Peace Action

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Everything posted by Peace Action

  1. Cowke buufis baa kugu dhacay miyaa. Son you are losing it and people are laughing at you so better stop it.
  2. I have stopped katfan and stereotyping, not giving my opinions on the deeds and misdeeds of Puntland administration and politicians. I don't think the trouble was attacking the administration or the politicians, that is fair game even for Puntlanders. However the issue was blanket, unwarranted attacks on the people of Puntland.
  3. Aw Tusbaxle are you serious, I have the feeling this is temporary cease fire and the keyboard fight will resume at a later time of your own choosing.
  4. Ibti and North secretly rooting for Aw Tusbaxle to cement the alliance.
  5. Maaddeey waa runtaa laakiin and this is unacceptable,, but Mr. Bugland isaga ulajeedo gaar ayuu leeyahay ee kama naxayo dadka Soomaalida dhibku haysto. I am sure the govt will not tolerate this kind of hooliganism. Still they need to tighten security and prevent these dangerous bombing before things get out of hand.
  6. Duke that is your opinion but is not based on facts. Most people will prefer Sh. Sharif to either Al Shabaab or anarchy.
  7. Puntland will welcome sh. Sharif and the parliment until Mogadishu can be secured and I am sure the people of Puntland will welcome it. The only problem will be the move will allow the Al shabaab to consolidate their rule over the south and will be much harder to dislodge them in the future.
  8. Maaddeey Puntland: the cure of Somalia!
  9. Aw Tusbaxle see the glass as half empty, he does not appreciate the peace and good life of his kin in Puntland.
  10. This is an excellent interview. Dr. Afyare admits that it is unlikely the world will accept the secession of Somaliland. Therefore, I might add, it will prudent to work for the restoration of the Somali state with enough saveguards for all regions to aviod past mistakes.
  11. I second Miles call, let us leave ONLF alone. They are strugeling against merciless enemy and will need all the support they can get. It is never right to attack communities for the misdeeds for others. I am not sure Aw Tusbaxle and company will stop their attacks against the people of Puntland for the misdeeds of Faroole administration and that is unfortunate. Worse he took the same position as secessionst "Guru" Oodweyne for his daily diatribe against Puntland and started even using the same language. As for Aw Tusbaxle assertion about SSC clans, may I remind you that the great darwish and Sanaag clans were signatures to the founding of Puntland in 1998. Don't assume because of the current difficulties, they have left the union.
  12. Shaakir, Can you give us a preview of the significant event that you are alluding to?
  13. The Somali internet portals are reporting that Al Shabaab are preparing a final push against the TFG in Mogadishu. I don't know if this is true but if it is, it is really bad omen for Somalia. Those in the know how should tell us if the TFG has strategy to counter this menace.
  14. Thanks bro for the beautiful pictures and the. football tournment. Keep us upto date and we will see if Miles prediction holds.
  15. Mr Bugland. Somalis are bad (as if your are not Somali), they are even fighting in Yemen that is why we want secession.
  16. Better late than never. All the Scholars must speak out against this dangerous sucide bombing and any violence associate with Islam, the religion of peace.
  17. Again how many Puntland topics Aw Tusbaxle posted since the unfortunate incident in Bosaso, I will say more than any other person. Now I call that the kettle calling the pot black. LST, the owner of SOL, xaal qaado.
  18. I pity the people who call you guru here in SOL because all you are good at is writing long essays full of wicked rants that say nothing of substance. You have learned nothing in your stay in London, you remain a camel boy obssessed with clan supremacy.
  19. No he doesn't get it, he is just magnifying the confusion.
  20. I wonder what message Amiin Caamir is conveying here? I am beginning to lose respect for the man.
  21. Che you screwed up big time, why?. The title should read: Hargaysa: No salaries for Government Workers in Six Months.
  22. Aw Tusbaxle there is no guarantee that oil will be found but the fact that oil wells will be drilled in Puntland is a major milestone. Remember in the Siad Barre regime, Conocco, an American oil company was drilling for oil near Groowe. The prospects are real good and we hope for the best for the poor people of Somalia.
  23. It is good that the oil project is restarted due Farool's wafelling. The signing is just saving face for Farool who opposed the oil agreement when he was in the opposition but now has to accept it because there is no other alternative.