Peace Action

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Everything posted by Peace Action

  1. No-one is addressing looting but World bodies are busy discussing pirates”, he said. Prof Samater says western nations are only focused to fight pirates since it is a threat to their economy. Where is Ayoub? Can we have a campaign against the illegal fishing and toxic waste dump on the Somali sea or are you just limited to anti piracy of the coast of Somalia.
  2. MMA does that mean thanks to alshabaab and Roobow, are you getting soft?
  3. May be the AU official is looking for his cut on the piracy loot. How ****** are the AU, their job is to help the TFG stablize Mogadishu and not to veer off areas where they have no mandate. Do your job first in standing up to alshabaab in Mogadishu then and only then you can be taken seriously.
  4. The problem is not what the kacaan did, it is what they destroyed and I am not exempting the Somali people but the kacaan must take it share? The Somali nationalism and unity which is far diffcult to rebuild. And rebuilt, we must.
  5. Originally posted by NASSIR: ... Mr. Somalia, what good can be had from a dreaded and hated entity that is independent of Garowe unless it's dissolved as demanded by Attam and his followers. Are you spokesman for Attam? Nassir innaba caadi maaha, war isyara degi, reerku waa nabad qabaa alshabaabna ma rabaan.
  6. I wonder why the US the world's remaining superpower has no clue and no strategy in dealing with failed states like Somalia. This approach should have been adapted a long time ago and it will have succeeded but sadly it is too little too late unless a sustained comprehensive approach is taken to nurture peaceful areas in Somalia to show violent areas there is a better way.
  7. Good job by Puntland troops. What are these bombs for? You guessed it; to cause death and destruction in Bosaso.
  8. Bugland (JB) waa fidmoole, bal arka wuxuu meesha soo geliyey. At least put a warning.
  9. Sad and tragic ending for both. Convicted in western country but in Saudia Arabia, he will have gotten away with murder. What does that say about justice in Muslim conutries?
  10. Haduu calanka bluuga ah khatar ku yahay Somaliland, then let us send the blue flag to every resident. What a peaceful way to defeat secession
  11. Originally posted by Gheelle.T: We wont be part of the TFG doesn't equate as not wanting to be part of Somalia. PL was not part of Arta TNG. So what's the fuss? Coorection: Among other issues including if the TFG abandons federalism. This is the only system that can restore the Somali nation to a stable country and allows each region to have local administration acceptable to its inhabitants. Then and only then will Puntland govt withdraw its support for the TFG. This postion is not different during PM Sharmarke's time.
  12. Bugland, Xaji, Capt. Mike & Libaahe, with Friends (abitiyaal) like these who needs enemies.
  13. Isse Riyoole & Somalia be reasonable, the only thing that will undermine the authority of Puntland is ******, hasty, unjust jailing of a journalist for six years just for interviewing the Galgala alshabaab leader Atom.
  14. -------------------------------------------- As one of its largest exports, the millions of dollars generated in revenue by the Qat industry in Kenya every month is now in jeopardy -------------------------------------------- Good. The cursed leaves have devastated Somalia and is a source of instability in the country. The only people in Somalia who succeeded in staying away from Qat are Islamists and they are slowly taking over Somalia.
  15. A black mark on Faroole, it is one thing to show a pair when confronting alshabaab in Galgala but it is a disgrace to what he is doing to AbdiFatah. May be some people in SOL who have connection should tell Faroole to release AbdiFatah. :mad:
  16. Did you see Amistad , the movie, a powerful anti-slavery movie. Ma laga yaabaa in magaca uu kasoo qaatay halkaas.
  17. Mark hore seedigaa ka xishood, . Unlike many in Sol who are blinded by clanism, Amistad brings realistic and constructive ideas in reconsistuting the Somali nation as a whole which obviously, as a believer in secession, you disagree. Besides there is no beef for him in favoring one clan over the other. His take on this issue is definately more correct than your endless blame of Puntland alone for piracy off the coast of Somalia.
  18. Originally posted by AYOUB: Che, this is the most hilarious story since Gabre slapped Yey. Usually Xiin, Baashi or LST would come to the rescue of Yesters but they must have shares in the Garacad Cartel. Poor Ayoub, read Amistad take, this incident shows that Puntland govt has taken the fight to pirates which is good a thing, if Gara'ad is not shutdown peacefully like Eyl. Int'l community now realizes that support for Puntland is crucial in fighting piracy off the coast of Somalia.
  19. This is positive development for Puntland despite what some here in sol may insinuate. The fight between Puntland forces and pirates in Gara'ad in on and the people of Puntland have had it with these pirates. Eyl has been cleansed and Gara'ad is next.
  20. Somali not if you are inside Somalia (you will live like a king for 2 years) or jobless or on welfare in the west. I hope the UN gives these jobs to Somalis inside Somalia who really need it.
  21. Good I must have missed that, any info you can provide br. about Eyl being out of business.
  22. This fight all Puntlanders can support. You can't turn a blind eye to pirate criminal organizations and expect that they will not turn their guns against the govt. Garaad and Eyl needs to be shutdown immediately or Faroole will loose credibility on the pirate issue.
  23. Ayoub are you for sale, I thought you were better than that. In my book you are classified as cyberspace pirate wannabe.