Peace Action

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Everything posted by Peace Action

  1. Actually this is a good news in a sad way that pirates are getting out of control and Faroole and his govt needs to fight them. Ayoub make up your mind, do you support the pirates or the Minister who is clearly fighting them? You can't have it both ways.
  2. Good, they got what they wanted. Now they will meet their maker and will realize they have been misled but it is too late to change.
  3. Ilaahay ha u naxariisto, samir iyo imaan ehelkiisa.
  4. Indeed Abu the saga continues. Is Sharif being pushed around by the UN or neibhoring countries? Or may be he is confused. :confused: :confused: :confused:
  5. Ukun iyo Tuna isku dhexkaris: Tijaabi waad jeclaan. 1 cup tuna fish (canned), flaked 2 to 4 eggs, beaten 3 tablespoons butter Onion, G. pepper, tomatoes Seasonings to taste Cook Onions, G. pepper, tomatoes with butter Add the tuna fish and butter for 1 minute in a sauce pan. Add the seasonings. Add beaten eggs and scramble together.
  6. Ukun iyo Tuna isku dhexkaris: Tijaabi waad jeclaan. 1 cup tuna fish (canned), flaked 2 to 4 eggs, beaten 3 tablespoons butter Onion, G. pepper, tomatoes Seasonings to taste Cook Onions, G. pepper, tomatoes with butter Add the tuna fish and butter for 1 minute in a sauce pan. Add the seasonings. Add beaten eggs and scramble together.
  7. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: He can't even come up with the exact number of the NGOs registered ...... Not a good choice at this time. The man has been in office for 2 months, so if his numbers are wrong, then who is to blame? He is raising valid points that needs answers, especially accounting/auditing transparency as long as the aim is not to shake NGO's for some personal benefit. I was told that some Ministers also benefit by having some of their people employed at NGO's. Aid agencies spend a lot money on housing, employees, SUV's etc besides the projects they undertake. I think their benefit outweight their harm if govts manage them properly, meaning guiding them to undertake needed and critical projects rather then giving carte blanche to do as they please.
  8. Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: Waxaa horey loo dhahay nin tagay kabiisa ayaa dhaamo . Marka maala iska dhaafo ninkaan tagay wax aanan dambi ahayn lagama dheefaayee. MMA ma maqashay nin durbaan tumay ilaaq dalbay.
  9. The old guard is being retired, what about Zinawi, don't you think he is due for retirement as well? I bet this will be a tough question to answer.
  10. Originally posted by Thankful: Nassir you use to support the state during the height of piracy. Atom is reported to have netted over $800K for piracy. Still piracy is bad and Puntland should do what it can to stop piracy on its shores and the world should support it.
  11. I can imagine the mad man running away saying war tani waa walantahay when he saw Ibtisam with the bigger dhagax.
  12. Libaahe, Give us the scoop, what is this all about, enquring minds want to know?
  13. It hurts Nassir & Taleex to see Faroole and Gen. Ilkajiir doing the people's business but why? This trip is very strategic with meetings with Sh. Sharif President of Somalia, the presidents of Djabouti and Yemen and shows the weight of Puntland govt.
  14. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: The British left Somaliland functioning – unlike the Italians in Somalia. Fifty years after the end of colonialism, the breakaway region has peace and democracy, but no international recognition .. By Gérard Prunier Mr. Bugland do you miss your colonizer, the British? Ceebay tacaal. The British and the Italians were kicked out of Somalia in 1960 humilated never to be trusted let alone admired.
  15. Xaaji may be you are not getting it or may you are. He is saying all kursi wasiir is for the duriyad.
  16. Let the dead RIP. Unfortunately he took a young democratic country and destroyed it completely and those who came after him followed his bad example. The opportunity lost is unreplaceable.
  17. If these Somalis were citizens, someone broke the law by giving them citizenship. If they were not citizens but were registered to vote, then their registration was fraudulent. But the judge had no interest in looking into any of this. This is right wing tactics to disfrangize immigrants. Don't get fooled by the holier than though. These are the people who demonize ACORN because they were successful in registering minorities to vote. Read here:
  18. Originally posted by Wiil Cusub: Hold on Africa and Ferguson she is not his wife but only same name as Amina look good those two pics True, wax hubsada saxibayaal.
  19. Talk about eating your own, wasn't Shabeele one of the mouthpieces of shabaab during A/Y reign. Nin abeeso koriyey isagaa u aayin.
  20. A little dictator who will bite the dust soon like Mengistu before. African dictators never learn from history.
  21. Neither do clan leaders in the Sool, Sanaag and Cayn regions that are nominally part of Somaliland accept secession. They want to remain part of Somalia. Experts believe the issue is partly rooted in clan differences between the *****-dominated Somaliland government and the SSC, which is made up of ******s. [/QB]
  22. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: quote: You guys negotiate with people you claim are criminals. Bugland ?? Was that you Mr. Bugland? Bugland is busy bringing news from his beloved bug not the land.
  23. Originally posted by Shilling: Xiin, Everything about the PIS isn't all bad, it might not be doing great job in halting the departments eroding public support, it does however serves as a deterrent to enemies of the state. It is a well know fact many of the states enemy operate with great caution to avoid the PIS attention. Insha'Allah in time the state will implement credible, transparent security sector reform, with domestic and foreign stakeholder input, that introduces professionalism, transparency, and civilian oversight into the security agencies. Now is not the time though, tough times call for tough measures. Good points. I think Xiin is set on the the old PIS where during A/Y reign they use to snach innocent Ulama for rendition in the so called war against terror. That dispicable practice has ended. Today's PIS is being reformed, the head of the organization has been replaced by Faroole showing that there is civilian control of the agency. Still there needs to be more reforms to bring it under the complete control of the state. Of course that won't happen until the funding comes from the state and that is the sorry state of Somalia at the present time. Beggers can't be choosers. The opponents of PIS, mainly alshabaab and their supporters are not interested in reforming PIS but would like to see it dismantled to make it easier for them to continue their terrorism in Puntland. Those in the diaspara are naive and are unaware of the danger of foreign inpired and controlled jihadists who have taken hold of the south and are slowing inching up north.
  24. So if you proclaim that you are polygmist but legally wed only one women and call the rest girlfriends the law against polygmy does not apply to you. In the eyes of the law if you have one wife and three happy girlfriends, you are free to practice polygmy. Sharia law is much better then this law for sure.
  25. NinaNC Duke miyaa kaa cabaadiyey, my advice Duke waad ku xiiqaysaa haysku daalin Are you defending an Ethiopian whose sole objective in SOL inuu Somalida isku diro?