Peace Action

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Everything posted by Peace Action

  1. Badr was sanctioned by the Almighty after 13 years of killing and prosecution and expulsion from Makkah. It is quite different from what is happening in Mogadishu where the khawarij alshabaab are fighting their own leader Sharif because he is now the President of TFG. You are happy for the senseless killing because you are not there to witness it. You and your shabaab heros have no conscience - "damiir" left to let the people do their fasting in peace at least for the month of Ramadan.
  2. Originally posted by Maaddeey: Boqolaal ka tirsan Ciidamada Xarakada Mujaahidiinta Alshabaab oo maanta tababar loogu soo xiray magaalada Muqdisho. Daawo sawirada Ciidamadan boqolaalka ah oo maanta lagu soo bandhigay Xerada Maslax ee gudaha magaalada Muqdisho ayaa dhawaan tabababar kusoo dhamaystay qaybo ka mid ah gobolada dalka Soomaaliya, waxana qaybo ka mid ah loo qaaday gobolada halka qaybtan oo loogu talo galay jihaadka ka socda Magaalada Muqdisho maanta ay dhoola tus ka sameeyeen gudaha magaalada Muqdisho. Ciidamadan oo sida sawirkooda idiinka muuqda si aad ah loo tababaray isla markaana ku hubaysan hubka noocyadiisa kala duwan ayaa maanta ka farxiyay dadka Muslimiinta ah ee indhahooda ku arkay ciidamadaasi oo si geesinimo leh usoo bandhigaya wixii la baray. Nasiib daro they keep fighting and sending thousands of brainwashed youth and civilains in Mogadishu to their death without any tangible success and worse they are doing it in the holy month of Ramadan where it is "a grave offense 2:217" to start fighting.
  3. Where is the admin? This Xudeedi needs to go like Cowke. His sole contribution to the site in this holy month of Ramadan is cay iyo aflagaado iyo been abuur.
  4. JB aka Mr. Bugland is confirming that 1000 Somaliland solders are coming to aid Attam's alshabaab front in Bari according to his "reliable source galgala news" . Is this a hidden campaign against Silaanyo?
  5. So you believe that galgala, buraan & Dhahar are under alshabaab. I thought you were defending Attam as a local warlord and now you classify him as alshabaab. How confused are the secessionst?
  6. Maaddeey is in trouble because his masters have denied him plausible deniability since his Alshabaab official spokesman have claimed both the Kampala and the Hotel Muna massacres.
  7. Fulay. I support Puntland & PIS which is an organ of the state (if you call that qabiil) and you support Alshabaab which is worse.
  8. Maaddeey you went awol on Hotel Muna massacre, did you support it?
  9. Originally posted by Burn Notice: quote:Originally posted by Land_Soldier: Burn Notice, Are you aware that explotation of natural resources in conflict areas, is likely to fuel the conflict? And hasnt this been the case in Puntland, where many died because of the conflict on natural resources? Land Soldier With the exception of the Galgala conflict, Puntland has been a peaceful region of Somalia...the company is honouring its agreements with the government elected by the people to explore for resources...nothing sinister as some on here profess Do you want foreign investment in Somaliland? I never realised "development" was a dirty world..someone needs to tell China to stop producing and utilising the worlds resources I find the continual killing on innocent people by Al Shabab more despicable than anything Africa Oil could ever do Well said. :cool:
  10. Fair enough since you live in the west it does not matter if you widthraw (now) your support for Faroole as the current leader of Puntland, but the real representatives like Interior Ministar Ilkajiir, deputy Abdi Jama are united in preventing shabaab taking hold in Galgala or anywhere else in Puntland. Isdeji there is no sub clan war, it is fight between an admitted shabaab supporter and the elected govt of Puntland.
