Peace Action

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Everything posted by Peace Action

  1. Where is NG who became die hard secessionst when LA was captured. It has been 3 years and it has become a drian on the meager resources of Somaliland with no recognition in sight. It does not matter if Silaanyo visits LA that much since the city is already under occupation. But what it shows is that for some secessionst at least here in SOL it matters a lot that their clan is supreme in LA and that is why a single clan will not be able create an independant state ever.
  2. Xaaji Cabdi mar aanu waydiinay sida uu u arko shirka beesha Saaxil uga socda deegaanka Dubur ee degmada Sheekh, waxa uu yidhi “Shirkaa Dubur ma filayo in wax xumi ka soo baxayo wax wanaagsan baa ka soo baxaya” La soco….. Imisa shir beeleed baa socda? Waa maxay guuxa
  3. Masha Allah, the Turks took the exams, make the selections and considered giving priority to orphans. May be they have studied Somalis very well and know how to get the job done. I say let the Turks rule Somalia until the Somalis learn how to rule themselves.
  4. he "rebels" aka "tebels (terrorist rebels)", "rats" (due to their horrific abuses and torture of civilians including cutting off of women's breasts, cutting out of the hearts of those who said "I surrender due to your gun, but my heart is with Muammar Qaddafi" and other unspeakable "behaviour" which could not be termed human by any stretch of the imagination), are a disparate group of criminals united only by their hatred of Muammar Qaddafi, direct democracy, natural socialism, truth and justice. They include "royalists" which wish to bring back a reactionary "royal" dictatorship, islamist heretics who wrongly believe that Islam is dictatorship and oppression, and not consultation (shura) and justice, a few who support 'liberal multi party indirect dictatorship under the power of private central bankers', former corrupt officials who were under investigation for embezzlement, hired mercenaries (mostly foreign from other Arab countries), European and American "special forces" and other foreign mercenaries. Is this Nuune's reliable news source? Old man give it up. Qadaafi and his family are gone and his supports should work to rebuild a new Libya.
  5. Che -Guevara;749589 wrote: This mindless violence was useful tool against the Ethiopians, in the current situation however, this is unnecessary, unethical, ill-advised and not to mention un-Islamic. Che you are wrong, this kind of mindless violence is never justified and the last part of your statement is why you are wrong. There are clear rules in Islam when fighting the enemy, don't kill the weak, even don't destroy farms, trees etc let alone killing non-combatants humans. Shabaab are ungrateful, they are slaughtering the people who supported them against the Ethiopian army and the question is why? May Allah have mercy on the dead and May Allah remove this cancer from the Somali people.
  6. Che -Guevara;749168 wrote: One gotta admire the Woyanes, they are resourceful bunch. Not at all, just arrogant - indha adayg Dawlada itoobiya ee hada talada haysaa u soo martay inay dalka Itoobiya ka dhisto dawlad Dimuquraadiya, kana takhalusto Xukunkii Dergiga ahaa ee Boqor Haile Maryam.
  7. Congratulations to all the graduates may you be successful and help yourself, your family and your country, Amiin.
  8. Did Silaanyo made a mistake in attacking his critics with reason as NG opines or he went too far?. I think he went too far in attacking his critics in a such a personal way that it may backfire on him. Is he, like, Faroole, becoming a loose canon unbefitting the position he holds.
  9. Che -Guevara;748747 wrote: Madaxweyne Siilaanyo Oo Jawaabtii Ugu adkayd Abidkii Ka bixiyay eedo mucaaridku u jeediyeen Madaxweyne Axmed Siilaanyo oo ka hadlayay Deeqaha waxbarashada wax uu yidhi “Turkigu waxa uu ina siiyay Schoolarships (deeqaha waxbarasho) oo ardaydeenii aynu dhoofinay oo aynu u dirnay si ay wax u soo bartaan, waxaanay ku dhoofeen baasaboor Somaliland ah. Meesha laga qaadayo iyo jidka laga qaadayaa waa wax aan ahayn wax aanaan si gooniya u eegayn.” Weriye Cumar Maxamed Faarax Somaliland.Org/Hargeysa Interesting diplomatic explanation.
  10. I have a feeling the person who wrote this article is SOL member, may be Norf himself. It should have stayed in Somalilandpress where it is enjoying racist love affair with the commentary section.
  11. By Abtigiis Jacayl, aniga waxba kolba PM ha iigu soo hanjabin, labadeena Hargeysa adigaa halis u ah ina laga masaafuriyo. Ma nin hooyadii Rer Guuleed Suldaan tahay baad Hargeysa wax kaga qaadi adigoo reerihii taashka wada qaatay ah? :D Bugland (AKA JB) waa waashay intu his master Riyaale meesha ka tegay. Always accusing others of "oohin" and yet yaa ka oohin badan.
