Peace Action

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Everything posted by Peace Action

  1. Laga bartaa laga badshaa hahahahah Poor excuse for looting. Why do you justify looting?. The water clan clearly is being oppressed in their own land. They must be regretting their alliance with HAG in the civil war.
  2. Well you thought Khaatumo was Somaliland project, what happened. Puntland so far is staying out to let Siilaanyo anger what he claims to be his constituency. It shows that Siilaanyo, with the closing of universal tv, alienating G clans, not handeling Bixi diplomatically and now attacking Taleex for the second time, is losing it. Sometimes what looks like victory might turn out to be pyrrhic victory in the long run. Khatumo conference is political in nature and does not require a military solution but requires political maturity and wisdom to deal with it.
  3. And the sun does not shine according to Xaji Xayraan and his Siilaanyo guulwadayaal . Well if he did not attack Talex, then why did he send his army there for the second time in less two months. I guess you have no idea what Siilaanyo is doing? Will his army stay in Taleex or will it be like the last time. The other guulwade just proved to Sol members why Somaliland is one clan project and is unsustainable and will never become an independent nation.
  4. Puntland waa ku khafiiftay bal u kaadi guulwade Buurahader. I guess you are happy with Siilaanyo second time attacking Taleex, don't you agree at least that is bad strategy. I will include guulwadayaasha SOL for Siilaanyo right or wrong because he is of my clan.
  5. Siilaanyo continues his warmonger adventure, a prefect excuse to distract people from for his kulmiye and upcoming elections problems. Now he captures Taleex again after less than two months what comes next? Bal guulwadayaasha Siilaanyo jawaabta keena.
  6. Adiga iyo Xaji Xayraan waxa tihiin labo guulwade oo caadifad qabiil oo keliya Somaliland u taagera. Bal cid hela idinka aqbasha Somalida Waqooyia (north west) luqad aan Somali ahayn bay ku hadlaan.
  7. Xaaji Xayraan paraphrases the article. So Somalia and Somaland speak different languages. We know Somalis speak Somali what do Somalanders speak: afro hashimatem language?
  8. Horn has proved up a working petroleum system in Puntland’s Dharoor Block with two wells. Need to find traps which have not been breached Indeed an informative read. Thanks Burn when do you think the work will resume in Dharoor? Is there a time table for Nugal block?.
  9. Miskiin this is reality, where is Xamar? The city where the nation is destroyed, a city of biliqo and mayham. Sadly the nation is hostage to this city unless all Somalis decide they will no longer be hostages to to this city.
  10. I think Somaliland has matured enough to weather this squabble, they are far removed when Egal and Tuur fought and Hargaysa become a war zone. It all depends how Siilanyp handles the situation and so far it does not look good. Let us hope the people side with the law rather than their clan.
  11. Dr. Osman what are you smoking, millions of Somalia have left Somalia and scattered all over the world, until we have proper census, no one can claim they are majority. War nagadaa faanka badan ninyohow, I can't take it anymore.
  12. Masha Allah, I have been to Growe and it is remarkable how this city developed considering how it was small town in 1990. Kudus to Growe for having better city planning then most cities in Punland. Pay attention how the houses and building are lined up straight instead of all over the road. Dr. Osman you don't know who is building these house and most houses in Puntland, it is the diaspara. I know a lot of people who build homes and there are companies like Mubaarak, Hilaac and others who build houses for people in the diaspara at reasonable prices. If you don't own one yourself , it does not mean others in the diaspara do not own a house in Puntland.
  13. <cite> @Che -Guevara said:</cite> I thought they already decide their fate? Deep down they know it is dream but the continues chaos in Mogadishu make them realize they need to keep their gains intact until the Somalis in the south come to their senses.
  14. This is a bad mark against Hassan Sheikh for releasing one of the masterminds of Al-Shabaab solely for clan reasons. Why go after foot solders when this top commander is free to keep advocating the same mindless bloodshed against Somalis and their interests. What kind of house arrest allows this kind of propaganda against the very government that gave him sadly this platform.
  15. Che as they say beggers can not be choosers. Abdiweli is seen so far as a man of integrity and le us hope he makes sure the IC fulfills their promise. Ultimately the Somalis themselves are to blame for any short comings because of their own corruption. Tuuug tuug kale ma qabto. Dr. Osman, I will prefer a federal system where each region has local governance and federal government represents all regions and defense and foreign affairs are handled by the central government. The Puntland model, I believe will work in Somalia but the Somaliland model will never work in united Somalia.
