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Everything posted by FatB

  1. FatB

    first night

    ok, so you just got married to gabar soomaali ah, and you have been raised in the "west" how does one approch... you know, the wife and overcome the awkwardness? and more importantly is there some islamic precedent that ought to be followed?
  2. FatB

    french kiss

    i have never seen a somali couple pash with passion before, is there somthing against it? ama waa dhaqan laga helo dadka cad
  3. yac academic kulahaa, muxuu nugu buufinoyaa
  4. must be something to do with their men's package
  5. wat is the islamic resoning for snitching? is a muslim brother saw another muslim brother do something wat would be the best course of action islamically speeking?
  6. so much for the asian myth then...
  7. fiir is it just me or you seem to be always on line....your not connected to this forum 24hr a day are you? couse i heard a case were somebody died for being connected to so many forums.... i worry for you old boy
  8. so, to get the amount of post that you JB have all i have to do is respond to my own questions,....
  9. FatB

    amazing ayah

    am sure ive been tested in my short years on this planet....i just cant think of when?
  10. eer looks like a slum dunk case, black refugee accused of sexual misconduct by 2 white stooges
  11. Now I consider sex for money a lot like nursing looooool, yes nurse
  12. FatB

    moving out

    no i mean in general, like your fresh out of collage, and ur still riding at your parents house. or that your 30 and still live at home, is this phenomenon imbedded in the eastern cultural social fabric? or have i been watching too much of laguna beach. the way i see it even the birds once old enough flight the coup and wat not, why not us? north: u must embody the true essence of a nomad, why so many moves?
  13. FatB

    moving out

    to move out or not to move out? that be the question, is it me or dont any of our parents trust us to move out...
  14. FatB

    Today I....

    today i had my firt period....english
  15. FatB

    Clock changing

    were not down till next sunday
  16. The UN is raising more than that for the drought and other relieve efforts. The money is for the governemnt. As you said $30 million is not enough.<< wat do u mean duke
  17. some one work up on the wrong side of the bed this morning
  18. 40.000 wahabi imaams, it just keeps on getting better
  19. rule number 7 speeks true
  20. walahi its as tho he hasnt aged at all...
  21. ^good whites ***. nigro.. dam the guy has issues