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Everything posted by Som@li

  1. That is what happens when you are vision is based on "KHAT induced thoughts"
  2. ^Where did I convey that to you? It is also very sad to see the educated folks from this region fell into the trap , and are overwhelmed by the "KHAT induced thoughts" and turn a blind eye on human right abuses, the killing, the torture, the displacement of innocent people who refuse to be part of this silly project! They should lead the people into achievable, and realistic goals, not wasting over 70% of the meager resources on capturing imaginary borders!
  3. Doing the same thing over and over again.
  4. ^You seem to be obsessed with my home town, Erigavo, but Yes, including them. I am aware part of the population in Erigavo are from ****.
  5. Ibti, I am well versed in the region and have lived and traveled there many times, Could you please give us the list of the towns, villages you have visited? I agree, majority of I clan will opt for secession, and they are the ones steering this project, and they believe they will profit from separate home land. I also believe on the way they went about it, trying to secede was totally wrong, and not aligned with norms and ways you do secession, for example, Fake referendum that never happened, (remember the magic 97%), trying to hijack, the voiceless communities, and claim regions that are totally against secession, and saying they are “too insignificant” , as many secessionists, and Ibti put it, to stop us from our goals. This is not how you do secession; many lessons can be taken from South Sudan, Kosovo etc, where the referendum was held by the UN and international observers. You can not FOOL the world. I also believe even if South was very peaceful and stable, many of I clan would still want secession, it is not about the money, or logical reason to secede, it is about psychological, feeling significant, feeling and wanting a home where they are the majority, It is a self esteem issue. Despite taking and done a poor attempt at secessions for 20 years, I also think if the Western powers wanted them to secede, they would have helped, and make it easier for them. The hysteria and emotions created, the victim mentality, fictitious enemy that we will be oppressed or wiped out if we join F@qashta, I reckon it will take a very long time for many I clans come into their senses, and realize this is a fake project. So if a secession makes them happy, and that is what they really want, go for it, but don’t try to maim innocent communities and force them on your ideals, redraw you maps to I clans only. Regards, Somali
  6. Som@li

    Hair tips..

