Peace Action

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Everything posted by Peace Action

  1. Furthermore, to make this project seem legitimate, a few pictures where taken of the two areas with equipment staging a lucrative “come buy me” position. Excuse me? Last I checked, technology is so advanced that finding oil takes minimum effort by simply pointing a satellite. It looks to me that they are trying to gas up the hype. Really, so you just point the satellite at the site and boom you get oil. This is the level of ignorance Ms Bilan displays about the tough work of oil exploration and makes the rest of her arguments less credible. Here are the immediate benefits of the Dharoor oil exploration: 1. Millions spend on site survey and mappings 2. Hundreds of people employed. 3. Hundreds of trucks rented for transport 4.There is so much dollar in Bosaso that the Somali shilling went from 3million to 2.5million per $100. and Insha Allah when oil is found all Somalis will benefit and it can't come soon enough.
  2. Calling for peace is always good and to agree with the sultan by the SOL secessionst is even better. You should call Silaanyo and tell him to stop attacking Khaatumo state and the peaceful city of Buhoodle if you are sincere.
  3. He is saying we should talk to them (people of Somaliland) and show them that Somalia has changed and that they will be treated equally and fairly. This is the same positiion of all past Somali leaders, Ali Mahdi, A.Qasim, A. Yusuf and Sh. Sharif. Carafaat the love fest for Aideed (AUN) is a sign of desperation, no. What could he do now under six feet of sand?
  4. Taleexi;782530 wrote: Waa hagaag. Taleexi don't count on it, Oodweyene was predicting secession for Somaliland few years ago (5-10).
  5. Oodweyne;782392 wrote: Mr. Peace Action , Adeer , Somaliland is not your kind of a piratical ninny of a state that was created as a "political ladder" so that, the "Tolka" could get a seat on the political bandwagon of Mogadishu , as your leaders (from Col. Yey to Pirate Farole ), daily demonstrate to us, indeed. Regards, Oodweyne. Truth hurts. It has been 20 years since your enclave started secession and now it is unraveling precisely because it was emotional decision based solely on SNM clan grievance. Pirate state, ninny state, chancers etc. insults may make you feel good but is not substitute for arguing your case. Unfortunately for you die hard secessionist, you don't have plan B when you realize that the dream has turned into nightmare.
  6. After 20 years of dreams and after Kalshaale and Buhoodle, Somalilanders are confused. The reality is downing on many that the project of secession has failed and want to prepare their people for the inevitable. Rather than be bystanders, take your future in your hand and be part of the solution for Somalia as a whole which will bring dignity, honor and true independence for the all the Somali people.
  7. Computer technology of the past 20 years has equalized all kinds of alphabets. Osmaniya today is very easy to implement it and it can be practical and economical.
  8. Weak response yes but better than keeping quite. In politics, the mega phone of Puntland will help Khaatumo state. Even Aljazeerah is reporting the fight between newly established Khaatumo State of Somalia and Somaliland.
  9. This is not good at all. AUN inta dhimatay. May be Somaliland boys can tell us what is Silaanyo's agenda besides ordering senseless fighting. Confused and misinformed comes to mind. I guess he has not learned that in civil war there are no winners.
  10. Carafaat;777754 wrote: Where are the Landers? Why are they silent? where is Oodweyneh?
  11. This is big disappointment. Faroole was elected to free LA as he promised and then he forgot to do anything. Not only that, he has become an obstacle to the aspirations of his cousins. I think Khaatumo State must be supported by average Puntlander because we refuse to accept the suffering of our people anymore.
  12. The Hermet;777476 wrote: no to mention if needed a population of 3.5 million to call upon...if need be and survival is threatened. WHEN I SAY SOMALILAND WAAA MUQADAS...WE MEAN IT...SAXIB...TILL THE LAST DROP OF BLOOD TO THE LAST INCH OF LAND WITH OR WITHOUT RECOGNITION. Last drop of blood worked out well for Saif Al-Islam at the least he is sitting in jail but not for his father, Qaddafi. I hate keyboard warriors calling for bloodshed from the comfort of their homes outside Somalia.
  13. NGONGE;776682 wrote: Now don't take offence or consider it an insult (or provocation) but I still believe SL is going to work. I do because despite all your protestations about small numbers of sellouts from your clan and all your wishful arguments about the clan being fully united, I still see that LA is in the hands of SL and still know (as you do) that some sections of the SSC clan are with SL (a miniorty they may be but they still leave a question mark). Would you agree that when Khaatumo State of Somalia takes LA as its capital city, then the secession of Somaliland will be dead?
  14. Freedom you forgot that Somaliland is also clan based, your clan precisely. Somaliland had the chance to build state for all the diverse clans by not seeking secession and by working for the establishment of free democratic modern Somali state. What a wasted opportunity but it is still not too late.
