Peace Action

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Everything posted by Peace Action

  1. It is clear to those in Bosaso who know, that it is sheikh Atam. No amount of spin can change the fact. The black Al shabaab flags are also flying there.
  2. It is silly list and I bet the most unhappy people live in the West. The most sucide takes place the West and Japan and that should be a better measure of happiness vs unhappiness.
  3. Nassir if you need proof that Sheikh Attam is front for Alshabaab and that he harbors foreign fighters here is a link posted by Xiin:
  4. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: ^The seeds of mistrust and angry passions have already been planted evidenced by H-boys turn on each other.Whether Atom is defeated or tomorrow matters little. In other words, even when al shabaab loses, it wins by creating clan mistrust? I suggest if you have any relatives in Bosaso to call them, for you will find that the Galgal locals are also against Sheikh Atam.
  5. Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: ^^ sxb fix your home i am not hoping bad for puntland i am not xaasid sxb Yeah right. Xaasid iyo nus because you want recognition so badly that you wish trouble and bad things for Somalia in general and Puntland in particular. Allah will not help you when you harbour such ill towards your brethren.
  6. Xudeedi there is no SSDF, it was dismanteled a long time ago. Now answer these questions, why the interior minister is also fighting this alshabaab front. And why Putnland forces including your clan are also fighting these rebels? Eyewitnesses are reporting that Sheikh Atam has 400 troops including foreign fighers in the mountains of Galgala do you support him and if so do you support alshabaab in general?
  7. For those who are unaware what sheikh Atam is upto, here the proof from a local resident of Galgala that he is a front for alshabaab. 400 well trained and well armed including foreign fighers is not easy to assemble in the mountains near Bosaso unless theie ajenda is to cause maiham in the Bender Qasim. Faroole needs to grow a pair and the secret deal with Atam have backfired.
  8. Atam and his supporters have miscalculated and started a war giving Puntland govt the pre-text to get rid off a fifth column and sleeper cell for al shabaab. I agree with GD, PIS has nothing to do with this group and as a matter of act, their mission is to fight terroist groups, a job made easier by Galgala group who started shooting prematurely.
  9. Originally posted by Libaax-Sankataabte: quote:Originally posted by Suldaanka: In the south, it was the Mafia style of politics and elite ruling class far removed from the community. Mujahid, the very spirit of your statement above underscores the negative subtext most associated with the “us vs. them” frame of mind which is at the core of all chauvinistic sentiments. The irony of it all is that the Somaliland ”patriotism” you so firmly promote here is commonly seen as nothing but a mere clan chauvinism, for there is no “nationality”, apart from identity with clan and arbitrary colonial borders, which can uniquely define the current geography of Somaliland in the wider context of nationhood in comparison with other historic Somali provinces. The simple idea of calling for the dismemberment of the collective Somali nationhood is driven by that very item referenced above which we all know appeals to the worst impulses of the Somali soul. Just a thought. Well said.
  10. That was the golden years 1960-1969 for Somalia when the a new nation with democtractic ideals rose from the dark continent. It was these democratic ideals that distinguished Somalia from the rest of Africa. Unfortuatley, the Somali people were not wise enough to built on these ideals and rather supported a military coup by the late dictator General Siad Barre. The nightmare thus started continues today and the proud Somali nation strugles to come out of never ending civil and religious wars. Allow ummada wadada saxda ah kusoo hanuuni.
  11. Originally posted by NGONGE: Qudac's idea of balance is to bash in one thread and please in another. He got it from A&T's book titled: Objective Cyber Analysis. Yet, it's not as funny as Xiin mistaking him for Siilaanyo there. Is is Somali style buufis between false clan pride and helpless qaxooti.
  12. Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: when did i say i was dhiigyo cab lol And rayaale is still in power for the next coming week You already forgot. Right here in SOL and as SNM foot soldier and you said. Here: ---------------------------------- Posted by Xaaji_xundjuf (Member: 9634) on October 28, 2009 01:55 PM: Maya anigu kaadii ma cabiin , anigu dhiig baan cabbay Ciidamadii xooga somaliyeeed baan liqay lol. laffahoodii na dooxa hargeisa ku shubay Halyey Xunjuf
  13. Oxymoron. He is running away from it and yet he loves it.
  14. Originally posted by NGONGE: follow the leader, leader, leader..follow the leader, leader, leader Farhaddii baa kaa badatay sow maha? Nothing wrong in following Somaliland when it does something good that is beneficial but we are still an integral part of Somalia and we will never follow it to secession. I think the one clan enclave is cursed with secession that makes its achievement (which otherwise is remarkable in the context of Somalia at the present time) minor compared to the sin of trying to breakup Somalia.
  15. Xajni Xayraan wuxuu sheegay SOL ka sheegay inuu yahay dhiigyacab marka maxaad ka filaysaa. Wrong move, if this Silaanyo first move, then belaa soo socota.
  16. Cowke "wareer badanaa yaa Islaamo naga qabta". May be MMA will come to the rescue. It is beautiful masjid, at least it is good progress for the future to have a mosque inside Villa Somalia and the call to prayer on load speaker will remind everyone in the Villa to head this call.
  17. It is typical when you can't argue intelligently, you resort to gibberish.
  18. It was reasonable to assume that the election will not happen since it was delayed more than 2 years and considering the former spy of Siad Barre who became president when Egal (AU) died will hang on to his seat. Fortunately it happened and there was a peaceful transfer of power. Those of you SOL members hailing from the enclave are overjoyed with clan pride but the fact remains that your desire for secession will not happen (IA) and as long as Somalia is not dismembered a regional progress will be welcomed and appreciate by all Somalis.
  19. Hambalyo to Ahmed Silaanyo and to the peaceful transfer of power and Hambalyo to Dahir Riyaale even though he delayed elections but finally he is dethroned peacefully. Somalia had peaceful transfer of power, first in Africa, and the people of Somaliland remind us of our pastoral democratic tradition. Let us pray that the rest of Somalia follow suit and take the path of peace and democracy.
  20. That is unlike you, but the this says otherwise. No, I was not lashing out unless you consider "wild clanish guess" too offensive.
  21. NG are you getting angry? Take it easy, after all you are the who coined everything is clan in Somalia.
  22. Originally posted by NGONGE: quote:Originally posted by Peace Action: Juje already jumped ship, LST. You're asking the wrong man How did you know? A wild clanish guess? Not sure where the 'clanish' part fits into this, saaxib. Are you lashing out for no reason again? Tuug marka laqabto ayuu tuug dhehaa. Ma maqashay fiqi tolkii kama jano tago, go ask your guru what that means.
  23. The election was remarkable achievement for the enclave and congradulations are due. However it will not help in secession from Somalia. Therefore NG's emotional euphoria today is like the capture of LA more than 2 years ago, it has not produced much in terms of secession and it caused a lot of hardship and discord for the people of Sool.
  24. Manhal works throught Somalia and is based in Kuwait and the director is from Galkacayo. A job well done by the most effective NGO in Somalia and more effective then many UN agencies.