    Good stuff, laakin si fiican uma arko, Camera da in hoos in yar loogu dhigo baa fiicnaan lahayd.
  7. Xildhibaan C/raxmaan Jaamac Cabadalla
  8. Warar is khilaafsan oo kasoo baxaya xariga C/raxmaan Jamac Cabadalla Posted by Abu Mucaad on May 1, 2011 in Warar | 0 Comment Xiriiro aanu la samaynay goob joogayaal kusugan magaalada Bosaaso, gaar ahaan agagaarka laanta hawada, ayaa inoo xaqiijiyey in xildhibaan katirsan dowlada KMG, horayna u ahaa Wasiirka Warshadaha Dowlada Soomaaliya, Mudane C/raxmaan Jaamac Cabdalle in caawa ay xabsiga u taxaabeen saraakiil katirsan laaamaha amniga magaalada Bosaaso. Xildhibaanka ayaa lasheegay in maanta uu kula shiray Hotel Juba, qaar katirsan jaaliyada ku abtirsata gobolada Sanaag, Haylaan iyo Galbeed Bari, isagoo kala hadlay arimo kusaabsan dar-dargalinta maamul madaxbanaan oo ka arimiya degaanada beelaha reer Maakhir ay degaan. Sidoo kale, mar ay idaacada SPR khadka teleefoonka ku tiigsatay xildhibaanka teelkiisi gacanta, ayaa nin teelka qabtay oo magaciisu kusoo gaabiyey Maxamed inoo sheegay in ninka moobilka lahaa (Xildhibaan C/raxmaan Jaamac Cabdalla), uu haatan xirinyahay, isagoo ka gaabsaday in uu faahfaahin dheeraad ahi ina siiyo. Dhanka kale, xiriir aanu la samaynay Garaad Cabdulaahi Cali Ciid, ayaa gebi ahaanba beeniyey in xildhibaanka laxiray, kuna tilmaamay warkaasi mid aan sal iyo raad lahayn. Wararkani iskhilaafsan ayaa kusoo aadayo xili uu meel qatar ah marayo Khilaafka udhaxeeya Masuuliyiinta Dowlada KMG Soomaaliya iyo Maamul Goboleedka Puntland, waxaana ay horay eedaymo isku weydaarsaden Dhinaca Warbaahinta. Dhamaadkii bishii January ayay maamulka Puntland gebi ahaanba ka mamnuucday degaamada ay ka arimiso, mas’uuliyiinta dowlada KMG. Dowlada Puntland ayaa uqeybisay Warqado digniin ah dhamaan Maamulada Deegaanada iyo Magaalooyinka Puntland, taas oo ay ku xusnayd in aysan tagi karin Deegaanada Masuuliyiinta Dowlada KMG Katirsan. Madaxwaynaha Puntland ayaa dhawaan socdaal kusoo gaaray magaalada Bosaaso isagoo kahadlay arimo badan uu maamulkiisu la tacaalayo sida amni daro ay u aaba yihiin aanooyin beeleed, xiriirxumo dhanka dowlada KMG iyo burcadbadeed degaamadaasi ku xididaystay oo beesha caaalamka fara ba’an ku hayo. Xigasho-
  9. Faroole oo Qoray Wareegtadii lagu Qabtay C/raxmaan Jamac Cabadalla [War Deg Deg ah] Posted by Boosaaso on May 1, 2011 in Warar | 0 Comment Mr Cabdalla Sawirka/Kaydka GalGalaNews Bosaaso:-Wararka naga soo gaadhaya Magaalada Bosaaso ayaa sheegaya in Madaxwaynaha Puntland C/raxmaan Faroole uu Wareegto ku amaray in la xidho Wasiirkii Hore ee Warshada Dawlada TFG Hadeerna ah Xildhibaan laga soo doorto Deegaanka Maakhir. Ilo wareed ayaa sheegaya in Hotel Jubba oo u degenaa Masuulkaasi ay Isweer xoogan ka qabteen Ciidamada Madaxtooyada Puntland Kuwaasi oo sheegay in Madaxayne Faroole amaray in la xidho Siyaasi C/raxmana Jaamac Cabdalla. Warar duul duul ah oo na soo gaadhaynay iyana waxay sheegayaan in Agaasime ka Tirsan Dawlada Somaliya oo isna Hotelkaasi degenaa la xidhay. Lama sheegin sababta loo xidhay Masuuliyiintaasi hase ahaatee wararka Hoose ee la Helayo ayaa tibaaxaya in C/raxmaan Faroole uu aad uga soo Horjeedo Qorshaha ay wadaan Siyaasiyiinta Maakhir ee ah in Maamul Goboleed Gooni ah oo ka Madax banaan PL ay dhistaan kaasi oo sanadkii 2007- loogu walay qalay Maakhir State. Siyaasi C/raxmaan Jaamac Cabadalla ayaa dhawaanahan ku sugnaa Puntland isaga oo Kormeeray Guud ahaan Deegaanka Sanaag iyo Hayland lana shiray Odayaasha iyo Maamulada Hoose ee degmooyinka Sanaag iyo Hayland. Mr Cabdalle Safarkiisa ka dib wuxuu u Boqoolay Caasimada Somaliya madaama uu Yahay Mudane ka Tirsan Baarlamaanka Somaliya isaga oo Howlo shaqo Muqdisho u Gaadhay. Waxa la xasuustaa Waraysigii C/raxmaan Farool uu Idaacadaha siiyay markii uu Bosaaso soo gaadhay inuu Afka ku dhuftay Siyaasiyiin Reer Sanaag ah oo Xamar looga Yeedhay isaga oo Tuhmayay Miisaanka ay ku Yeelan karaa Loolanka siyaasadeed ee ka Aloosan Puntland Madaxwaynaha Puntland ayaa wel wel wayn ka qaba Maamul Goboleedyada Farah badan ee Puntland beelaha degan ay ku dhawaaqayaan sida SSC Raascaseyr State iyo Maamul Goboleedka Maakhir State.
  10. Very simplistic and narrow minded, Calanka BUULUGA ah muxuu dhimay, haday runtahay ba.. It is sad to how opportunistic politicians play with Somali emotions, It was yesterday Faroole telling the crowd in Bosaaso some absurd stories , and crowds cheer, and here you find many brainwashed and absorbed by hatred.
  11. Overrated, ma xuma laakin xogaa caadufad baa ku jirta, waa sheekadii qaar reer waqooyi ku oraneyeen Ilma Mooga baa ugu sareeya abwaanada oo kale. Buraanbur iyo Gabay midna waxba ma soo dhiciyee, Amxaarta ha la iska celiyo.
  12. ^Forget about 1964-1967, and listen what he saying now. Marida Makarafooka: C/risaaq X. Xuseen Ra'iisal wasaarihii hore ee Soomaaliya Cabdirisaaq Xaaji Xuseen waxa uu kaga hadlayaa barnaamijkan xaaladaha Soomaaliya. Falastin Iman | Washington, DC. Sabti, 23 April 2011 Barnaamijka Martida Makarafoonka waxaa todobaadkan marti inoogu ah Cabdirisaaq Xaaji Xuseen oo Soomaaliya ra'iisal wasaare ka soo noqday sanadihii 1964-kii ilaa 1967-kii. Wuxuuna ka hadli doonaa xaaladda Siyaasadeed ee salka Soomaaliya ee xilligan. Falastiin Axmed Iimaan ayaa soo diyaaris VOA interview with A H Hussein
  13. Interesting read, Thanks bro. Yaa ka dhegaysan weeye sheekadu,
  14. Bob, well said, there is a group of people, who think to cross the boundaries, to become someone, and to be accepted, they have to marry from white etc. and it is more of a self hate than a choice.
  15. Kulmiye;713852 wrote: as long as you have the recipe and persistence to deliver your assignment on time- I dont see why you shouldnt procrastinate:) If you delay it, and don't start it on time, the quality of the assignment could be low... The hard part is starting it!
  16. Chimera, go back and read what you wrote, other 1.5% are male/female reverts or belong to specialised professions such as science, entertainment, sports etc. If therefore you aspired to become an astronaut, there is a very slim chance that you would encounter a fellow Somali there, and so the possibility of you marrying one of your non-Somali colleagues or someone you see in that scientific environment everyday is very HIGH! I have seen many like you with low self esteem, and self hated attitude, you are scr3wed up!
  17. ^what are you implying here, 98.5 of Somalis are losers with no talent? and only those with talent can't find a partner among Somalis? I think you are more of a problem yourself, than being helpful here. As for the girl, my condolences, may she find the strength to continue his work.