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Everything posted by Woodpecker

  1. My cousin (has an MBA) asked me today which country Nelson Mandela was from. (School systems have seriously failed us). There's school smart, take away the books and they're complete neanderthals. There's street smart, they have common sense in abundance..just can't spell. There's the dumb-yet-eloquent group of people who go around speaking in prose, yet never really make a point, (and who sometimes say stupid stuff like ''tis better to have loved and lost then never to have loved") Then there's smart but lazy folk, who despite going to university, despite being plagued by student debts, simply don't give a shit enough to motivate themselves to get off their-fat asses and STUDY! (perfect example my siblings) Then there's the good ol' smart but wish-they-werent-because-godammit-they-can't-possibly-hold-a-conversation-with-anyone(especially cousins)-and-who-can't-seem-to-maintain-healthy-relationships-with-manbeasts-because-they-get-bored-out-of-their-wits-by-date-number3!! Different kinds of smarts. Then there are the woodpeckers of the world, ever praying for intellect..
  2. I have to ask, why on earth is it so hard to hail a cab in Dubai? The building doesnt look as interesting in real life.