Peace Action

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Everything posted by Peace Action

  1. Agreed, Faroole is becoming famous for making serious politcal misstatements. He should be very careful making non existant enemies and escapegoating others. He should do his joba and if it too hot to handle, he should just resign honorably.
  2. Little desert - The kettle calling the pot black.
  3. GD still he needs to do a lot more and I wish/pray that he is successful.
  4. Qudhac do tell us what degree you have and if you ever worked as a taxi driver, dish washer, newspaper boy etc. Waryaa shaqo ceeb maha and is much better than collecting welfare.
  5. Faroole has yet to make any noteworthy achievement so far. The piracy is still a problem, security is not under control even though they are trying very hard to improve it, oil exploration is still work in progress. We have to wait and see his accomplishment before we can declare him a successful regional president.
  6. It is indeed good news but I am still skeptical. We will see.
  7. Fidhin yaa ku xaaray, all qarandiid including you, so how can we clean the Somali Flag?
  8. Passerby, This is a script from dictators, whenever there is internal problems, they blame it on the outside. But it will not change anything. How come Ethiopia is not turning their guns against the little Asmara dictator cousin?
  9. How come peace and liquidation are in the same sentence. The one who is advocating liquidating people is no peacemaker but warmonger. And sadly war gets war.
  10. ---------- - Date of the election is yet to be officially announced but expected to be in June ------------ No date yet in June and today is May 12? I say you are being played again and Mr. Bugland is laughing at you, Kulmiye supporters.
  11. NG fair enough, just for the record you too are guilty of sometimes "ciyaal suuqnimo" and when you stop then you can ask others to do the same.
  12. Somaliland — need to be noticed. That says it all.
  13. NG sheeko ciyaalkan. Maxay Soomalidu dhehdaa "nin durbaan tumay, ilaaq dalbay". Maaddeey waan isfahamnay, adigu maxaa ku cuncunaya. Haddii adigu keentay Ahlu Sunta, maxaad al shabaab ugu magac darin mise waa baqday?
  14. Maya, waayo faqiina matihid, usuulna waxba kama taqaan, hadaad diiday in lagu dheho waa wadaadka SOL. Just stick to political discussion and leave your holier than thou attitude.
  15. Hadaad inkirtay inaad wadaad tahay, dee naga jooji axaadiista iyo quraan aad daliilsanayso just to win an argument.
  16. Ahlusunta! Ma aragtay markaasu isku sheegay wadaad. Magaca wadaad Solbuu ku bakhtiyey.
  17. Is the fight between Julmiye which thinks the seat is rightfully theirs and Ydub who think that they would not allow this to happen?
  18. Even one killing is too much. This is a personal attack on Faroole and it is timed when he arrived Bosaso. Who is behind these assissinations, are they al shabaab supporters? What is the opinion of al shabaab on these killings?
  19. Maaddeey diinta qofkii caaya wa laysugu tagaa adna waa ogtahay, qof Ilaah iyo Rasuulkana cayaana anigu halkan kuma arag (and subject to admin ban). Marka ninyohow macangag baa tahay, hadalna waa kaa dhacay si aad uga noqotana waa garanwayday, marka waa kaa iska dhaafay.
  20. Whatever the case, Somalia was a proud nation and one of the few democracies in Africa at that time. Yes, we can again. AUN Cigaal.
  21. Maaddeey Hadalkaya waa aragtee caqligaaga Xitaa ma xishooneyso, hadaadse waxaad aaminsantahay waad jirantahay Ilaahay haku daaweeyo, aamiin.
  22. Maaddeey saxib qofna ma aqbalayo in qabiil dhan oo shariif iyo shaikhba leh in wax aan jirin dusha laga saaro. Hadduuse hadalka Xiin kaa sheegay aad aaminsantahay, dee iska dhig shaarka wadaadnimada.
  23. Maadeey Its not shallow to point out inaad si hoose Soomaalinimada u dumineysaan, laba canleyn & yeysan wax idin dhaafin baa idinku haya mooyee mar horaa..., sida runtii ahna meesha Somaliya laga heysto waa la wada garan karaa, wixii uurka ku jirana afkaa dafa!. Saxiib war cadee xagee Soomaali laga haystaa. Let us hear al shabaab's version and don't go awol.