Peace Action

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Everything posted by Peace Action

  1. Ever think of how music can corrupt one's mind and make them disoriented. I will advice if you must, then less violent music may be better and if you can replace with
  2. Mr. Bugland intu isfaanshay buu is ceebeeyey. The pictures says a lot about SOL's most diehard secessionist.
  3. No, don't twist the good advice I gave you.It was about not using religious text to win political arguments. You are still putting your 2 cents.
  4. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: They blamed wadaadada, they blamed Ethiopia, they blamed the NGOs ,, they blamed the UN ,, they blame everybody ....... Even themselves ,, Dahabshiil is a good Somali company that serves all Somalis and writing otherwise will not change the reality. Laakin Mr. Bugland yaa kaa calaal badan, kettle calling the pot black.
  5. Maaddeey what is Indhacade upto this time?
  6. Originally posted by Amistad: UN is a great gig if you dont mind working for a semi-corrupt, semi-worthless organization that steals 85% of donated funds meant for good and decent things that wind up going to Bureaucrats & the autocracy. I agree but I thought you work for them or may be as a subcotractor.
  7. Where is Amisdat to answer. To the secessiontists, hold your horses, we already know where you stand. Facts are not that important for you when it comes to anything Somali.
  8. Amistad, Your link does not work. How does it condemn Puntland govt?
  9. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: Yes i'm quoting Jidbaale not because it is a reliable source to me but it is a reliable one for you and other Secessionists .... No, that is not how it works in real live. Once you deem a source reliable for your arguments, you can't deem it unreliable when your opponent does it. You are calling SSC as the secessionists , the proud warriors of darwish and die hard unionists.
  10. So now you are quoting Jidbaale? I guess Che was right. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: LoooooooooooL@Jidbaale....Jb can't you parade Jidbaale one day than you use as source the next day.
  11. I agree with TF. We don't accept Mr. Bugland's cut-n-paste until he shows -links- neutral and credible source. Why will the Khusuusi, his enemy, give him their top secret documents so that he can bad mouth the young dynamic Grand Garaad of SSC. That simply does not make sense.
  12. Good riddance. I thought originally he was helpful to Somalis but he complicated Somalia's deep problems and was unable to help Somalis resolve thier own problems. His tenure will be remembered for all the missed opportunties and proposing the same failed Solutions. The other issue is where did all the millions collected for Somalia thru his office went. Enquiring minds want to know.
  13. Mr. Bugland enjoy it while it lasts. Don't cry when you are driven from SSC land.
  14. Oodweyne, Before you jump the clanish gun, the ship was also destined for Berbera.
  15. They have the forces to rescue hijacked shipped but only for ships destined for Somali ports. Puntland does not have the resources to rescue every ship. However, if NATO forces had any sense of how to stop this criminal activity in the high seas, they would have help Puntland to do a better job instead of wasting millions of dollars patrolling the high seas everyday.
  16. Me & AfricanOwn Stop being verbal bomb throwers and contribute if you can and don't be too extreme in love and hate, you may come to regret it one day.
  17. Oodweyne, North gave you a reasonable scenario for SL to get recognition and for the life of me, even though you said no, I still have no clue what you wrote. Come back and answer why you will insist on a path that produced no results for 20 years and reject out of hand this reasonable proposal.
  18. For partical reasons, let us shorten the list of stackholders to Puntland, Somaliland and the south. I totally agree that it is about time Somalis sit down on dirin under a tree as Baashi use to suggest before and as you are suggesting today. The main problem in Somalia is in the South and mainly in the capital city of Mogadishu. How to pacify the south and this city has perplexed everyone who attempted to do it. The stakeholders in the South must be persuaded to attend a Somali dirin somewhere in a neutral place inside Somalia where the outcome will be binding on all. The question I have what place can be peaceful and yet acceptable to all stackholders from the South such as TFG, Al shabaab, HI, Ahlu Sunna, and reps from clans, Puntland, Somaliland?
  19. Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^ (JB is from SL). And Guulwaade Riyaale too.
  20. Originally posted by A_Khadar: quote:Originally posted by NGONGE: Officials in military uniforms? These are very old pics... I remeber them when were taken back in the starting of buhodle airport. They supposed to stop the airport.. old post .. After all, it's another project to make money from Riyale and desperate successionists. Plus after all afnugaal is reporting it.. Mr. Bugland waa laqabtay.
  21. Yes, but there are all kinds of drugs not all of them illegal.
  22. Satire gone amok. What are you smoking today?