Peace Action

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Everything posted by Peace Action

  1. NG is quite confused here. He doesn't know wether this incident is minor or a major incident that will unravel his new believe in secession since the high point of the capture of LA. The trouble for the secession is that it will never be viable unless SSC consent to it willingly. This incident proves once again how the dream of secession is untenable.
  2. The people of SSC are masters of their destiny and their destiny lies with Somalia not secession and certainly not with colonial borders which the darwish people fought the British for 20 years between 1900-1921 at time when Britain was at zeinth of its power.
  3. Bugland waa kala daatay. War ninku waxbuu ogyahay marku naxo, hala farxo.
  4. Waxad meel kaga dhacday the Kashmiri people who are oppressed by the Hindu majority in India. Kashimiri are muslim if you do not know. Are you by any chance Gaaroodi or are you related. Still I believe you are harmless and your bark is worse than you pite. You and Xunjuf's honesty, as far as secession is concerned is admirable.
  5. Sahal do you know this site is called Somaliaonline. You are a silly troll. Please go and elect that buffoon, Somalis will be happy for you.
  6. AUN inta dhimatey. The SOl secessionst have become appolgists for the massacre of people in Widhwidh and Buhoodle. Fortunately the dream of the secessionist is slowly being destroyed by the blood of Somali nationalism. What an irony and at a time when Somali nationalism is no where to be seen. Zack leave Che alone and lately you have become doc kayeer. I think Che is consistant and that is something you can learn from him. You were supporting al shabaab when they were fighting A/Y what happened and now you put them under the bus.
  7. Why do you think those African countries have not done anything to take their share of the water. Because the areas where Nile originates are full of rain water and do not need any additional water. The places that need it and too far and the Africans are too incompetant to do anything about it for the past 30 years. This all hot air and nothing is going to change and these African leaders will be talking about it for the next 30 years.
  8. Suldaanka, What is the reality today. 1-You have no problem with using Ethiopian muscle to kill your owm people? 2- If you call that real politic, then how about alleniating SSC people who you want to help with your secession. 3- By gloating about the killing of SSC people, does that show clearly that your whole enclave is bent on revenge when and if you can. 4- The Puntland admin has failed the SSC people and that is fact acknowledged by all of us but that is not a victroy for secessionst because the people of SSC are resisting your wicked secession from Somalia.
  9. Spinning 101. Now they are accusing Buhoodle people of bring in "qalabka burcad badeedka". I did not know Buhoodle people were fishermen. Taas aawadeed ayaa ciidamada booliska ee ilaalinayay xuduuda ay baadhitaanka gaadiidkaas u adkeeyeen, kadib markii qaar fara badan oo gaadiidka adeegsada marinkaa hore loogu qabtay iyagoo soo galinaya hub sharci darro ah, iyo qalab ka mid ah qalabka maraakiibta oo laga soo furtay maraakiibta madax furashada loogu haysto gobolka Puntland.
  10. Wasiirka aminga dowlada Puntlland Jen.Yuusuf Axmed Kheyr ayaa waraysi uu siiyey Idaacada BBCee afka Soomaaliga waxaa uu sheegay in uu aad uga xun yahay dagaaka ka dhacay Buuhoodle waxaan uu ugu baaqay dowlada Itoobiya in ay xakamayso ciidankooda dibna uga saarto ciidanka magaalada Buuhoodle. Mr. Bugland waa tuug laqabtay oo soo xigsada warar been ah, he wants people to forget that his wicked secessionst state and Ethiopia are responsible for the death of the innocent people in Buuhodle.
  11. Mr. Bugland you mean more death for the people of Buhoodle. This is awful incident and Faroole and his govt are quite, they are not even expressing sorrow for their own people.
  12. its too bad you didnt feel the same when ethopian tanks and fighter jets were flatenning the capital of somalia nopt too long ago You don't see the irony of your statement. Today your secessionst govt called Ethiopia soldiers to flaten Buhoodle, the capital of Cayn.
  13. This does not look good for either Sharif or Sharmarke. It is the President who appoints the PM and if the President does not want the PM, then there is no point in holding to that post. The PM should resign and leave this hapless job.
  14. This is a smart move both intenally and externally. Faroole needs to rein in all pirates in Puntland and remove this criminal enterprise from the society before it corrupts everyone.
  15. Juje already jumped ship, LST. You're asking the wrong man How did you know? A wild clanish guess?
  16. Al sabab@Lo. Anwar buufis baa ku dhacay baa kasii dary, haloo duceeyo.
  17. The man has ADD and is not serious contender for the top job. His party has become sidekick for Riyaale staying in power.
  18. Don't be naive, failed nation-states have more often than not required outside intervention to progress. And if it a strong muslim country like Turkey the chance of success is much higher.
  19. Actually if true, this is good development. Somalia needs outside intervention, we have proven for the past 19 years that we are incapable of resolving our differences peacefully.
  20. quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally Posted By Ms. Bilan, waxaa ila fiican inaad 3diina magaalo iimaansataan. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oodweyene ------------------- And, suppose, we don't. ------------------- So you admit that you are trying to occupy other people's land, not content with your three cities? I like your straight forward answer and I blame those fools who are playing with their people's destinay for few crumps and who do not see the consequence of their action.
  21. Of course Mr. Bugland is known for hiding/deleting his sources which is unethical to say the least but here is an official press release from Puntland that contradicts his false news reports: maliland/
  22. He may be innocent but this guy - Dayniile - has been a merchant of tabliod lies for soo long in Somalia and now a lie may do him in. What an irony.
  23. Xunjuf why don't go there and do it yourself. This new development shows that Somaliland is using Ethiopian muscle to subdue Cayn but will not work. How come Somaliland boys here in SOL are not protesting this incident?