Peace Action

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Everything posted by Peace Action

  1. Where are NG, Ayuub, Suldaanka? Did you listen to the Garaad? You are being played, no wonder you opt for secession because you can't play poltics in Somalia.
  2. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: AND WHO IS THE CLANIST HERE ? ... Bugland is always ready to acuse others of clanism and he doesn't see how he is swiming in the sea of clansim. I don't see anything clanish when the article mentions how unfair Somaliland MPs are allocated on the bases on clansim rather than one man one vote. In other words he is adocating the election of MPs thru one man (of course one women too) one vote.
  3. Originally posted by bilan: loool, waa niman waalan, oo hadan isku jiibinaya, nothing wrong with the talks, but the question is, will he give you what you want, waana taqaanaan jawabaata su'aashaas, people in SSC will never join you, why would they want to be minority in their own country. cajiib waxaa ah niman hargysa iyo shishadeeda ka imaaday oo hadan raba inay ka hadlaan buuhoodle. Bilan don't you get it, they are so insecure that their future is tied with SSC people who are naturally opposed to secession. If they were confident they will focus on their their land and their people and go it alone. But the sad reality is they can't because they know deep down that secession for the enclave is not feasable.
  4. Originally posted by Amistad: quote:Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: I know u know but you can chew and drive ,,,, One thousand Djibouti Taxi Drivers cant be wrong ! This drug khat is as evil as any other drug illegal drug and worse because it is accepted socially as harmless.
  5. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: You lifestyle reflects your substance and objectivity that is why you not allowed to drive when drunk ........ wax fahan Bugland did it again. How low one can get. Saado Ali has become a national heroine and no amount of insults will harm her.
  6. Originally posted by NGONGE: [One that will soon be fighting on our side. War look at the positive. [/QB] How much secession cool aid you drank lately. It is a natural for SSC people to reject secession, when will you understand this basic truth.
  7. Secessionst are really very insecure, haddii waxar dhulka SSC ka dhuusto way dabaaldegayaan. Why do you tie your future to people who do not want to secede from Somalia?
  8. Puntland has finally flexed its muscle. Witrh strenght comes peace and shabaab wannabes better stay away or else...
  9. He wrote Ulusso not Uluuso waad sii dishay adiguna. If he writes Culusoow, it will read Kulusaw which is completely changes him.
  10. Ulusso finally accepts that federalism is the only way to move Somalia forward. I also believe that the capital should me moved to the north to small city such Erigavo or even to unihabited area in the northeast or northwest. Mogadishu will remain an important city and we may a get a chance to stabilize the whole country once and for all.
  11. Ayoub no hostility, I am enjoying your harmless posts. . Originally posted by Che -Guevara: Peace Action-How about I suggest you use the derogatory name Sodomland for your secessionist friends. No. Just, Somaliland, a state of Somalia, will do.
  12. Stuff & nonsense. What about Shengoole, Che's uncle, who is from Puntland or Roobow who is from Bay & Bakool or hebel Dheere from Mogadishu or Aways who is from Guriceel. AS are guilty of many things but clanism is not one of them and they prefer to give orders rather than take it from vasal, weak regional states.
  13. NG wax fahan ninku buufis buu qaaday sidii Riyaale utagay.
  14. Dr. Badal Kariye also speaks: French Swahili Arabic Somali German Italian Spanish Portuguese Chinese Somali (Mother Tongue
  15. Originally posted by AYOUB: Lads please! Just wanted to know your views on whether the "bintilan" comment should be taken as derogatory or a compliment. I thought it was a compliment and was somewhat surprised by the reactions I posted. I wouldn't mind if he called SL "bintiland", since we call her Mandeeq (and Shankaroon even). Most people call their countries Motherland with the exception of handful like the Germans. Marka maxaa ka ceeb ah haddii magacan guruxda badan ee "bintiland" la ugu yeedho maamulkaa ama gobolka Imaam Faroole? Never mind "bintiland" I think they should even give her the name Diana after the CIA operative who runs things down there, or Amira after the the woman who runs the piracy ransom negotiations! What says you? We say beenlow baa tahay. You are enjoying so stop I like bintiland. One advice for the secessionst boys: You need to settle only one derogatory name for Puntland otherwise none will stick.
