Peace Action

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Everything posted by Peace Action

  1. Baarlamaanka ayaa maanta sidoo kale isku raacay heshiiskii ay gashay Xukuumada Puntland ee ku saabsanaa in lugu dhaqaaqo talaabooyin Shidaalka looga soo saarayo deegaanada Puntland ee Soomaaliya, waxaana ka qeybgalay fadhigan madaxweynaha dawladda Puntland ee Soomaaliya. The parliament also approved the agreement the government reached concerning the drilling of oil in Puntland and the President of Puntland was present in the deliberations. This was expected and thank God no more political delays for this important endeavor for the economic wellbeing of the Somali people.
  2. Glad they are released, let us hope they have learned their lesson which is that extremism is not the way to advance your cause.
  3. Good for you Miles, your prediction for the final two teams Sool vs Bari is right on target. I am still hoping Sool wins but I am worried.
  4. Win is a win and the winner goes to the finals. Sool all the way.
  5. Here: Last week the New York Post published a controversial cartoon depicting Obama as a shot monkey, apparently criticising the stimulus bill. Today the paper published this statement from Murdoch apologising for offending readers: As the Chairman of the New York Post, I am ultimately responsible for what is printed in its pages. The buck stops with me. Last week, we made a mistake. We ran a cartoon that offended many people. Today I want to personally apologize to any reader who felt offended, and even insulted. Over the past couple of days, I have spoken to a number of people and I now better understand the hurt this cartoon has caused. At the same time, I have had conversations with Post editors about the situation and I can assure you – without a doubt – that the only intent of that cartoon was to mock a badly written piece of legislation. It was not meant to be racist, but unfortunately, it was interpreted by many as such. We all hold the readers of the New York Post in high regard and I promise you that we will seek to be more attuned to the sensitivities of our community.
  6. NG this is not the first time a caroonist runs into trouble, even in your favorite western media it happens all the time. Here in the states caroonist know the limits of their craft.
  7. Can this be considered "qaniima" war booty?
  8. Somalia’s Al Qaeda-linked Shebab overran and looted UN Mine Action Service (UNMAS) compounds in the western town of Baidoa, humanitarian sources and witnesses said Friday. Heavily-armed Shebab fighters stormed three UNMAS compounds in Baidoa, a city which lies 250 kilometres (155 miles) west of Mogadishu, on Thursday. “They took the computers and every piece of equipment they could find,” a local elder, who asked to be named only as Ahmed, told AFP. “We tried to stop the looting but the Shebab wouldn’t listen.” A UN employee speaking on condition of anonymity confirmed the looting. Both sources said foreign jihadi fighters were among the attackers. The raid took place on the same day that the Shebab’s “office for supervising the affairs of foreign agencies” announced it was banning the UN mine-clearing organisation. The Islamist group accused UNMAS of spying charging it had been “surveying and signposting some of the most vital and sensitive areas under the control of the mujahideen (holy warriors).” A UN official speaking on condition of anonymity said Thursday’s attackers made away with three fully-equipped ambulances, as well as valuable radio equipment. In July, Shebab fighters had already looted compounds run by three different UN agencies and made away with several vehicles, at least one of which was later used to carry out a suicide car bomb attack. AFP
  9. Amin has always been fair most of the time but his pirate flag for the region was a bit far-fetched, too much. Very uncivilised, very un-artistic. Agreed that was his low point, and after that the man lost my respect.
  10. Bend Qasim Stadium will be acceptable since that is the old name of the city. Red Sea the name is officially called Ciyaaraha Kubadda Cagta ee Gobolada Puntland . Keep reading these posts for updates, will you.
  11. Che - At least the authorities are on top of this and are not allowing it to get out of control.
  12. I am with Che, Sool all the way. Can't imagine Bari as the top dog. Last time I checked they were good at swimming.
  13. The citizen lady should get a medal for her foresight. Job well done by the police. Ilaahay sharka socda dadka haka badbaadiyo.
  14. Top security leaders are meeting with IDPs to assure them of their safety and that any hooliganism will not tolerated against them. Despite what some of you write here in SOL, Puntland is a resposible state that is why many IDPs are residing there for the past 15 years.
  15. Your motto: Ana waa ikan. going to the moon vs digging oil.
  16. A&T wrote: I have stopped katfan and stereotyping, not giving my opinions on the deeds and misdeeds of Puntland administration and politicians. Peace wrote: I don't think the trouble was attacking the administration or the politicians, that is fair game even for Puntlanders. However the issue was blanket, unwarranted attacks on the people of Puntland.
  17. Only in your mind, and you need help. I will suggest a good Somali psychiatrist in the twin cities.
  18. Because it was grabage or rubbish. It would have been better to delete clan hate from your mind and heart.
  19. I am rooting for Sool but I am shocked with Bari team since when became footbal powerhouse. I guess it all those IDPs bringing their talent to Bosaso.
  20. In all fairness, this is a natural reaction on the part of Puntlanders. Suicide bombings and other forms of bombings have been alien in the recent and far past to this region. When these occur and threaten the social contract among the inhabitants, it's natural in any region to suspect outsiders. Then it becomes time for the elites to either dampen the dangerous mob mentality or encourage it, depending on where the political leadership sees advantage. Good point. The governor of Bari and the Bosaso Mayer already spoke about the need for people not to escape goat the IDPs. In addition, the IDPs have become an integral part of the economy of Bosaso.
  21. Wallahi kuwan sodomitelanders waa deluded I agree this going too far, but you have to admit the boys from SL never get tried of bugland, pirateland etc they are unable or unwilling to say Puntland. Their newspapaers Haatuf and Jamhuriya are even worse using the old colonial mjland. If you live in a glass house, dont throw stones.
  22. Maximus it is not bashing, it is the reality that Qad drug use is contributing to mental illness. Unfortunately or fortunately for you, many Somalis in all the regions of Somalia are suffering from this self inflicted mental illness. It is time Somali scholars called for the taxriim (banning)of Qat just the Saudi Scholars did?
  23. Hamse know the difference between legtimate news and propoganda. Don't shoot the messenger, there are real porblems at IDP camps and the authorities need to do more. For the love of God, drop the use of ONLF boy, please.
  24. The authorities are also taking the matter more seriously. "We have a very good relationship with the local authorities and once we identify the culprit they are arrested and taken to court." Instead of jailing, if the rapist are hanged this henious crime can be eliminated.
  25. North may be you haven't read all the posts; still you want to start another round?. Aw Tusbaxle left on a high note so let us leave it at that.