Peace Action

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Everything posted by Peace Action

  1. Passerby you must dislike Silanyo may be because he hates raw meat eating people, najisyohow. Kudos for Somaliland for running free and fair elections and electing an honorable man Silanyo as President.
  2. Timur JB is also known as Mr. Bugland. You know he is in love with the Bug not the land.
  3. Such cowardly acts cursed by Allah will not succeed, insha Allah.
  4. Duke's prediction came true maxay somalidu dhehdaa "nin abeeso koriya isagaa u aayine". The people who use to support the khawaarij group alshabaab maanta way ka qowmameeyeen.
  5. Congratulations to Hayland for the winning the football cup. All is all in Bosaso, the city that works for all.
  6. Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^ Maaddeey will explain, I'm going home now. Edit: Got to stick around for another hour now. (awaiting an email). Still, ask Maaddeey he understands my Somali. I want a retraction since you do not have any proof.
  7. NG waad waalatay, you are the only one who is acusing me of having multiple accounts, why?. Do you have any proof or it is just throwing dirty when you are losing an argument. Put up or shut up, proof that I have used any other accout name on Sol other then peace action? I am very serious. :mad:
  8. I am disappointed. I don't know where that came from but still I refuse to suppress your opinion.
  9. Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^ Was it you? But you're rubbish under all your names, saaxib. Was that directed at me?
  10. "A house divided against itself cannot stand." Abe Lincoln. Allow Somalida unaxariiso, aamiin.
  11. NG was that your inner tendency to suppress Gar-haye opinion indirectly of course? Say good-by to being champion of the press.
  12. NG has a point, how can you suppress interviews with Attom and then use his own words against him. For me everytime he gives interview he reveals his true agenda which has nothing to do with clan or resources but pure violent power grab like his alshabaab brothers. My suggestion for TF is stop digging.
  13. Chicken - mindless cut-n-paste. Maaddeey why come to his defense? Because you share the same goal of hoping Puntland to be taken over by al shabaab.
  14. Originally posted by Jacpher: ^I judge the man by what he says not what you want him to say or what you believe his heart silently says. This is what he said in this six minutes interview: "Xalku waxaa weeye, inay meelahaas isaga dhoofaanoo, dee inay saaxada noo baneeyaan ummadda aan u talinoo sharciga islaamka maamulno" That was the answer he gave after the reporter asked him, more than once, about the solution he wants to see happen. His point of contention is for him to rule PL under his shareeca. If you're his press secretary, dont' waste time here. Get on BBC and perhaps give the response he should have given and link it here. I don't need you to interpret the clip I've listened already. Add the shabaab language "ashahaado ladirir" and we have a religous warlord capitalizing on Alshabaab rise in the south and bringing destruction to a peaceful region. What he does not know is that Puntland have seen this film before in 1993 and crushed it.
  15. Originally posted by bilan: i think the one of the biggest mistake AY made was going to Mogadisho. i wish he loved PL as mich as the people in PL loved him. Puntland missed him greatly. it is very clear that he was much better than those who came after him. Good point. A/Y should have stayed in Puntland, he took blood and treasurer from Puntland to stablize Mogadishu, a huge mistake. Mogadishu has become the graveyard for all those who attempt to pacify it for the past 20 years and continues to this day. Ilaahay bay leedahay magaaladan inkaaran.
  16. Mr. Bugland so do tell us why "strange killing"? Do you have explanation or you just confusing people?
  17. Al shabaab and their stooges. They are known for killing real Ulama who disagree with them.
  18. Originally posted by Gheelle.T: Even Garooweonline baa codsi u weydiisay dowladda! I guess he will be freed in the coming days. quote: Xariga Wariye C/fatax Jamac Mire Horseed Media qaabka ay ku muujineyso qoraalada ay kaga hadleyso xariga wariye C/fataax Jamac Mire ma ahan mid si miisaaman ay waxa jrra ugu sheegeyso, taasi waxey ka dhigan tahay in Wakiilada Horseed Media ee fadhiya Dibada Somalia iyagu ay wariyaha dhex dhigeen kiiska Dowladu ku doodeyso in loo haysto. Mana ahan arrintan mid ay C/fataax Jamac Mire xal ugu keeni karaan sababtoo ah waxey u muuqan mid ay ugu soo gabanayaan afla-gaadeynta Madaxda iyo Mas'uuliyiinta Dowladda Puntland taasi oo mamnuuc ka ah xeerarka soo jireenka ah ee Saxaafada lagu yiqiiney. W/Qore: Wariye ka tirsan Bahda Wariyeyaasha Radio Garowe Ina Faroole markuu dibadda dawlad Cadde ku "aflagaandayeye" maxaa ku dhacady. Jawaabtu waa waxba. IF I was Faroole, I will fire my media advisor (ina Faroole), he is truely bringing very bad publicity to his father. What an unjust and unnecessary violation of the freedom of the press and the freedom of one couragious reporter Mr. Cabdi Fatax.
  19. Ok, If you say so. But since you were Riyaale supporter, this sounds like sour grapes, give it up?
  20. Originally posted by NGONGE: Duushay ya naas duushay! Hada sida Ethiopia iyo Eritrea proxy war baanu wadna. It is typical Somali to claim non-existing power but this wrongly makes Silaanyo admin terror sympathizer. They need to distance themselves from these stories fast.
  21. Haday runtahay waa shaxaad, badow waxay moodeen macalin quraan inuu pirate yahay, the little pirates to our West.
  22. SLander way lakacday . A good lesson for others.