Peace Action

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Everything posted by Peace Action

  1. I wasn't able to properly explore the city because, though the threat to security is not at all as strong as it is to the east and south, it is still a possibility. And so I became a kind of prisoner in the Ambassador Hotel – a very comfortable place, I must say, in which to be a kind of prisoner. A prisoner in hotel. War xume, belo ku qaaday Mr. Bugland.
  2. War kan Mr. Bugland waa na-cas, markii xolihiisa loo celiyo wuuba kasii daraa. Waxan sugayaa maalinta LA lagasoo eryo oo Xaabsade magaalada kasaaro.
  3. I say stay the course hopefully it will not get worse. Let us hope the TFG has been working to build an army according to the PM and almost ready to take over the capital.
  4. Buttressing Puntland will not bring an end to the piracy problem. Because of a combination of increasing government security sweeps, hostility from the local people and the growing preference of the pirates to work in the relatively vacant Indian Ocean (and not the heavily patrolled Gulf of Aden), the locus of attacks has begun to shift from Eyl to ports farther south, particularly Harardhere. But Puntland remains crucial, and success there might prove a model for similar action in in Harardhere, which is governed by another regional administration distinct from the turbulent south, albeit an extremely weak one. The way to begin is by siphoning to Puntland some of the money flowing into the bottomless coffers of the transitional government. If the international community is serious about ending Somali piracy, it must engage Puntland as a full-time partner. The govt of Puntland is serious about stopping piracy and the population is opposed to the criminal gangs so why the concerned pirated countries keep paying ransom instead of helping Punltand to stop piracy off the coast of Somalia?
  5. One wonders where are the parents of these kids? They should put the gun away and be in school.
  6. Check Horseedmedia article and the comment section below, very interesting.
  7. Those who invested early are making an exceptional profit. Take for example Golis Telecom, they distributed 50% profits for last four years in addition to huge expansion of mobile and land lines for Bari, Sanage, Nugaal, parts of Sool and Mudug. There are still a lot of opportunities but whoever wants to go back to start business must first take a long trip and study what kind of small scale industry is suitable for the environment. Don't assume what works in the west will be suitable and affordable for the people back home. In addition many of us have change (although we hate to admit it) and the life there may be unbearable when compared to the life style may of us are accustomed in the west.
  8. Xaji Xayraan is making fatwa balkawaran Sulayman and the lady leader of the sun worshippers in the Quran.
  9. Well done and any contribution made to such cause will benefit people for centuries.
  10. Ma ogalli anigu inay golaha Duriyada ay so fadhisato ruux dumarii, gabadh ba ku jirta golaha guurtida somaliland. taasa ba dhib igu haysa.Ma adna adan ba Cabdi waraabe miska uu qaraacii iyo ina sheikh madar. Raggii wax keeni waaye, gabdhaha maa la fiiriyo. OO Xaaji golaha ma duriyad keliya baad u ogoshahay?
  11. Only JB would post a couple paragraphs and purposely hide anything that would indicate the source. Dayniile But when we post something from their own enclave (i.e he will dismisses it. Mr. Bugland creating feel good copy&paste from Dayniile.
  12. Dhul barwaaqo ma maqashay, shankaroon?
  13. Guantanamo ‘hell on Earth’, says Somali detainee December 22, 2009A Somali just home from eight years in the US jail at Guantanamo Bay told AFP the prison was “hell on Earth”, and alleged torture there had scarred some of his fellow inmates. Mohamed Saleban Bare, who arrived in his hometown of Hargeisa on Saturday, said he was innocent of any charges that would have caused security forces to arrest him in Pakistan in 2001 and transfer him to the US jail via Afghanistan. “Guantanamo Bay is like hell on Earth,” he said in an interview Monday with an AFP reporter who visited him at his hotel in Hargeisa, capital of the northern breakaway state of Somaliland. “I don’t feel normal yet but I thank Allah for keeping me alive and free from the physical and mental sufferings of some of my friends,” he said. Sporting short hair and a long scrawny beard, Bare says he is in good physical health but looks dazed, speaks very softly and walks gingerly. Bare, 44, was among a dozen Guantanamo detainees from Afghanistan, Yemen and the breakaway Somalia region who were sent home at the weekend, bringing the number of detainees at the “war on terror” prison in Cuba to below 200. He and another Somali, 45-year-old Osmail Mohamed Arale, were handed over to their relatives in Hargeisa by the International Representative Committee of the Red Cross in the presence of Somaliland authorities. “Some of my colleagues in the prison lost their sight, some lost their limbs and others ended up mentally disturbed. I’m OK compared to them,” he said. Bare said he was picked up in the Pakistani port city of Karachi in December 2001, weeks after the United States launched its “war on terror” following the September 11 attacks on Washington and New York. He claims he had been there for some time with several relatives who had fled the violence in Somalia and were hoping to find asylum in a western state. After about four months he was transferred to US military prisons in Kandahar and Bagram in Afghanistan, he said.
  14. The name calling is typical Somali envy, do you know Dahabshiil was known as dhiigshiil and when he became rich, he forced people to call him Dahabshiil. Same withe Puntland, when it becomes rich, then Somalis will be forced to call it Barwaaqo etc.
  15. Ibti only dislikes the Qardho rocks I am not sure she knows about the rocks but how did you know about the rocks of main street?
  16. Qof wargal ah, kana gaabsaday magaciisa iyo laanta uu ka tirsan yahay, balse ka mid ah dawladda Puntland ayaa sheegay in la helay xog cad oo ku wajahan arrintaasi, isla markaasna maalinta nagu soo aadan ay dawladdu banaanka soo dhigi doonto We will see if this is just a wild opinion or is based on facts. He says next day, the govt will make major announcement. I will bet it is just kutri kuteen.
  17. Mr. Bugland shucuurtu (emotions) transplant malaha. TF take it easy or better yet make your own 2009 Jon Stewart.
  18. KT marka macnaheedu iyagaa iska dilay askartooda but why?. A better question is who benefits from instability in Puntland? The people who swore and warned of this kind of activities and are known to have carried out similar activities are the guilty party hear. One may dislike the tactics of PIS and they may need to be reformed, but they are the most competant security apparatus in Puntland.
  19. Aw Tusbaxle is little bit challenged in afarlay so he is going awol and who will think he is related to the master of Somali poetry. As they say "dabkuba dambas buu ka tagaa".
  20. Although a state in a federal system like the USA have their own flags, Somalia is in such turmoil that some people will consider this as a step toward secession. For that reason, I think it was premature to adopt this new flag. The fact that the blue flag was flying over Puntland since the collapse of the central government was source of pride to all Somalis. The Faroole administration and the parliament need to reassure Somalis that this new flag does not become a source of tension and is subservient to the national blue flag of Somalia
  21. Let us hope you are referring to Muharram 1st which started 12/18/09, in that case happy new year to you and to all Solers.
  22. Well done Bari & Congratulations to Sool last years champs. Also well done Miles SOL sportman of the year.
  23. ^Kolkaa adigu ma badbaadi? Nabee Hargeisa ayaa ku xigi doonto He knows but the Puntland bay kaga dhegantahay. Somalis are the all the same, sooner or later the chaos in Mogadishu will spread north and it has.