  16. Abdiweli Gas has raised the profile of Puntland further since the historic election were former President Faroole lost and conceded immediately. The international community considers now Puntland and important stabilizing force for Somalia. I wish Hassan Sheikh will cooperate with Puntland for the good of Somalia instead of acting ignorant of constitutional disputes Puntland raised. It is very importand all responsible national and regional administrations to cooperate on security and development.
  17. Fake news. If you are lying at least write plausible story. This proves that secessionist are panicking and do not know how to deal with with Dr. Gas and Eng. Camey.
  18. The 40 million is Somali shilling, it is probably 4 million US dollars which is easily manageable. Kudayo Puntland, they changed their corrupt leadership and now Dr. Gas, an economist, has the task of moving Puntland forward. When are the die hard secessionist see the corruption of Siilaanyo administration and conclude it is time for change. Or is this the case, see no evil hear no evil until we get recognized.
  19. No one should ask Xaaji Xayraan what is good for Somalia, he is only interested advantage for his clan in centrally administered from Hargaysa. Ask Reer Borame, Burco, Ceerigaabo etc why everything should be in Hargaysa.
  20. In the current constitution Mogadishu is not the capital, it is temporary capital and it was supposed to be decided later. This is one of the constitutional disputes between Mogadishu and Garowe. May be after Somalis become politically mature , they can tackle where the capital should for the good of the country.
  21. Xaaji Xayraan did you ever worked for the Kacaan, you sound like guulwade for Siilaanyo. Your uncle has huge problems in Somaliland proper having alienated important duriyad clans let alone pacify Sool and Sanaag. It is pointless to argue with you because you are not realistic on what is possible and what is impossible. What is possible is to use good administration to woe SSC, what is not possible is to use military might to essentially bring people who are hostile to your side knowing that SSC are against Somali dismemberment. I am done arguing with if you can not even acknowledge that Siilaanyo made blunder to visit Las Qoray and capture Taleex thus alienating Khaatumo & Makhirs. Your uncle has succeeded in pushing Khaatumo toward Puntland as the upcoming peace conference between Puntland and Khaatumo Garaads will show. In addition, Ali Khalif is too smart to side with Somaliland, it is political suicide for someone who has ambitions of higher office in Somalia. Abdiweli Gas is proving to be real statesman and unlike Faroole he is more diplomatic and has expertise in conflict resolution where he practiced as consultant to New York State. As he stated his objective is to unite Puntlanders and that is the real reason why Siilaanyo is making unforced errors because as former SNM gorilla fighter that is all he knows.
  22. Galbeedi your other thread about the secret negotiations was not credible and it was once sided wish list. That the Sol Somalilander reject it out right showed how the Somaliland diaspora is out of touch. I do not thing anybody in Puntland or the south in general support the dismemberment of Somalia. Having sad that, I am equally dismayed with the level of misrule and anarchy in the south for the past twenty three years. All politics are zero sum game and that is not the way to run a country. There are two solutions. 1. Keep the federal system and make sure that each region control their own destiny and all the Somali resources are not concentrated in one city. 2. Move the capital to Garowe or Hargaysa. Personally I do not mind Hargeysa as they have shown more mature political discourse for the past twenty three years. I would even add the president for the first 10 years should be from the north.
  23. Xaaji Xayraan Define what winning means to you? You can believe whatever you want but you are too emotional when discussing Somaliland. Ali Khalif insulted your clan and you still hope he changes his mind. Garaad Jamac will not change the dynamics and it has been few years since Xaabsade defected to Somaliland and handed Las Anod. Even NG thought Somaliland has crossed the ribicon and recognition is in the corner. The mistake of the fighting within sub sub clan in Taleex was a mistake and Puntland wisely rejected Faroole. Abdiweli Gas hands are clean while Silaanyo is busy showing how aggressive and warmonger Somaliland is. What happened to your Khaatumo joinging Somaliland. It has been over a year and things are getting worse for Somaliand standing in Sool and Sanaag. When you try to use force without any strategy, the result will be a set back. Can you tell me why Silaanyo attacked Taleex. captured it and then left? The problem for Somaliland it that without SSC, they will have no hope of becoming a recognized country. And with the existence of Puntland, forget about recognition. A better strategy for Somaliland will be to work for united Somalia as an important federal region and demand their fair share provided all clans in the region agree to it.
  24. Xaaji Xayran SSC have the largest share in the new Puntland admin and the Garaad Clan now occupies the VP. Abdiweli Gas appoints people and Silaanyo attacks Taleex and occupies it and pays provocative visit to Las Qoray. With this strategy you have alienated Khaatumo and Glaydh already insulted Somaliland harshly about Taleex incident so what are you smoking.