Peace Action

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Everything posted by Peace Action

  1. So much for reaching the british colonial borders, and thanks to Buhoodle the blue flag is flying high and congradulations for the new airport.
  2. Ibti, actually Burco police is doing what you just advocated and are holding men and trucks hostage and it is worse when athorities act like bandits. The hostages in Puntland are being held by the families of the jailed pirates and Puntland govt should try to free the men and their trucks.
  3. So the trucks and truckers will be held for their own safety Obviosly a tit for tat, and worse Burco police did it vs pirates in Garaad.
  4. War ninku wuu khafiifay, it is Qardho not Qardo. By the way, those of you have are challenged in the Somali histroy, It is this city where AUN C/Rashid Ali Sharmaarke was first elected as an MP.
  5. What happen? now, Jidbaale is your most trusted news website Maxaa ku dhacay website yadii somalidiidka/snmta,ee beenta badnaa? ma beentoodii baa nacday Well said. Mr. Bugland waa officer of propoganda, so what do you expect?
  6. More importantly what is his plan to counter al-shabaab assassins of govt officials. Without security, economic development will be meaningless. There are a lot of challenges waiting for the President and may Allah help him.
  7. Qudhac you can't wait for an all out war?. The real tragedy is that after causing so much fitna in Sool, you are not closer to secession. If your enclave loses Laascaano (which will happen sooner or later), get ready to be under federal system of the Somali republic.
  8. Even though one should be very careful in believing stories in the internet, I have heard this story from Hargeysa before it was published so it is most likely true. Aside from Qudhac's motivation, this story should be publcised so that other children may be saved. There is a network of children trafficing in Qardho , Hargaysa and may be other cities in Somalia that needs to be shutdown.
  9. It is mostly for Central Somalia and it is still our people and your people are you not Somali?
  10. Doesn't the Somaliland admin reach beyond the "kantaroolka bari" of Lascaanood? Well said. Still Growe should allow the convey to proceed having shown that Somaliland is still dependant on Somalia.
  11. Mr. Bugland buufis baa ku dhacay. War how ka jooj yuhuud ictraafkeeda mise civil war baad nabadda ku bedeli?
  12. Secessionists in this thread are excited over an international non-profit that established an office in Sanaag’s largest city. If that is where you think the “fairy tale” of recognition lies, then Kudo’s to Riyaale’s regime. Well said. There is Al-Manhal from Kuwait that has done a lot of relief work mainly schools and mosques in Hargaysa, Burco, Laascaano, Badhan, Bosaso, Mogadishu and the head & founder is from Puntland.
  13. They are really confused, they don't know what to say and why?
  14. Well said Che and I might add those causing fitna between brothers are oblivious to the deteriorating situation in LA.
  15. Faraha ayey ka baxday LA and with it the final nail to the dream of many Somalis in the NW. But don't despair the dream of building a great Somali nation is a task awaiting for all those who want to see strong, proud and independant Somalia in the Horn of Africa.
  16. War nimanku faan badanaa, waad kadarteen kuwa Puntland.
  17. Xaasha, of course not. Try again. Better yet go back and re-read the thread.
  18. It does not matter if it is true or not, what matters is that you are condoning misogyny. I bet you can't do that at the office?
  19. Where are the SOL sisters, Qudhac is full of misogyny, he needs re-education.
  20. “ Marnaba kama tagayno talada Isimada, waxaana lama huraan ah in aan qaadano talada Isimada, Garaad Jaamac wan is aragnay, oo wada hadalnay, qodobada ka soo baxaya shirka Buura-wadalna dawladu wey taageersan tahay” Ayuu yiri C/rixmaan markii uu ka hadlayay xaalada Shirka Buula-Wadal.
  21. The more people they put in jail, the more bombing. Do they know what they are doing?
  22. tan kale annagu haddii ciidan kaa xoogweyni jiro in aad dagaal ku qaado maaha waa in aad siyaasad isticmaashaa, maadaama xaalku sidaas yahay annagu waxaanu ku hawlanahay dagaal kale oo ah argagixiso, waxaanuna ciidan ku haynaa sided goobood oo ay ka mid yihiin Boosaaso, Gaalkacyo Garoowe, markaa ciidankaas meel kale u dirimayno, ciidamadan Somalilandna way noqonayaan". This is pure fiction and what some confused secessionst would like to believe. You are forgetting how Riyaale was chased out of Laascaano and almost get killed and it took the secessiont enclave more than five years to capture Laascaano with the help of Xaabsade, a deposted interior minister of Puntland. The only reason Puntland is not rushing to war is to make sure there is unity among SSC and not bloodbath between brothers.