Peace Action

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Everything posted by Peace Action

  1. What is wrong with Silaanyo, what is the benefit of this war? Why doesn't he remove his clan militia from Kalshaale.
  2. It is easy to oppose western intervention in Libya but if you lived under the brutal dictatorship of Mad Dog Qaddafi for 42 years and the wanton killing thousands of people because they did not want him as their leader, you will welcomed any help for protection agains this crazy maniac. Today the people of Benghazi, Misurata and Zawiyah are grateful for this intervention and carrying the flags of Britain, France and USA.
  3. Jacaylbaro;702790 wrote: Hmmmmmmmmmmmm ... Bugland (JB) oo waxad naleedahay Professor Ali Glaydh baa soo socda? Keep dreaming, as long as your secession depends on Sool, Sanag & Cayn you will not achieve your goal. But if you are reasonable and want to take your SNMLand out of Somalia, then all Somalis will agree to it reluctantly and with a heavy heart.
  4. NGONGE;702486 wrote: ^^ Mashruc in English is a "Project". SSC is a project, SL is a project and even the TFG is a project. The beauty of politics is that some projects work and others don't. The SL project looks like working here and the question should be why did these men forsake their clan to rejoin SL? Money alone is not the answer. There is more to this than meets the eye. So yesterday Dalbac crossed over to SSC with some SL milatery hardware and no word from you. This secession project is clouding your judgement, war nagadaa nothing has change except your uncle's foolish adventure in Kalshaale.
  5. Dubai on Empty Its skyline erupting from the desert in just two decades, Dubai is a cautionary tale about what money can’t buy: a culture of its own. After gorging on the Viagra of easy credit, the emirate has the world’s tallest building, the world’s most expensive racetrack, and a financial crisis to match. From the Western mercenaries and Asian drones who maintain the gaudy show to 100-odd families who are impervious to any economic reality, A. A. Gill discovers that no one truly belongs in Dubai, where the legacy of oil has made everything worthless. By A. A. Gill• Pre-race at the nearly $3 billion Meydan Racecourse, in Dubai. No one dreamed of this. Twenty years ago, none of this was here. No Narnia. No seven-star hotels. No tallest prick buildings. Just a home of pastoralist tented families herding goats, racing camels, shooting one another. And a handful of greasy, armed empire mechanics in khaki shorts, drilling for oil. In just one life span, Dubai has gone from sitting on a rug to swiveling on a fake Eames chair 100 stories up. And not a single local has had to lift a finger to make it happen. That’s not quite fair—of course they’ve lifted a finger; to call the waiter, berate the busboy. The money seeped out of the ground and they spent it. Pretty much all of it. You look at this place and you realize not a single thing is indigenous, not one of this culture’s goods and chattels originated here. Even the goats have gone. This was a civilization that was bought wholesale. The Gulf is the proof of Carnegie’s warning about wealth: “There is no class so pitiably wretched as that which possesses money and nothing else.” Emiratis are born retired. They waft through this city in their white dishdashas and headscarves and their obsessively tapered humorless faces. They’re out of place in their own country. They have imported and built a city, a fortress of extravagance, that excludes themselves. They have become duplicitous, schizophrenic. They don’t allow their own national dress in the clubs and bars that serve alcohol, the restaurants with the hungry girls sipping champagne. So they slip into Western clothes to go out. The Gulf Arabs have become the minority in this country they wished out of the desert. They are now less than 20 percent of the total population. Among the other 80-plus percent are the white mercenary workers who come here for tax-free salaries to do managerial and entrepreneurial jobs, parasites and sycophants for cash. For them money is a driving principle and validation. They came to be young, single, greedy, and insincere. None of them are very clever. So they live lives that revolve around drink and porn sex and pool parties and barbecues with a lot of hysterical laughing and theme nights, karaoke, and slobbery, regretful coupling. In