Peace Action

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Everything posted by Peace Action

  1. Ilaahay ha naxariisto inta dhimatay. War reer Mogdishu caanaha hala dabaqabto.
  2. Is there a date for the election, or is this another bait and switch?
  3. the Garowe conference showed that these aging lions are still capable baring their teeth at the ruckus that is the gathering hyenas. Good point, the Ulema have been quite, hoping that al-shabaab will moderate once the Ethiopian army withdraws from Mogadishu. It was not to be and instead, the al shabaab fractured further into Hizb Islam. Today we have muslim killing muslim in Mogadishu and Kismayo and central Somalia all because al shabaab and Hizb Islam refused to sit down with the Sharif govt and compromise for the good of Somalia. Today the Ulema of Somalia are saying enough is enough, there should be no more killing in the name of Islam. Their fatwa "The Islamic clerics warned of legitimizing shedding Muslim blood in the "disguise of fighting for Islam" and also tagging a Muslim person as an infidel without taking the due process " invalidates all the weak arguments the young militants al shabaab use to justify the killing of fellow muslims. It exposes al shabaab for what they are and the Somali people have rejected their deviant ideology.
  4. Good start but what about Eyl. Until Faroole attacks pirates in Eyl, his credibility in fighting pirates will be questioned.
  5. Saado Cali rageedii, runta ayey sheegtay. When the secessionsts protest too much even at songs, we know their cause is just a clan dream.
  6. This is politics after all, and Sharif like A/Y before him is trying to tame the untameble south with the added misfortune of confronting al qaacida inspired al shabaab.
  7. The electoral commission presided the meeting that slated the presidential elections to be held in June 2010 "after registration of voters list is completed and new voter identification cards are issued," according to the government release. That is less than two months and see the conditional statements "after new voter regisration cards are issued" in less than two months. How is that possible? Che, you may wage even higher with real money, your chance of winning is pretty good.
  8. Since Bargaal is part of Bari region, the governer is right to take an appropriate action against pirates. However, Faroole is not taking action against Eyl pirates which is the center of criminal priate activity in Puntland? The question is why?
  9. Someone should tell the secessiont admin that when caugh someone illegally fishig, you take their catch, fine them or take their boat. They probably did all and then jailed the Yemenis four year for further shakedown from their families.
  10. According to Mr. Bugland, SNM=Somaliland. Awalities, SSC and Makhiri's can see it for themselves that the enclave is nothing but a clan trying desparately to become a state.
  11. Is this the takfiiri gaalnimo of Al shabaab or real apostasy?
  12. For the cause they purport to represent, however, the "Waterloo" threatened by GOP Sen. Jim DeMint last year regarding Obama and health care has finally arrived all right: Only it turns out to be our own. Jim DeMint prediction came true and it became the GOP's watervloo.
  13. “In Badan Ayaa Dibada Wareegayseen Oo Kolba Geed Ku Shirayseen Ummadiina Way Idinka Raysatay, Ninwalowba Gurigaagii Kaalay Ama Dibada Wareeg Fidmo Ninkii Abuura Ayey U Taalaa” Axmed Cabdi Xaabsade Fidnada Xaabsade & secessionst ayaad bilaabay bal aan aragno meeshaad ku dambaysaan.
  14. Mr. Bugland is worried since the secessionst ar still talking about khusuusi. The proof is that you have more postings on Khusuusi than the people ay khusayso.
  15. I don't defend Faroole when he is wrong. Now do you agree with Farah Macalin's statement against Laascaano & Somali unity?
  16. Zack that is what news portals (non-Somali) indicated that he was elected recently. If your information is correct, post a link. Why are you defending him anyway because of clan allegance. The man made very unwise and undeplomatic statements while visiting Hargaysa, do you agree with him?
  17. don't celebrate too early for the possible restoration of integrity and legitimacy into the system. PIS is still in the hands of a dynasty as eloquently argued by Abdulkadir Salah I agree with TF, this is very weak and clanish argument. PIS is not a clan but anti terrorist state agency that needed to be reformed but has clear mission to stop terrorism in Puntland.
  18. The so-called spokesman for the Somali pirates that kidnapped the British couple confirmed to Ahmed Mohamed Diriye, an MP from the breakaway republic of Somaliland that Rachel Chandler had been hit by a bullet Is Mr. Diriye tied to the pirates, why a pirate in Haradheere will call him?
  19. MOHAMED ABSHIR WALDO: The countries engaged include practically all of southern Europe, France, Spain, Greece, UK. Nowadays I hear even Norway. There were not many Scandinavians before, but Norwegian fishing now is involved in this, you know, very profitable fishing business. So, there are others, of course. There are Russian. There are Taiwanese. There are Philippines. There are Koreans. There are Chinese. You know, it's a free-for-all coast. And to make things worse, we learned that now that the navies and the warships are there; every country is protecting their own illegal fishing piracies-vessels. They have come back. They ran away from the Somali volunteer guards, coast guards, but now they are back. And they are being protected by their navies. In fact, they are coming close to the territorial waters to harass again the fishermen, who no longer have opportunity or possibility to fish on the coast because of the fear of being called pirates and apprehended by the navy, who are at the same time protecting the other side. So the issue is really a matter of tremendous injustice, international community only attending and talking and coming to the rescue of the-of their interests and not at all considering or looking from the Somalis' side. This does not mean I am condoning or anyone is condoning piracy or endangering the life of innocent sailors and crews or damaging the property of others, but these people, these fishermen-turned-pirates, had no alternative but to protect themselves, to protect their turf, to-you know, an act of desperation, you might call it.
  20. Zack I did not miss anyting. Don't try to hide being sidekick of Aw Tusbaxle oo hadda reer Bari dulsaaran. Haddii kale waad kadhex bixi lahayd nimanka.
  21. LOOL. I am not defending anyone? yeah right. Zack do you know a lot makhirs are ree Bari. In fact Bosaso has many successful makhirs like Xalwa Kismaayo. Back to the topic, Col Osman is a toast. There is no need to resist change nor will it be tolerated, not when Faroole refused to step down under Cade and not now.
  22. The problem is not the foreigners but Somalis who would kill each other rather than compromise especially in the southern part of Somalia and this has been going on for the last 20 years. Our enemy is us but keep blaming foreigners even though it is us who ask for their assistance to kill each other.
  23. This is an effective, very powerful counter terrorist organization being reformed from the top but its mission and structure remains the same. Faroole is learning from Blackwater renamed Ze. Good pubic relations move.
  24. Mintid, I agree with that there will be little short negative effects for Somalia and I will add there will be no long term effects as well. There has been little development assistance from westrern countries to Somalia except for some NGO initiaves. Therefor this too will have no effect. The business of oil exploration will continue because of the need for new oil discoveries and high risk taking oil exploration companies determination to prospect for oil. In conclusion, contrary to your grave consequence, the priority of the Int;l community will be to stablize Somalia as whole with an effective national government. This will lead to the elimination of the piracy problem with much less cost rather the navies of the world contiuning to patrol off the coast of Somalia with little success against piracy.