Hello somaliaonline peeps!
Frantz Fanon says that 'Violence is man recreating himself'. I genuinely believe that Somalis are merely recreating themselves, and sooner or later will find what works for them, and inshaAllah learn play the game of international relations better in future.
They came from being nomads with no governance other than that of clan, to a centralised system of governance. Its no wonder they have felt no ownership over the Somali achievements of the 60's and 70's coz they believed 'reer hebel invented this' and 'reer hebel want to over-throw reer hebel'. They we'rent ready for a formal system of governance, and that of Arabised Islamic governance is just as pointless and alien as socialism was in the Siyaad Barre period as they do not fit in with Somali culture.
The future does actually lie in these qabiil fiefdoms such as Puntland and Somaliland, it could create competition between areas and also the sense of ownership over any achievements. Due to their percieved lack of ownership, they felt no need to preserve anything. We all know Somalis only do things for faan and kibir, we should learn to exploit that. Only problem is that we will need to include the 0.5's(insulting term!) as much as possible in because they are the most able to think outside of the box, and less likely to care about who stole whos camel 2 centuries ago.