fact, as in all cases of embarrassing arrested development, these expats on the short-term make don’t expect to put down roots here, have children here, or grow old here. Everyone’s on a visa dependent on a job. Then there is a third category of people: the drones. The workers. The Asians: Indians, Pakistanis, Sri Lankans, and Filipinos. Early in the morning, before the white mercenaries have negotiated their hangovers, long before the Emiratis have shouted at the maid, buses full of hard-hatted Asians pull into building sites. They have the tough, downtrodden look of Communist posters from the 30s—they are both the slaves of capital and the heroes of labor. Asians man the hotels; they run the civil service and the utilities and commercial businesses; they are the clerks and the secretaries, the lawyers, the doctors, the accountants; there isn’t a single facet of this state that would function if they didn’t maintain it. No one with an Emirati passport could change a fuse. Yet, the workers, who make up roughly 71 percent of the population, have precious few rights here. They can’t become citizens, though some are the third generation of their family to be born here. They can be deported at any time. They have no redress. Many of the Asian laborers are owed back pay they aren’t likely to get. There are reams of anecdotal stories about the abuse of guest workers. I’m told about the Pakistani shop assistant who, picking up an Arab woman’s shopping bags, accidentally passed gas, got arrested, and was jailed. A reveler at the Dubai World Cup, the most lavish horse race in the world. The winner walks away with a $10 million prize. The Al Maktoums have taken to horse racing. They practically own the British and Irish bloodstock business. It’s a clever and self-serving hobby. Horses are one of the very few upper-class American and European enthusiasms that are shared with Arabs. All racehorses have a little Arab in them. So the Al Maktoums can mix in the West without that stigma that the Saudis suffer from back home—the public decorum with a private, Western decadence. The simple business of betting is of course ignored with a disdainfully turned shoulder. Since Dubai’s construction-based economy stumbled, the prince has obliviously opened a massive and spectacularly hideous hippodrome, the Meydan Racecourse. The biggest racetrack in the world, it cost almost $3 billion to build. It’s home to the Dubai World Cup, the most expensive horse race in the world, naturally. This place couldn’t have the second-most expensive horse race in the world. The winner pockets $10 million. The track sits in a wasteland surrounded by the exhausted squirm of motorways. I walk around it and look not at the galloping horses and their bright jockeys but back up at the stands. Here in one long panorama is the Dantean vision of modern Dubai—the Arabs huddled in a glass dome, looking like creatures from a Star Trek episode in their sepulchral winding-sheet dishdashas. Next to them are the stands for Westerners, mostly British, loud and drunk, dressed in their tarty party gear. The girls, raucous and provocative, have fat thighs that wobble in tiny frocks. Cantilevered bosoms lurch. The boys, spiky and gelled, glassy-eyed and leering. In the last enclosure, the Asians, packed in with families and picnics, excited to be out of the Portakabin dormitories and the boredom and the homesickness of Internet cafés. In front of them all are the ranks of wired-up security guards, making sure the layers of this mutually dismissive society don’t pollute each other. After the horses have run, Elton John will perform. Dubai is the parable of what money makes when it has no purpose but its own multiplication and grandeur. When the culture that holds it is too frail to contain it. Dubai is a place that doesn’t just know the price of everything and the value of nothing but makes everything worthless. The answer to everything in Dubai is money. In the darkness of the hot night, the motorways roar with Ferraris and Porsches and Lamborghinis; the fat boys are befuddled and stupefied by sports cars they race around on nowhere roads, going nowhere. Taxi drivers of their ambitionless, all-consuming entitlement. Shortchanged by being given everything. Cursed with money.
  6. The Minister is wrong, in fact it is good step to have Puntland and Somaliland and TFG working together for the sake of the Somali people.
