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Everything posted by FatB

  1. hell to the muther @#$%#$% canjero no lol
  2. its the somali woman mafia meeting... "who should we pop next"
  3. I skim it like i did with this piece
  4. my mother was reading this over my shoulder... now am band from sol....
  5. so i have an Australian accent how come the honyies arent following me around!!
  6. tis not the season ngoone... tis the season for drinking hot chocolate and listing to easy going music by herbie hancock.
  7. FatB


    aah she only voting for him cause he black... if she were a woman then, maybe she'd vote for clinton
  8. FatB


    hate her... anyone els?
  9. ooh u know whose an ugly couple... oprah and wats his man.... dam!
  10. FatB

    Troll Corner

    i saw my friends wife give birth.... there is a reason why they have a waiting room!!
  11. aah stop ur complaining were here in Australia are paying $1.60 a litre - thats $5.8 a gallon.
  12. FatB

    Good Mother?

    wat the hell is buuxo??
  13. FatB

    first night

    ^lol, its the one area on islam that i lack sufficient knowledge...besides i like picking at nurs cravas of knowledge, its easier to lean from him than immense myself in books.... ok so nur, am with you to the part of asking for the girls hand... the the Nikaax date, wat happenes then? is that when the dowry is given?
  14. FatB

    first night

    ok you've lost me, brake it down for me and my LA friend rudy.... for starters, am far from approching anybody at this stage, but say tomorrow if i saw a beutiful huny - wat would i do, wat comes firt...all the way to the first nite.
  15. wats this SL vertion of Dr Pill.
  16. FatB

    french kiss

    ^ you do it with a maxram present SCORPION_SISTA. its a two part question on; do somalies, and for that matter muslims snog and why dont somalies do anything publically
  17. could u translated it plz... it'll take me all day to read it other wise
  18. FatB

    first night

    lol why is that so funny.... fall asleep indeed
  19. FatB

    french kiss

    lol @ ameen, that more moves than you see on a kung fu movie i don’t believe decrestionary is n the Somali vocabulary, from all the ruwaayos that have seen. Those jaceel scenes make Hollywood Childs play.