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Everything posted by Maxaatiri

  1. WTF is all this hatred towards girls who laugh out loud in public? So they have a sense of humour! I dont know about you people, but I personally can not control my laugh..and if I had to think about it 27/7 Id never enjoy a good laugh, and good jokes would be wasted. What a bunch of killjoys! P.S...some of you guys sound like insecure, underachieving Neanderthals. I suggest you invest in a blow up doll and maid before you inflict yourselves on a sister.
  2. Somali men in the UK are also accused of being unitelligent, when will Somalis learn LOVE for one another :confused:
  3. Woman, regardless of her faults, has to turn into a generic model of housewife and provider etc because society will judge her harsher for her imperfections. Men on the other have to actively choose to be 'Right' and good, and are then not only recognised for being good...but are deified...making the situation ten times worse for the poor woman who wants Mr Right!
  4. lol @ peasant! Cyber Nomad...I think he means soldiers for the good of the opposed to what they are said to be now...soldiers of the munaafaqiin
  5. There are plenty of sources which 'prove' this possible, but is there anyone in here that can categorically deny or support this claim? I mean it would explain why G-d only chooses to inflict these 'natural disasters on the black and the poor in strategic locations
  6. Theyre here theyre Queer...get used to them! And there are gay people in every country and culture, the sooner we get stop obsessing about them, the better...and everyone can just get on with their lives. This was such a useless thread.
  7. This is a book for women who do not know their husbands, or are maybe afraid of them. How else can you explain a woman buying a book on 'How to make a man happy'...surely if you are married to him and have a good relationship with would know.
  8. Why do most the worst natural disasters seem to happen to the poorest and most helpless, regardless of their religion? SubxaanaAllah.
  9. "They overlook the fact that democracy is incompatible with the egalitarian character of Somali society. Somalis strongly oppose being divided into two political groups, those that rule and those that are ruled. And that is precisely what democracy does." Excellent introduction! I shall read it when I can find it, thank you aliamos. I find his vision is not dissimilar from mine, Africa as a whole has had a historical, systematic eradication and undermining of its traditional forms of legislature. I dislike it when people write about how Europe developed/discarded certain practices in favour of others etc because Europe and Africa may as well be on different planets where cultures/histories are concerned. We had Kings and Sultans, but they did not rule the entire country. they were always in charge of certain areas where their clans were the majority. The only problem, is again; how do we get the minority clans involved further in the democratic process? One member of a minority clan was saying that even the name 'Somalia' needed to be changed because of its chauvinistic nod to the ancestor of the majority clans. I dont disagree, these majority clans have far too much influence and it is detrimental to Somalia's future if we ignore the more rational objective voices in the country and diaspora. Do you know of any professors/authors/commentators from these clans? All Somalis need to get re/acquainted with their views.
  10. They are definitely NOT praising them! they are calling them 'shaytaan' for killing the doctors and students and demolishing the historical qabriyo of the learned Somali Sheikhs...and the rest.
  11. Lol@ this whole topic! Huuno if you are work-shy, dont blame it on your reproductive system!
  12. Hello somaliaonline peeps! Frantz Fanon says that 'Violence is man recreating himself'. I genuinely believe that Somalis are merely recreating themselves, and sooner or later will find what works for them, and inshaAllah learn play the game of international relations better in future. They came from being nomads with no governance other than that of clan, to a centralised system of governance. Its no wonder they have felt no ownership over the Somali achievements of the 60's and 70's coz they believed 'reer hebel invented this' and 'reer hebel want to over-throw reer hebel'. They we'rent ready for a formal system of governance, and that of Arabised Islamic governance is just as pointless and alien as socialism was in the Siyaad Barre period as they do not fit in with Somali culture. The future does actually lie in these qabiil fiefdoms such as Puntland and Somaliland, it could create competition between areas and also the sense of ownership over any achievements. Due to their percieved lack of ownership, they felt no need to preserve anything. We all know Somalis only do things for faan and kibir, we should learn to exploit that. Only problem is that we will need to include the 0.5's(insulting term!) as much as possible in because they are the most able to think outside of the box, and less likely to care about who stole whos camel 2 centuries ago.
  13. I can not wait for the presentation! There is also a facebook event titled: "Book Presentation: Black Mamba Boy by Nadifa Mohamed" For those who wish to be reminded of the even next month.