Peace Action

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Everything posted by Peace Action

  1. Allaha u naxariisto, janadana haka waraabiyo, aamiin.
  2. What is far worse are the leaders who have brainwashed these young men to committ mass murder in the name of religion while they themselvess are unwilling to do the same and instead enjoy life.
  3. Mr. Bugland, of course I am sure. The people will not allow it.
  4. Xiin waa runtii Aw Tusbaxle caaqiba maleh. Haddu u habar wacday Oodweyne? Don't be simpleton, Puntland has not and will not declare secession. It will continue to be a constructive state for the restoration of the Somali state. It is not going the road to nowhere like Somaliland.
  5. Puntland definitely is not seceding, however, the timing of adopting new flag may confuse some people about the real intention of Faroole administration. There is nothing wrong with designing a new flag but the timing is bad. I will recommend to delay the adoption of the new flag until the country becomes stable and each federal state can have it's own flag. I like the idea of having a cresent and the somali flag colors of blue and white on the new flag.
  6. You understand exactly what I am saying but your udubness has blinded you Waa runtaa Xaaji Mr. Bugland kacaanka ayuu ahaa ninku show, marka "Udubness" is the same thing.
  7. I think this is not the time to change the blue flag. I say keep the blue flag for now and when the federal system is implimented for the whole country, then each state can choose their local flag and anthem. The reason is to alley the fears of other Somalis including Puntlanders who may believe this is the first sign of seccession.
  8. How do you know it is not true. They kill the innocent for political power which is much worse then piracy?
  9. Looks like suicide belt. Allow sahal amuuraha. Sheekh Xasan daahir Aweys ayaa yiri “Falkaas waxaa gaystay Kooxo Dabaallo ah waxay laayeen dadkii Indhaha u ahaa Bulshada Soomaaliyeed ma noqo doono midkii ugu dambeeyay iyo kii ugu horeeyay kuwa ka daran ayaa la sugayaa” Is this a predition for worse things to happen and is he alluding to alshabaab (Kooxo Dabaallo ah)?
  10. Oodweyne as usual you are looking at the glass as half empty rather then half full when it comes to the affairs of Somalia. It is a statement of condolence and offer of help in a very tragic time, however much you try to question the ulterior motive of Faroole.
  11. “Marka hore waxaan tacsi u dirayaa dhamaan umadda Soomaaliyeed, aad baan uga xumahay qaraxa xoogan ee maanta ka dhacay Muqdisho raga ku dhintey waxaa ku jira kuwo aan dhawaan isbaranay sida Caddow, nin qaaliya ayuu ahaa runtii aad ayaan uga naxay, fal shaydaan ayuu ahaa, dad xaflad iyo farax ku jirey ardey qalinjebineysa oo ah aqoonyahankii maanta iyo kuwii beri in la xasuuqo, runtii waan ka tacsiyeynayaa aniga oo ku hadlaaya magaca Dawladda Soomaaliyeed ee Puntland” ayuu yiri madaxweyne Faroole.
  12. How many times do i need to REPEAT: 'shabaab & kuwo kaleba ma taageersaniye: 'DHURWAA DHURWAA KA GAR DARAN BAANAN ARKI KARIN'. Good point. Laakiin yaan lagu arkin adigoo mardambe u hiilinaya.
  13. Maaddeey fursad baad haysataa inaad Alshabaab kala noqoto kalsoonida haddii aad rumaysantahay in dadka lalaayey xaqdaro lagu dilay. Waa tii kadhacday Beledweyene oo ay qirteen, tanna waa lamid. It is the sucide bombing that needs to be condemned and any group that uses it should loose any legimaticy they have in the society.
  14. Is this Shabaab's Waterlo. It seems that this act may be the last straw that broke the camels back. Let us hope young people will see the fultility of sucide killing. It is not the way to jannah but surely it the way to hellfire.
  15. Allah u naxariisto, ehelkoodna samir iyo imaan. Waxay dhineteen iyagoo wadankooda, dadkooda iyo diintooda u adeegaya waxaana dilay gacan ka xaq daran.
  16. Cawke got all of you with a bit of fantastic unreal story. It does not make sense that the proud sons of Bosaso will target their own city. Reer d waa loo gefay.
  17. A bomb thrown at people watching a movie, I wonder who could that be? Of course the shabaab are behind this crime. One question for shabaab supporters, which is more sinful killing and maiming for watching movie or watching a movie?
  18. As the election approaches, UDUB party is increasingly becoming nervous and lose all self belief and decency standards, if they have any! The writer is not sure if there is a time table for election otherwise he will not write as the election approaches.
  19. Actually if his son was advising him on the media lately then the appointment looks even worse. The question is why reward incompetence and the answer is because he is my son and that will be regarded as nepotism.
  20. Mr. Bugland is at it again with posting of evil propoganda against the beautiful religion of Islam without any qualification or commentary defending Islam and Prophet(pbuh). It is not fair to condemn a religion for the misdeeds of few. Will you condemn christianity for what Hitler did, no.
  21. Xaaji will you be consistant and proclaim good news if Shabaab took over your city Burco?
  22. If they ban Mosque Minaret in effect they are showing their intolerance of Islamic places of worship and it creates a message that Muslims are not welcome in Swizerland and its Muslim citizens will become second class citizens. This is the start of silippery slope where the next target will be to ban hijab for Muslim women, then ban Muslims from worshipping in Mosques or Public places. I think the Swiss people are wise enough to reject this ban and realize that discrimination is harmful to its Muslim citizens and counter productive for the country as a whole.
  23. Discussing positive development is better than the usual death and destruction posted here, no?
  24. I don't find in the link where Qudhac is quoting. I am sure the final numbers will be closer to 2 million for Berbera & Bosaso ports and will be good progress for Somali people.