  7. FCW bootadiisu waa sidii dameer aad fuushantahay dhuusaddiisu maxay kaa dhimaysa.
  8. Sarkaal ka tirsan Somaliland oo lagu dilay Magaalada Laascaanood Sarkaal ka tirsan Ciidamada Somaliland ayaa habeenimadii xalay lagu dhex toogtay magaalada Laascaanood ee xarunta gobolka Sool iyadoo mid kale la dhaawacay. Madaxii ugu sareeyey waaxda dambi baarista ee gobolka Sool u qaabilsanaa maamulka Somaliland ayaa kooxo hubeysan xalay ku dileen magaalada Laascaanood,waxaana lagu magacaabi jirey Maxamuud Maxamed Xirsi,waxaana sidoo kale la dhaawacay kuxigeenkiisa. Goobta lagu diley Sarkaalkaas ayaa sidoo kale lagu toogtay qof haweenay ah oo ganacsi ku lahayd,lamana yaqaano ciddi ka dambeysay dilalkaan. Ciidamada maamulka Somaliland ayaa isla xalay bilaabay baaritaano la xirrira falka lagu diley Sarkaalka ka tirsan waaxda dambi baarista ee gobolka Sool. Dilka ayaa kusoo beegmaya xilli magaalada Laascaanood ay ka dhaceen labadii maalmood lasoo dhaafay banaanbaxyo waaweyn oo looga soo horjeeday maamulka Somaliland,waxaana banaanbaxyada dhimasho iyo dhaawac ay ka soo gaartey dad shacab ah iyadoo sidoo kale la xirey dad badan. Magaalada Laascaanood ayaa sidoo kale marar badan lagu diley Saraakil iyo Taliyaal ka tirsan Ciidamada maamulka Somaliland. Horseed Media
  9. Thankful don't reason with Xaaji Xayraan, buufis Somaliland baa ku dhacay.
  10. Siilaanyo's now has more than he can chew. Why did he have to sent his troops to Kalshaale to support his kin? Now he makes it easy for Puntland to portray Siilaanyo as warmonger bent on clan warfare.
  11. Garoowe:(Allpuntland)-Iyadoo Maanta maalinkii labaad ay Banaanbaxyo rabashado Wata ka dhacayaan magaalada Laascaanood ee xarunta gobolka Sool ee Puntland kuwaas oo ay samaynayaan qaarkamid ah dadka deegaanka oo ka cabanaya Tilaabooyinka Somaliland ay ka samaynayso geyiga SSC islamarkaasna ay Somaliland qeybo badan oo kamid ah banaanbaxayaashaas xirtay ayaa ay markii ugu horeysay Dawlada Puntland si kulul uga hadashay Tilaabooyinka Somaliland. Wasiirka Wasaarada Warfaafinta,Isgaarsiinta,Hidaha & Dhaqanka dawlada Puntland Axmed Cali Askar ayaa sheegey in Somaliland ay labadii cisho ee lasoo dhaafay dad shacab ah ku xirxirtay magaalada Laascaanood kuwaas oo ay kujiraan Tobonaan Odayaasha & Waxgaradka reer Laascaano ah,waxaana uu Wasiirku sheegey in ay jiraan dad shacab ah oo ay waxyeeleeyeen Ciidamada Somaliland. Axmed Cali Askar wuxuu sheegey in ay Somaliland doonayso inay si khasab ah ku maamusho shacabka reer Laascaanood oo uu sheegey inay imika bilaabeen kacdoomo ay isaga kicinayaan Somaliland,waxaana uu sheegey in ay dawlada Puntland ka digayso in ay Somaliland isku sii daydo inay shacabka awood ku muquuniso taas oo uu sheegey inay shacabkooda difaaci doonaan iyagoo qaadanaya Amarkii uu horey madaxweynaha Puntland u baxshay. Cabdiqani Xayir Allpuntland
  12. Faahfaahin Mudaharaadyo rabshado wata oo ka dhacay Magaalada Laascaanood Mudaharaadyo balaaran ayaa ka dhacay magaalada Laascaanood ee xarunta gobolka Sool shalay isla markaana rabshado watay. Wararka naga soo gaaraya magaalada Laascaanood ayaa sheegaaya in dadka halkaas ku dhaqan ay shalay isugu baxeen banaanbax balaaran oo looga soo horjeeday maamulka Somaliland oo gacanta ku haya magaaladaas. Mudaharaadyada shalay ka dhacay Laascaanood ayaa waxaa ka dhashey khasaaro isugu jira dhimasho iyo dhaawac,iyadoo la isku khilaafsanyahay tirada dadkii ku dhintey. Ciidamada Somaliland ee ku sugan Laascaanood ayaa isku deyey in ay kala ceyriyaan dadka banaanbaxa dhigaayay oo isugu jirey rag,haween iyo Caruur,balse ay ku guuldaraysteen.waxaana jirtay in rasaas ay ku fureen dadkaasi banaanbaxayay. Mid kamid ah Odeyaasha ku dhaqan Laascaanood ayaa warbaahinta u sheegay in dad badan ay ku dhaawacmeen rasaastaas isla markaana sidoo kale Ciidamada ay xireen boqolaal Caruur iyo Haween banaanbaxayay. Xaaladda magaalada Laascaanood ayaa saaka u muuqata mid degan iyadoo xalay fiidki laga maqlaayay qaybo kamid ah magaalada rasaas waaweyn. Horseed Media
  13. MMA - War xiiso leh, keep it coming. One question I have is, are the Somali investors on solid legal grounds? Do the wealthy Somalis have any protection against illegal takeover?
