ismacil mire

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Everything posted by ismacil mire

  1. ^^ MMA, as someone flying the somali flag,u have got to admit one has a noble goals(SSC)of keeping the country's unity intact and the other was/is part of somalia's fragmentation(SNM)
  2. libaahe SSC si xun buu uga naxsanyahay walle.but you know what the arabs says "al-qaafilatu tamshii wal kilaabu tanbax". give giving us more spot light homie
  3. authorka, Pasha AKA A&T ayeey deeya group isla yehiin.he says it in one of his articles
  4. Originally posted by Cawaale: No, this are the shareefs i am talking about. Raalli noqo, anigaa si qalad ah ugu soo dhacay sheeko aad kore ku waday malaha. the one on the right is DJ looks like the fanaan community have their good share of sex traffickers.
  5. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: Waar Saado waan jecelahaye ha la ii daayo baan ku idhi ,,, your deragatory "bahalkii kululaa bey iska yara badisay" comment is well noted adeer.
  6. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: Saado Cali waan jecelahaye ii daaya beri baan guursan gaadhaye ,,,, Imikana waxba kama si ahee kii kululaa uun bay isku yara badisee ii daaya Garaadaday soo raaci doontaaye ,,,,,,, ma hadaa la gaadhay in gabadh,hoooyo soomaaliyeed sharafteeda meel looga dhaco to score a cheap political point? this exposes the true colors of the secessionist,and their readiness to use nasty tactics&ad hominems(even against women) to score cheap political points. I hope this comment doesn't fly under the moderators radar,and is dealt with appropriately.
  7. mahadsanidin liibaan & caaliyah.halganka halkaas ka sii wada, your SSC mujaahiddin designation is on the way
  8. so what is the parallelism between musaylemah al kadaab and this man yaa JB? do SL has its own false prophet beryahan talow?
  9. Originally posted by Taleexi: Ka waran markuu leeyahay adoo qayil u diyaar garoobay ay koox tabliiq ahi kuu timaado. lol,waa runtiis walle.maxaanu anagoo tabliiq la socona rag qayelaya qaadka ku badh goonay back in the days
  10. being Gaal is being screwed for eternity,what good is one's nationalism or statues then?
  11. it looks like sharif xasan is experimenting with filibuster tacticts. xarif either just shot himself on the footpolitically or xariif is cooking a master plan behind the curtains.
  12. this reminds me of minute maid orange juice ads "same drink,different packaging"
  13. Liibaan,Khadar,Aliyah thank you guys for posting the SSC celebrations around the world.SSC wey hanaqaaday indeed!
  14. Hayaay, meeshan too much guess work baa ka socda. arintan"the beating" clear Koranic text baa ku soo aruuray yaa dispute,however, it is highly regulated.its used as last resort thing, rarely permitted in special cases,and comes with many restrictions. More importantly,it is prohibited to inflict any visible body harm& marks on the said woman.(sabaaxad duureed baa lala kacaa, according to my childhood dugsi macalin) Besides, i hear these light beatings work like magic with females who belong to the "if he doesn't hit me,he doesn't love enough" school of love. confirmation needed on that one? Prometheus:your amusement with ridiculing the Deen is too obvious niyahow,you cant disguise it. if you really want to have "dood cilmiyeed" about jurisprudence topic like this. then maybe you should take the lead,take a shot at refuting those "medieval" interpretations troubling you bal, under the light of the quran&Sunnah "في ضوء القرآن و السنة" mise theology isn't your forte?
  15. maanta ilbax baan iska dhigay,and I ordered this gud,red,organic roses bouquet over the interent. but to my surprise xalimo's response was "I would choose xalwad gift over roses anyday" some xalims just dont live in planet Venus
  16. im still concered with mental virginity and you people r discussing physical virginity? .walle alam tara baad soo dhaafteen
  17. mashallah,qoftan wey jirtaa.its nice to see she is the only one wearing hijab as well.lakinse who crowned her as the somali beauty queen? mise gabadho waa self proclaimed beauty queen?
  18. I got few left,and I feel like giving them hurry if u r interested.its first come first serve
  19. ^^ شو زلمة ما زلمة.هذا زوول مو زلمة. اسمه تعلم الحب cant you read somali though? :confused:
  20. She gave me strong tea and some kuskus. " war ninku indho adkaa ma reer mudug baa,he even ate the KUSkus
  21. she cut my leg. i want my 30 seconds bk :mad: