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Posts posted by Som@li

  1. burahadeer;739025 wrote:
    Do we have to politicise everything! Yaab walahi...If you say there was diamond rain, some would say it had the name of certain qabiil on it. You don't even know where I'm from.2ndly literature on oil is everywhere! Otha thing, most important areas had already been given to certain companies by siyad & according to laws that govern oil companies no otha co will drill.The only thing we can do is renegotiate the price..any way good luck & don't help me with ur revenues.

    The "Companies" and their agreements becomes invalid after they fail to return!

  2. Nina Fox;739666 wrote:
    Had 4 tiny Vegetable spicy Indian Samosas and
    3 cups of Coffee for Afur.
    My laab is still burning. Speaking of burning the riots are back (and this time in small pockets all over London). :rolleyes:

    Waw, Caffeine iska yaree, and try yoghurt for laab dilaaca

  3. Agreee with NG and the rest, Mosques have been become a dating zone ,and a place for new converts to hunt our beautiful Somali women. Either way it is their choice, but of course noticed the trend, kuwa aan Shahaadadii si fiican u qabsan oo maalinti ku xigtay mise gabar Somaaliyeed buu wataa.


    This issue has many facets, but could be lack of Somali men? Manaaqa aqaal meel kasta waa tumanyihiine, or Most Somali men going back home to marry..Hablaha inta ay cidla macdantoodu ku basbeeli lahayd, daa ha shaqaysteene!

  4. Some need few classes to bring up their culinary skills..


    The other day i order Barley, and this dude got me wheat, they look very similar but are very different.


    Barley Vs Wheat


    Many ask the question ‘Is barley a type of wheat or vice versa?’ Well actually the two, although they are related, are two very different types of grasses.


    Barley, scientific name Hordeum vulgare, likes to thrive during warmer seasons. That’s why it is often harvested during springtime and across summer whereas wheat, scientific name Triticum aestivum, is harvested during the start of winter or later part of fall. Obviously, wheat thrives best during cooler climates.


    Barley is a yearly grass type that has blades with shorter ligules yet smoother sheaths. Barley’s leaf blades are erect but in a tufted manner. It has many uses. The most common of which is its use to procure cereals. It can also be used as a livestock fodder and more popularly to brew beer. For the latter, the more starchy barley is used while the ones utilized for food purposes are those that have a higher protein value.


    Wheat is another grass grown annually which is characterized by its hollow rachis. It also has erect leaf blades like that of the barley but are flatter in shape. With regard to its use, wheat has a very high commercial value because it is usually grown for the grain it yields. This grain is a precious economic commodity in making breads, flour, livestock feeds and also alcohol. On top of these common uses, the wheat grass can also be used to make wheat baskets, carpets, paper and even bedding for cattle.


    The two differ in other aspects. More alcohol can be made with barley, not wheat. The latter is also perceived as a less tough grass having a weaker taste than barley. In addition, whole grain barley is usually consumed because of its higher fiber content than whole grain wheat. Barley is much easier to use because it can be cooked whole like how you cook rice (as in the case of pearled barley) while wheat needs to be milled first before you can use it.


    Nonetheless, the two also has some significant health concerns especially to those who have sensitivity to gluten like in Celiac diseases. People having such are advised not to consume either barley or wheat because of their gluten content.I want to do this! What’s This?


    In Summary:




    1. Barley thrives in warmer climates unlike wheat that favors cooler seasons.


    2. Barley is more often used to make beer products than wheat.


    3. Barley is a tougher grass, not to mention a stronger product than wheat in terms of flavor or taste.


    4. Whole grain barley has higher fiber content than whole grain wheat.


    5. Barley can be cooked whole while wheat has to be milled first prior to cooking.


    wheat image by Artur Ciba from




    Read more: Difference Between Barley and Wheat | Difference Between | Barley vs Wheat

  5. Sareen is Barley


    A source of B vitamins, vitamin E, and folic acid, barley seeds are also ground into flour for baking or processed for use as a cereal.Studies have shown that individuals with barley in their diet experienced reductions in their total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL - the bad cholesterol), or triglyceride levels. Additionally, barley may assist in weight loss because it acts as an appetite suppressant making people feel like they have eaten more than they really have. Barley seeds may also protect against colon cancer.