  12. What a terrible tragedy for Somalia between ineffective TFG, cruel al-shabaab and now the clan warlords are coming back. We need Mogadishu people to rise up and make revolution.
  13. Things are still fuzy and the war is not finished. However, the trend is very clear, Libya leadership is very capable and the country is very rich such that each Libyan can get 23 million a day if the proceeds from oil sale is distributed evenly. Libya produces 1.8 million barrels of oil and has less than 7 million population. Qaddaafi tribe is small and the two largest tribes Warfalla and Magariha are opposed to Qaddaafi. The situation in Libya is getting better and we expect Libya to become a shinning example of getting rid of manic despot and improving the lives of ordinary Libyans.
  14. According to astronomical data, it is impossible to sight the moon in Somalia or any where in East, West, North Africa and the middle east. The only place that the moon can be sighted is with the naked eye is green area in south America such chile. Many Somalis follow Saudi Arabia blindly which uses calculations not sighting to determine moon sighting. Of course th Saudi govt does not tell their people that go by strictly caculations.
  15. My point exactly, too little too late and it looks like "qawda maqashii waxna haw qaban".
  16. Relaxing in one of his Tripoli homes just over a week ago, during a break from commanding at the front, the fifth son of Libya's ruler was in a defiant mood. Soon, he boasted to the blonde foreigner sitting with him, he would lead his father's regime to a victory over the "rats
  17. If true this is good development. I see the Turks are working hard to bring Somalis together. This is the result of PM Erdogan visit to Mogadishu and with Turkey raising $500 million capital for Somalia, there may be indeed a light under the tunnel.
  18. This shows SL is a clan enclave, not even a protest from SL officials and even secessionst in SOL are not protesting. These officials are not true SL officials. . Still I do believe they will be released and the 10 year sentenace is just ridiculus. I am calling on PL authorities to release these officials immediately with a warning not to cross the borders again.
  19. Nuune did you say that Qadaafi did not massacre Africans in Libya? The dictator use to have an orgy of killing whenever he wanted, murder, rape, imprisonment of illegal immigrants just because Itlay gave him 7 billion dollars for the job. This is the curse of Libya from Qadaafi and of course killing innocent Africans who have nothing to do with Qadaafi by some rebels is really despicable and it is good to spread the word to shame those rebels who are committing murder. The larger point you are missing is that this was an uprising by ordinary Libyans who were fed up with Qadaafi rule and was helped by NATO for their own strategic reasons. The Libyans have enough wealth to be masters of their destiny and they have a good chance of making Libya better for their people. Qadaafi in South Africa? you are joking right? Why would South Africa secretly take Qadaafi without anyone knowing and what benefit would that bring. Qadaafi is wanted by ICC and the big western countires would not allow it. What is goining, you are not known for being inflicted with buufis.
  20. Nuune Qadaafi bought many of these African leaders, it means nothing. They don't remember all the havoc Qadaafi caused in Africa. Funding wars in Chad, Sudan, Liberia, Ivory Coast and Somalia to name jus a few. Just wait and see what will happen when TNC takes over Libya for good and is able to buy these leaders.
  21. The rebels need to watch out carrying revenge attacks because then Libyans will never achieve peace as long as people feel victimzed.
  22. Nuune I know you reported I was highlighting for the jama lest, they miss it. Add the fighting to Sabha and Sirta which may surrender with amnesty. About today's earthquake in the east coast of the US, everyone was talking about how they got scared when earth started to tremble but for life of me I did not even notice it happening. May be the fasting was the protector.
  23. Where is Nuune, Bab Al-Aziziya, the HQ of Qadaafi has fallen. Do still have doubt that Qadaafi regime has collapsed. what is happening in Tripoli is a desperate attempt by the regime to cling to power and it will not work.
  24. Nuune are the propoganda machine for Qaddafi? You are just guessing as much as anyone else and you have no inside information. Moreover the Qaddafi forces have no strategy except to kill their own people to keep the mad dog in power longer than 42 years. They will surely loose and Qadaffi will go down, then what. It will be a loss just like all other cities in Libya. Qaddafi and his family are not wanted by the majority of Libyan people and those still supporting him should come to their senses and save Libya from further bloodshed.
  25. HE PM Erdogan is the man of the century. Don't forget Turkey, under Othoman empire was superpower. A great country, Turkey is finaly on the world stage trying to solve one of the most difficult problems in the world today. Thank you, Turkish govt and the Turkish people. :)