing and illegal toxic waste dumping.
  16. The only thing you did not say is Puntland is F-aqash Land Exactly they see history passing before their eyes and are stuck in the strugle mode of yesteryear and are unable to articulate a way out for their fiefdom. What is left for them is to shout "pirateland" and thump their chests in the comfort of their homes in the west oblivious even to the politically correct language that are used daily in their presence. They will remain camel boys till their demise but their is still time to change and join the 21st century.
  17. I saw the aljazirah report and it was very good. What we can say is that Dahabshiil way duushay and that is good for all Somalis since now it is the largest money transfer company in the horn of Africa and it operates all over Somalia and many other countries.
  18. So Faroole wants to amend the accord, says who? It is more likely some warlord ministers who started this media war are pushing Sharif around. Sharif needs to show strong leadership, either state the obvious or tell us why the accord is bad for the TFG.
  19. To be fair Berbera is a natural deep water sea port much bigger then Bosaso and can handle a lot more cargo since bigger ships can dock in it. In terms of total tonage handled, Berbera will take the lead. In livestock export and imports of "bagaash" Bosaso beats Berbera handly because it has much lower tarriffs.
  20. Juje if the accord will be implemented then why create unnecessary animosity. When Sharif and Faroole met, it will have been an excellent opportunity to hold joint press conference to showcase how the TFG is working with states in the peaceful parts of Somalia. This will advance the clout of the TFG and pave the way for more support inside and outside. Sharif needs to take charge of this issue and show leadership.
  21. As passengers, we kept screaming at the hijackers, especially Faisal, who had grown more nervous and was jumping between one window to the next, seeking a ground sign for confirmation. The hero is Mohammed Deeq and the screaming passengers who confused the hijakers until they landed back in BQ airport. Thank God no one was hurt and the hijakers are in custody.
  22. Carry on boys, Puntland is collapsing, no it is not collapsing since it never existed. The fact that you are obssessed with Puntland shows you are merely wishing the state to cease to exist for your own selfish "gooni isutaag".
  23. This contradicts the Puntland constitution which clearly states Puntland state of Somalia. Therefore Puntland waa maamul goboleed. Maxay Somalidu dhehdaa oohintu orgiga ka weeyn. The main dispute, I am guessing, is the oil exploration. Both TFG and Puntland want to control the oil sector.
  24. A Good question that is in the mind of all sincere Somalis. May be the solution will come when the old generation passes away as in the 40 years when God made the jews to wander. I hope we don't have to wait another 20 years.