Peace Action

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Everything posted by Peace Action

  1. Waa rageedii and the Hol Hol will be the turing point Insha Allah for the unity of SSC and the outcome will be known as Hol Hol decision.
  2. Pyrrhic victory but still a victory and you can enjoy it at the moment.
  3. What a mor.on? Like a robot they follow each other, remove the dead from the thread. Whatever Saddam did, he paid the ultimate price in a manly manner, Allaha unaxariisto.
  4. The young Garaad is showing excellent qualities of leadership and any insults directed against him will infact enhance his reputation.
  5. SL boys are happy because they have Xaabsade today and he is the one who is in control of Hol Hol but you don't see the quaqmire Laascaanod has become. All it will take to eject your militia from the city is the unity of SSC which is contrary to your agenda. In addition, since you are against the unity of Somalia, you have shown to be the most unpatriotic and treacherous people of Somalia today and I am speaking every of you who hold these views.
  6. Mr. Bugland xitaa kuwa dhiiga usoo cabay Somaliland haday Riyaale mucaarad ku noqdaan waa "pretender". This is organised political game to confuse Silaanyo and his supporters and hope they do something ****** so that the election is kept in perpedual delay.
  7. Awesome. Where is the music critic Shabeel. Good music and even better message.
  8. Go Che, we are with and hope you take with as many farax and xalimos you can. We are surprised, a blue with an African American governer could elect a republican who is determined to stop heath care.
  9. A perfect excuse to shake Somalis. Kenyan police is known for putting Somalis in jail and release them when they receive their bribe.
  10. lol qoxonti crew..... The Garaad is in Somalia and who is the refugee?
  11. This is not far fetched. The news from Laascanod city is that this was revenge killing (aano qabiil). The above reports reflect the rumors going around in the city and if you do not believe it, just make a phone call to LA.
  12. Ow Gaab, it shows how Somaliland would never become a country because it is driven by tribalism. What is the difference between Laascanod and Burco?
  13. Alaha u naxariisto. Belada Xamar kasocota, Galkacayo, Garowe, Bosaso, haddana Laaska berina Burco saadamena Hargaysa sidataalna Boorame. No one can live in a bubble. War Somaalay tashada and belada meel ugasoo wada jeeshta.
  14. Raamsade your comments are showing your true colors of being anti Muslim. It is not only Turkey but the whole world that is disguisted with the daily humilation and oppression of pals by the jewish state. PM Erdogen is becoming quite stateman and may Allah protect him.
  15. Yalaxow " Arey dawladaan jilicsanaa ma jaamac cali jamac baa". Were is Yalaxow. FCW buufis baa ku dhacaday odayga.
  16. I think this is good move on the part of Silaanyo and a rebuke to Riyaale who mishandled the hearing chaired by the the congressman last year.
  17. Seriously Mr.Bugland, of all people you are talking about being disrespectful. You made business out of mocking Garaads and natives of that city and don't tell me you are losing the propaganda war. Put your experience to some use Che, Mr. Bugland, the chief propoganda of the enclave is like the pot calling the kettle black.
  18. Peace Action


    Very creative Aaliyah. Somalia exists but Somaliland still is a dream for the enclave.
  19. War meesha belaa ka dhacday, Ilaahay ha unaxriisto inta dhimatay. The Somali community must unit to save their kids from the gangs. It goes without saying that killers should never see the light of the day. It will have been better if MN had the death penalty.
  20. Somali pirates, Paul said, are a group of terrorists, "but as long as they can keep the big commercial boats out, not fishing the waters, then it benefits a lot of other smaller people.'' You mean kind of like Robin Hood?
  21. Welcome and enjoy your visit to DC where the old man needs to rest after he was mugged repeatedly by Riyaale in Hargeysa. His supporters need to advice him a way out of the traps set by Riyaale and his supporters to delay and delay elections. If there are no elections, Silaanyo would have no chance to rule Somaliland.
  22. Mr. Bugland wuxu rabaa in Allaha u naxariisto Fagadhe wax laga sheego, taas masoconayso.
  23. It is good the two men are arrested, they should be judged and executed and buried with the Xildhibaanka Alaha u naxariisto. Dhahar is just writing to confuse people with their nonsence. Are they working for alshabaab?
  24. The mugging continues, I thought Xaji will not fall for the cheap propoganda. Riyaale is a Govorner of an important state in Somalia just like Faroole and so he will be be welcomed as such.
  25. Xiinoow Khamiistan ayaan u anbobixi Garowe Insha Allah, anigaa warka inoo keenahaya! Sophist Safar salaama. Warka waa lagaa sugayaa yaa Garaad.