  15. Well done and welcome Khaatumo State of Somalia. Barwaaqo iyo bash bash insha Allah.
  16. Dharoor: Ceelkii ugu hereeyey ee Shidaal laga baarayo oo maanta xariga laga jaray Updated:- 56 mins ago| 2 Commnets Munaasabad balaaran oo xariga looga jarayey ceelkii ugu horeeyey ee intii uu maamulka Puntland jirey shidaal laga baaro ayaa maanta ka dhacday dooxada Dharoor daanteeda soo xigta dhinaca gobolka Bari. Munaasabadaas oo ahayd mid si heer sare ah loo soo agaasimey ayaa waxaa ka qayb galay mas’uuliyiin dowlada Puntland ka tirsan oo uu horkacayey madaxweynaha Puntland Cabdiraxmaan Maxamed Maxamuud iyo qaar kamid ah golihiisa wasiirada. Ceelkan oo loo bixiyey magaca ah (Shabelle-1) ayaa waxaa sidoo kale munaasabadii xariga looga jarayey kasoo qayb galay madax ka socotey shirkadda howlaha shidaal baarista Puntland ka wada ee African Oil. Madaxweynaha Puntland oo isagu ceelkaas si rasmi ah xariga uga jaray ayaa sidoo kale intii ay munaasabadii furitaanku socotey sheegay in howlaha shidaal baaristu ay yihiin kuwo Puntland keliya aanay dani ugu jirin haseyeeshee hadii Puntland shidaal laga soo saaro ay taasi horumar iyo guul u tahay guud ahaan umadda Soomaaliyeed. Dr. Faroole ayaa sidoo kale sheegay in Puntland aysan si gaar ah isugu koobi doonin dhaqaalaha kasoo baxa hadiiba dhulkeeda shidaal laga soo saaro, isagoo intaas raaciyey in Puntland hadii ay dooneyso in dhaqaalaha shidaalku uu iyada ku koobnaado ay mar hore Soomaaliya inteeda kale ka go’i lahayd. Baaritaanka shidaalka ee laga samaynayo ceelka (Shabeelle-1) ayaa qaadan doona mud 90-beri ku dhow sida ay sheegeen mas’uuliyiin ka tirsan hay’adda African Oil oo iyaguna munaasabadii uu madaxweynuhu ku furayey ka hadlay. Goobta ceelka maanta qodaalkiisa la bilaabay uu ku yaalo waa halka lagu magacaabo (Quruurux-duble) oo qiyaastii dhowr iyo toban KM dhinaca koonfureed kaga beegan degmada Kob-dhexaad oo iyadu masaafo aan badnayn u jirta magaalada Boosaaso ee xarunta gobolka Bari. Si kastaba ha ahaatee dadaalada shidaal baarista ee Puntland oo soo bilowday xiligii uu madaxweyne Maxamuud Muuse (Cadde) xilka hayey ayaa u muuqda kuwo dar dar xoogan ku socda, waxaana hadii ay Puntland shidaal yeelato ay taasi horseedeysaa inay ku talaabsato horumar dhan walba ah iyo koboc dhaqaale oo xoogan. Codadka iyo Sawirada naga filo Saacadaha soo fool leh Horseed Media Boosaaso
  17. Desperation 101. When you are about to be defeated political, use the AS card which has already expired.
  18. RedSea;774300 wrote: There WERE injustices commited(well documented too) against' Silanyu's 'clan', he didn't just "called it". The fact that you and others legtitmatize and proudly support Barre regime's criminal and genocidal actions against the civilian population of Somaliland is the real Irony in here. You need to admit the crimes of the somali govt and you need to distance yourselves from it if you expect any sympathy for your cause. Needless to say, you won't do that and we know why. A fair person has to acknowledge what happened in the north of Somalia during Siad Barre's rule was horrible and tragic. We should be convinced that such atrocities including those committed after the fall of the dictator have no place in modern Somalia.
  19. The old man is worried and it seems has no plans if the meeting is successful.
  20. Madaxweynaha maamulka Somaliland Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud Siilaanyo ayaa markii ugu horeysey si faah faahsan uga hadlay mowqifka dowladiisa ee ku aadan shirka Khaatumo-2 ee ka socda magaalada Taleex ee gobolka Sool. Wuxuuna sheegay in shirkaasi uu markii hore ku bilowday jawi nabadeed kaas oo ay beel kamid ah beelaha Somaliland aayahooda kaga tashanayeen markii danbese uu waji kale yeeshay kadib markii ay soo fara geliyeen dad uu sheegay inay fidmo wadeyaal yihiin waa sida uu Siilaanyo hadalka u dhiagaye. Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud Siilaayo aaa sidoo kale sheegay in shirka magaalada Taleex kasocdaa uu yahay mid aysan kasoo bixi doonin wax lagu tanaado oo dan u ah dadka gobolka Sool islamarkaana Somaliland aanay ogolaan doonin wax walba oo qaranimadeeda wax u dhimi kara. Madaxweynaha Somaliland oo warkan sheegay mar uu maanta khudbad ka jeedinayey xarunta aqalka golaha wakiilada ee Somaliland ayaa dhinaca kale ugu baaqay waxgaradka iyo Isimada gobolka Sool inay ka feejignaadaan shirqool uu sheegay inay maleegayaan dad ku caan baxay nacaybka ay Somaliland u qabaan. Dhegeyso Codka Madaxweyne Siilaanyo Arintan ayaa kusoo beegmeysa xilli uu shirka Khaatumo maalintii 10-aad galay, waxaana warkii ugu danbeeyey ee Horseed Media ay magaalada Taleex ka heshay sheegayaan in maanta Ergooyinka shirkaasi ay ka arinsanayaan magacii loo bixin lahaa maamul goboleedka cusub ee dhowaan shirkaas looga dhawaaqay iyo xeer hoosaadyada lagu dhiqi doono. Mana jiraan ilaa hada mas’uuliyiin ka tirsan guddiga qaban qaabada shirka Khaatumo-2 iyo Ergooyinka kale ee ka qayb gelaya oo ka jawaabey hadalka kasoo yeeray madaxweynaha maamulka Somaliland Axmed Maxamed Maxamed Maxamuud Siilaanyo.
  21. Somalina;773828 wrote: taas shaki weyn ayaa ku jirta. Sida uu ugu celcelinaaye, "i'm from M" ayaan ka gartey inuu waqooyiga ka yimid maxjairka Burco agtiisa. Another hint: Whining is a Northern habit.
  22. I don't have problem with the black star but the "Ashahaado" on the flag. Imagine how some people may abuse the flag forgetting it has the name of Allah on it.