Peace Action

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Everything posted by Peace Action

  1. What an amazing visit by the first family of Turkey, the PM and FM and their spouses. This is a historic visit. The Turkish govt is not only visiting Mogadishu to see for themselves the hunger and despiration in Somalia but are working to solve the difficult problem of bringing together the waring factions of Somalia. They are proposing a force composed of Muslim countries that will restore peace and stability. Let us thank the Turkish govt and the Turkish people for the job they are doing in helping Somalia for no other reason but for the sake and pleasure of Allah. I got a call from a Turkish friend in Istanbul today who relayed how all the Turkish people are mobilised for this effort. Singers are giving free concerts to collect donations, mass media is being used to raise funds for Somalia, young and old, man and women, all are excited to participate in this noble endeavor.
  2. Masha Allah, thank you H.E. The Amir of Kuwait and the people of Kuwait. جزاك الله خير
  3. Honest Leadership and courage is what separates HE PM Recep Tayyib Erdoğan from the current rulers of Muslim countries. In time of its greatest need comes for a visit none other than the leader of Turkey. Not to show off and enjoy himself but to see the misery and poverty in the streets of Mogadishu. Let us pray for HE PM Erdoğan for safe journey and thank him for this historical visit.
  4. Ethiopia, Saudia Arabia and many authoritarian regimes are suddenly buying tanks. They are following Syria with 3000 tanks to crush the Arab spring and kill their own people. Zinawi is preparing for the Ethiopian Winter to crush the people with tanks if they dare to rise up.
  5. General Duke;735923 wrote: Dharoor basin, Ufain, Somalia What a beautiful picture of progress and development for Puntland and Somalia. Connoco was very close to reaching oil in Nugal in 1990 when the Somali government collapsed. It was Ade Muse who was able to revive the oil exploration project in Puntland and Faroole is continuing this monemental work. Once the oil is extracted our people, insha allah, will starve no more.
  6. Good. Pirates know that hijacking Somali bound ships will cost them dearly.
  7. Suldaanka fidmo ayuu halkan ka wadaa. Very sad that the desease of secession have made many otherwise honorable men and women behave like children. It was appropiate criticism from MP to Faroole. Faroole's answer was directed at the MP only and no one else. Fools are those who will turn this into clan insults. Listen to the the frank discussion in the Puntland parliament before commenting:
  8. Good one. AfricanOwn I hope you are the only secessionst here in SOL that is global warming denier. Read this link:
  9. Leave him alone. He needs the walk and should add weekly or daily running to his busy schedule.
  10. Bugland (JB), is this an old thread that you are repackaging? War beenta jooji.
  11. Giinbiir kulaha, the man can't even say Somali shilin. For 20 years the people of Burco relied on the Somali shilin and will continue to do that if they want to do business with LA, Bosaso, Galkayo and Mogadishu.
  12. Indeed it is worse than corruption, it is robbing the Somali people blind. Something tells me that this figure of 300 million may not be real. Let the minister explain how the TFG got this money and from where. All I see is few million income from the port and airport.
  13. Axmed-InaJaad;721138 wrote: u've carved out your own niche, and mastered the art of copy and paste miss somalina, InaJaad, waa mirqaantay miyaa. Leave the stuff it is not good for you.. At least our sisters are working for themselves toward self sufficiency.
  14. What a brilliant idea; Clean the city and at the same time remind the residents of LA the need to get rid of secessionst ideology.
  15. I don't see NG's point or what harm he is trying to prevent. It is eay to google anything written these days. Alpha's topic is at least beneficial compared to many mindless debates here in SOL.
  16. Xaaji Xunjuf;717872 wrote: Competing in what in Killing each other in the holy places no thanks we rather not, or piracy perhaps no we rather fight piracy and Criminals and other social rejects. In other words, you have achieved more peace and progress for your region, that is good for all Somalis. I rest my case.
  17. Naxar Nugaaleed;717734 wrote: in another news, somalilanders continue to be obsessed with all things puntland True and they don't realize that they are competing with regional govt rather than a national govt. Let us welcome our brethren and urge them to continue supporting the peace and progress of their regional govt, Somaliland.
  18. Wow you are all nuts. After birthers, we can't take deathers. Don't go there, it is slippery slope.
  19. AUN. His glory days were as a PM of Somalia. Insha Allah, the wannabe breakaway region will not tarnish his good name by succeeding in dismembering Somalia.
  20. I like Barni waa qof aftam ah. She is giving good advice to Faroole, may be we should send this video to President Faroole.
  21. It is the kettle calling the pot black. Waa qabiil qaran ismooday.
  22. Che tell that to the Libyans who were at the mercy of Qaddafi for 42 years and his answner was to call them rats to be hunted in every corner, house and room. Zing Zing, bait bait dar dar. Now the chicken is coming home to roast.
  23. Bugland who are the anarchist, not all Somalis, I hope. Still the point is you get easily shaken by the blue flag which shows how secession will not get very far.
  24. What is NG's labo calanle. Seriously, this is an important visit and real boost to Faroole admin. It seems the two track US policy is on working.