  14. *Ibtisam;698398 wrote: I am pis*sed off that someone was stupi*d enough to demolish a dam and water holes in a region where there is severe water shortage and draught. What kind of mind frame must someone be in to do that. It is just crazy and unjustifiable- SSC and SL would be bloody ridiculously xasid and stupi*d to demolish the avenue of resources. Uuuf iyo shidhouse. I have not read the article- just going by the title. This is better than clan war and more bloodshed. This is time tested solution for Somali clan land disputes. I bet Siilaanyo compensated the bore hole owners.
  15. *Ibtisam;697580 wrote: Okay I sort of read the last article, but I still can't figure out yaa gubey the houses/ sandaqado or why. why is Somali news articles so long winded? just tell me; who; where; why and how; Shid house I am surprised that Bugland (JB) is not telling us who & why? The rumor in Hargaysa says that the owners are the arsonists and are hoping to get a new house from NGO's like Habitat for Humanity which builds free houses for people throught Somalia. One clue is that when the house burns, it is completely emptied of everything which suggest that they at least knew about the arson.
  16. Good first step, Siilaanyo needs to remove his militia from Kalshaale.
  17. NG maanta waa isxiigisay but you forgot or you are ignoring the fact Silaanyoo committed a major mistake that will unravel SL if he does not withdraw from Kalshaale and seek peace resolution for the clan dispute. As a former SNM leader, it will be impossible for him to do so and tragically he is being pushed by die hard secession supporters (Good Lord, even Hargaysa Women are calling for war against SSC). I hope you are not of them. Silaanyo in less than a year managed to fuel a clan war and guaranteed a major backlash from SSC and Puntland. You are minimizing your uncle's foolish stand at Kalshaale.
  18. It is true that more than 20 houses are burned in Hargaysa but the reason is not clear who and why.
  19. Much ado about nothing. Go ahead and open more threads (one is not enough) if it makes you happy. SL lost SSC people finally for good thanks to Siilaanyo clan attack on Kalshaale :)
  20. We call them here tea baggers. Here is one definition. A whining fool shouting loudly for liberty but not willing to pay the bill. After most American workers saw more money in their paycheck due to the lower tax rate, the teabaggers at Fox News railed against high taxes, but did not discuss how much Jesus hated hypocrisy
  21. Another distinction for Buhoodle, it is the city that refused secession for 21 years and will be the graveyard for seccession ideology.
  22. Qaddaafi is Said Barre on steriods. Luckily for the Libyan people, they have enough oil to make every man and women millionairs many times over.
  23. Bugland (JB)- You wish, shame on you for quoting a extreme right wing, tea bagger, Obama hating website. Puntland is fighting pirates and the best way to defeat them is to work with Puntland ultimately to stabilize Somalia.
  24. General Duke;696864 wrote: ^^^lool@JB, fear always brings the good out of it now you are Quoting Xabsade, since the Habro are scared to death, you will use one of the locals as a back up? :) War Bugland (JB) Oohintu orgiga ka weyn.
  25. NG Who is fumbling badly? Your uncle Silaanyo wuxuu dhexgalay dagaal qabiil to support his own subclan, what is wrong with the old. This is a lose lose situation and nothing good can come of it and I am afraid SL will lose Laascaano let alone Kalshaale.