  16. He is our very own Muridi, a little bit crazy or as they say buufis baa ku dhacay.
  17. Isbaaro iyo Qanyare? May be he is missing the old days of isbaaro in Mogadishu, where they held the city hostage for 20 years.
  18. Amistad this is an excellent approach to solve the piracy and illegal fishing / toxic waste dump and the most cost effective. Why it is not adopted by the powers that be is beyond comprehension.
  19. Originally posted by Libaax-Sankataabte: quote:Prof. Cabdi Ismaaciil Samater wuxuu fajiciso ku tilmaamey in Madaxweyne Shiikh Shariif uu Raiisul Wasaare u magacaabo shaqsi ku xadgudbey Taariikhda Dalka iyo Ummadda Soomaaliyeed, wuxuuna u soo jeediyey Shacabka Soomaaliyeed in isku duubnaan ka yeeshaan Raiisul Wasaaraha la magacaabay Maxamed Cabdulaahi Farmaajo, maadaama ay Dhuuxiisa ka buuxaan meel ka dhacyadii uu u geystey Qabaailka Soomaaliyeed sidoo kale wuxuu ugu baaqey in ay meel uga wada jeestaan Dowladda Federaalka oo maalin kasta xasuuqaya Ummadda soomaaliyeed oo xitaa laga waayey in ay ka hadlaan xadgudubyadaas. I found it frightening that Farmaajo would diminish the dignified struggles of Somali clans in that epoch of tyranny, to nothing more than gaining back "lost significance". Equally astonishing is how the Prime-Minister-Select disparages the accomplishment and record of democrats such as Aadan Cadde, as a derivative of colonial prejudice. It is mind-boggling, to say the least. Before I'd read his thesis, like most Somalis, I'd taken a liking to Farmaajo, whose persona I had seen as positive. I now view him as a biased adherent of the old Siyaadist half truths. But then again, he is probably miles better than the parliamentarian gangsters holding our nation hostage in Mogadishu. Qofba qof buu dhaamaa. Alloow Alle! Good points. What does this say about Sharif's selection? We have a president who is politcal novice and a PM to be who is oblivious to the strugle against Barre regime who more than anyone else caused the demise of the Somali nation state.
  20. Originally posted by Amistad: It should be one in the same. Amistad care to explain it?
  21. P.P.S. Here's something else that I'd sincerely love to talk about with you: what do you think when you see rich middle-aged white men talking on TV about how they get nervous around African Americans on the street? And then they explain that we can't let political correctness stop us from talking about black-on-white crime? He was not an employee but a contractor and NPR probably have had it with his appearance on Fox and this was the last straw that broke the camel's back. He should have been fired a long time ago. He is laughing all the way to the bank with $2 million contract from FOX and sold his soul to the devil of hate of minories,immigrants and of course Muslims.
  22. Atlantic: Muslim wearing things A Tumblr classic. But it also shows, of course, an implication in Juan Williams' comments. In them, he says that Muslims wearing Muslim garb are somehow more scary to him than Muslims not wearing such garb. Apart from the fact that this makes no logical sense when it comes to Jihadist terrorists (who all try to look as un-Muslim as they can), it also sends a signal to Muslim-Americans that there are appropriate ways to dress publicly if you are not to provoke fear. I don't like the implications of that. Would someone say that Jews should not wear yarmulkes in public, because it presents them "first and foremost" and Jewish? Or that gays should never appear effeminate? Or that African-Americans should always wear suits and ties - because a different appearance can legitimately provoke nervousness or discomfort? Where does this stop? One thing that distresses me about the plain meaning of Williams' remarks, and his justification of them by his own record of writing about the civil rights struggle for African Americans, is that he is implying that this other minority has to abide by standards of public appearance that his own minority doesn't. He wasn't invoking his civil rights journalism to stand against stigmatizing minorities based on appearance, he was invoking it to allow him to stand for their stigmatization. He was creating a new other - not by endorsing removal of constitutional rights, of course (leave that to Marty Peretz) - but by defending the legitimacy of being scared because someone is obviously "the other".