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Everything posted by FatB

  1. "won or come close to winning absolutely nothing" lools
  2. ^lols read a book or better yet the quran!
  3. It is a good idea, but badly handdled. it apears that the organisers only hadnt fully realised the magniture of the bad press they were gona get. there was no media stratagy
  4. i hear the bay bakool residance are forming their own self rulling system complete with a flag and indapendance - heres a thought, would it be inconsivable to have these self governing regions with in the wider somalia to form a united states as you will later on, once and if peace is restored to the caios of the south? would it to far fetched to have a system much like that of australia or the US for somalia as a whole?
  5. i hear the bay bakool residance are forming their own self rulling system complete with a flag and indapendance - heres a thought, would it be inconsivable to have these self governing regions with in the wider somalia to form a united states as you will later on, once and if peace is restored to the caios of the south? would it to far fetched to have a system much like that of australia or the US for somalia as a whole?
  6. i hear the bay bakool residance are forming their own self rulling system complete with a flag and indapendance - heres a thought, would it be inconsivable to have these self governing regions with in the wider somalia to form a united states as you will later on, once and if peace is restored to the caios of the south? would it to far fetched to have a system much like that of australia or the US for somalia as a whole?
  7. lools take your shoes off - what airline are you flying with? er.. LG ur not a niqab fan then i take it? Y?
  8. i did palaties once - never went back after i saw 60 year old women doing things i couldnt, would lav to pick up tai chi chock'n'honey a teacher ay, a noble professon. i once had a teach who was into her healthy lifesyle ways - really hot got the attention from 7th graders right tho to the principle
  9. lols a serious matter made funi
  10. ¿¿ honey facts and figures.... i rest my case
  11. Got it but not good. all I gadget users along with emos and Goths should be put in a box and placed in a corner way from general public - how annoying it is listing to pre adolescent teens on the trains talking about what app they have and what cool thing they can do on their Iphones/pads/junk - we dont care....
  12. see the thing with iphones is every bimbo and 13 yaer old teenage girl has one, its a fad, invest in something that actaully has a battery life longer than barbies attention span -
  13. a dream with in a dream its that the most lazy thing ever, your so lazy that even in ur dreams youd rather be asleep?
  14. blackberry users holla Pin: 21A349DD
  15. where is home kk? even your long summer hours dont reach quater to 9, 9 o'clock do they? i remember a few years ago iftar was at 9pm with above 30degree temp... good fun that was
  16. aa ramadan in spring, the floweres will be blooming, the birds will be singing, and best of all iftar will be at around 5
  17. loools @Demonises Somali men in the diaspora. no wonder most xaliimos are hating - to much whitening cream and watching universal
  18. Lools @ "The wifey is not car that runs on gasoline' am sure they are ways to fill that tank
  19. loools fraud made into an art form