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Everything posted by FatB

  1. FatB

    is this saxiix

    so... its rightt. then why do many people in somalia and other parts practice cauterization? or are they like i was, ignorant of the rulings concerning the matter?
  2. FatB

    is this saxiix

    Don’t really trust the website I got it from...n I don’t have a bukhari to verify it. Back home, if a child had an illness or an infection, the affected areas where burnt, according to this hadith it is wrong? or have i misinterpreted the hadiith
  3. FatB

    is this saxiix

    Al-Bukhaari narrated in his Saheeh (5269) from Sa’eed ibn Jubayr from Ibn ‘Abbaas (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Healing is in three things: drinking honey, the incision of a cupper, and cauterizing with fire, but I forbid my ummah to use cauterizing.”
  4. but y must he have a place in hell. all he realy did was invent someting to make a living.... if the same concept applies, i suppose henry ford should also rot in hell! (alahu caclam, mind you)
  5. arab monkey business.. lol
  6. arguabally the best place to die, do you think. the prophets mosk as ur make sujuud....
  7. ah the lure of the black gold, it can turne any heart as black as a lightless night..... personally i hope that nothing is found.
  8. Recon the 90s was the last era of people culture? i mean what does this generation that grew up in the late nineties new millennia have in terms of culture?
  9. FatB

    It is a boy

    congrats. wish u and the kid well
  10. by replacing the word "interest" to "wage" will not pass the sharia test!..... Islamic banking is a myth that is exploited....
  11. FatB

    global warming

    this about sums up global warming
  12. most of us who grow up in the 90s are in our early to late 20s.... how is that old?
  13. yeah, and kill every body who says other wise :rolleyes:
  14. "Looking at biased websites" i would say, learn from an authorety rather than trying to disiver the message by urself....
  15. "Looking at biased websites" i would say, learn from an authorety rather than trying to disiver the message by urself....
  16. FatB

    Being a Muslim

    if only we did half that list, the world would be a better place. dont u think?