  11. a man who represented E.Sanaag and W. Bari in the last elections? Liar! Originally posted by TheParagon: Are you a numskull? That was the campaign for the cheated selection. After that, who told Ilka-jiir to take the post of Interior Minister? Not the community, ave they? Think! Powerful PL? Hehe. Ouch,
  12. Saxid don't get angry, I do not want any injustice for any segment of Puntland people, hence I hope success for Faroole for the sake of allPuntlanders. You have to stop rooting for Atom who has brought violance and instability to a peaceful region and admitted his alegance to alshabaab. Don't be naive for his attempt of both being "wadaad" & Ahmed Diriye. Ultimately shabaab have a habit of eating their own.
  13. I strongly despise Faroole. Fair enough but Faroole has three more years left to prove you wrong and we are rooting for him to succeed for the sake of all Puntlanders.
  14. Atom who is an admitted shabaab member is hiding in the mountains and lost his base and now is on the run and is reduced to hit and run. My question to you is why are you defending him? So you asked did the murder stop in Bosaso? Here read:
  15. Wasiir Kuxigeenka arrimaha Amniga Puntland Cabdi Jamaal Cismaan Maxamuud oo u waramaayay Horseed Media kana mid ahaa wefdiga Puntland ee halkaas tegay ayaa sheegay in socdaalkooda uu si wanaagsan kusoo dhamaaday Mudane Cabdi Jamal are the real true leaders of Puntland and know what is good for their people. Job well done .
  16. Waa ramadan beenta joojiya. Ethiopia does not have an ambassidor in Hargaysa. It is a trade representative of Somalia.
  17. SSC and Makhir are also founders of Puntland, notwithstanding the noise coming from some radical diaspora sipping latte in the comfort of their homes in the west. Puntland should concentrate on good governance, combating shabaab and oil exploration, then it will have the knowledge and the resources to help other upcoming Somali ofederal states.
  18. A little insignifant African dictator that will meet his demise soon 'cause he stayed too long.
  19. "Fatten your dog so that he can eat you". Sadly that is what most diehard secessionst believe and that is why secession will never succeed.
  20. Originally posted by Peace Action: What if Nuune jahawareerka siyaasadda naga joojiyo oo meel loogu soo hadaago. On serious note, shabaab and their leaders have no joice but to join the new TFG and work within the system otherwise, the caravan will keep moving and they would have missed a golden opportunity to be constructive. Update: Shabaab leaders have lost a golden opportunity for a peaceful takeover instead they are in quaqmire in Mogadishu and are fast becoming war mechants of death only interested in their own survival and supremacy. The caravan is stuck in mud and Sheikh Sharif likes to travel a lot more than trying to solve Mogadishu's problem.
  21. News of the drilling programme in Puntland could come as early as this week, after earlier this month Range raised A$10m (£5.8m) from an equity placing. Last week, the group also exercised a number of options to raise a further A$1.5m (£900,000) in funds. The fact that investors are willing to buy shares to prospect oil in Puntland is no laughing matter. Let us hope for success from The Almighty so that Somalis stop fighting over meager resources.
  22. Ilaahay ha unaxariisto, this is execution style introduced to Somalia by Alshabaab.
  23. For doing his job reporting, Cabdi Fatax is jailed for 6 years, why? This is not fair and is over reaction. Waa in Cadi Fatax xoriyadiisa loosoo celiyaa.
  24. Originally posted by Nassir: Time to bring the warring parties to the same table and deal with what has in the first place led to this war. Issues PL must deal with in an order of priority. 1. The Galgala conflict and its root cause. 2. Dealing with PIS and how to peacefully transfer its resources and control to the state. The power of the purse belongs to the State for it to get a full control of its institutions. PIS, according to ICG, is the most powerful institution. 3. Attacking all pirate bases within Puntland or cutting off the logistics that abet this criminal activity in the hope of freeing up the hostages and ringing down the curtain on its financiers. 4. Reaching out to the people of SOOL and devising a new strategy on how to bring the city of Las Anod into the fold of Puntland. If that is not possible, the state must rather aid than obstruct the freedom fighters and their ideal solution. Good ideas and win win for the people of Puntland. Even though I defended PIS, I agree that it needs to be under the complete control of elected officials and it must obey the law like any other security agency.