ismacil mire
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Everything posted by ismacil mire
waxaan dhawreeno waa the insight of sheikh Nur, as I have questions my self markey Munaaqashada kululaato aan la sugayo. wa bilahi tawfiiq
Puntland parliament approves election committee + multi-party system
ismacil mire replied to Emperor's topic in Politics
this multi party democracy of Faroole is as legitimate as Cade Muse's adoption of The Sharia. -
^^hunguri,Amisom's indiscriminate shelling of residential areas is a case of excessive use of force,and not a mere self defense.
Why Mukhtar Robow isnt on the US terrorism list?
ismacil mire replied to ismacil mire's topic in Politics
^ and why do I have the feeling you advertise the SL websites on SOL? biokulule is a non-partisan(as we like to say in the states)in my book.they have couple good articles about silaanyo,maybe u should check em out -
Why Mukhtar Robow isnt on the US terrorism list?
ismacil mire replied to ismacil mire's topic in Politics
Gabbal,these are the assertions of biokulule as you see awowe,and not mine.I indeed didnt fact check non of the claims up there as I assumed the authors did their journalistic homework,but if u know otherwise,why dont u enlighten us, and post something that backs up your claim. -
Why Mukhtar Robow isnt on the US terrorism list?
ismacil mire replied to ismacil mire's topic in Politics
Mukhtar Robow: Madaxweynaha Mustaqbalka Biyokulule Online Editorial Saturday, November 20, 2010 December 2008, markii uu soo afmeermay, fashilna ku dhamaaday mashruucyadii Dowladaha iyo Hay`adaha daneeya Arrimaha Soomaaliya ee dowlad-dhisid, ayaa waxaa soo ifbaxday qorsho cusub (new scheme). Qorshahaasi cusubi waxa uu noqday in Xukuumadda dalka (Somali Government) ay hoggaanka sare buuxiyaan qolyo ka soo jeeda ururada diimaha ee dalka Soomaaliya, oo labaatankii sano ee u dambeeyey sidii dabka ugu faafayey dalka. Hay`adaha Caalamiga ah (International Community) waxay is tuseen in haddii la soo dhaweeyo, loona caleemo saaro hoggaanka sare ee dalka wadaado qunyar-socod ah (moderates), walow wadaadadan mar lagu tirin jiray inay yihiin xagjir (extremists). Bilowgii 2009-kii ayaa hoggaanka dalka ay wareegeen wadaadan qunyar-socodka ah. Waxaana dalka madaxweyne ka noqday Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, oo ahaa hoggaamiyihii Union of Islamic Courts (ICU). Baarlamaankii dalkana waa laba jibaarmay, oo in ka badan 200 oo wadaado ah ayaa lagu soo biiriyey. Waxaa xusid mudan, markii Sheikh Sharif uu hayey hoggaanka ICU, waxaa Warbaahinta Caalamiga (International Media) ku sifeeyeen ficilka iyo hadallada Sheikh Sharif mid aad xagjir u ah. Hadallada Sheikh Sharif na waxaa ka mid ahaa: …those Somalis who are collaborating with (Meles), while I am very sorry about it, I am telling them to keep away from him. Nothing Meles is doing will bring you or your country any good. Someone who wants to capture your country, what kind of benefits does he hold for you? A person destroying your country, killing your people and religion, what is he doing for you? Nothing at all. Waxaa Sheikh Sharif mar walba uu xusuusin jiray Soomaalida in laga fogaado in xiriir soke lala yeesho Xukuumadda Ethiopia (Ethiopian Government) iyo kuwa kale oo uu ku sheegi jiray cadowga dalka Soomaaliyeed. Maanta se waanu ognahay in Ethiopia ay tahay saaxib aad ugu dhow Sheikh Sharif, Addisna ay tahay guriga labaad ee Sharif, bil kastana uu ugu yaraan booqdo hal mar. Mar haddii mashruuca dalalka dersika nala ah (IGAD) iyo Hay`adaha Caalamiga (UNPOS, UNDP, WFP etc) ay noqotay in qolyaha “xagjirka” ah, sida Mujahidin Youth Movement, lagula dagaalami karo oo keliya iyada oo loo adeegsado dowlad ay horboodayaan wadaado qunyar-socod ah. Hase yeeshee, casharradii laga bartay labadii sano ee uu hoggaanka hayey wadaadadan qunyar-socodka ah ayaa qasbeysa inaan mar kale odorosno cidda ay soo wataan Hay`adaha Caalamiga ah. Waxaa muuqata in dowladdii Sheikh Sharif ayba ka sii liidato tii ka horreysay; oo hadda waxaa dowladdiisa loogu magac daray “Somalia`s Vatican State”, oo loola jeedo dowlad ka arrimisa dhowr xaafadood ee ku yaal Mogadishu. Waxaa dadka qaarkiisba ay leeyihiin, dowladda cusub ee bishan la soo dhisay inay dooneyso inay sumacadda dowladda soo celiso, isku daydana inay la darajo noqoto dowladda dalka Monaco (Monte carlo), oo ka talisa dhul baaxaddiisa qiyaastii ah 2 km2. Si kastaba ahaate, Madaxweyne Sharif wuxuu Xilka ugu egyahay August 2011. Waxaana warbaahinta gudaha iyo Diaspora-haba aad ku arkeysaa qoraallo iyo xayeysiin ku saabsan Madaxweynaha Mustaqbalka (Presidential Hopeful) ee Somalia. Biyokulule Online oo ka qeyb qaadaneysa saadaasha ayaa waxa ay si kooban hoos ugu soo bandhigeysaa waxa Warbaahinta Caalamiga ay ka qoreen Sheikh Mukhtar Robow (Abu Mansur) oo ka mid ah xubnaha ugu firfircoon ururka Shabaab (Mujahidin Youth Movement), oo ka taliya inta badan koonfurta Soomaaliya. Waxyaabaha warbaahinta ay ka soo tebiyeen, maqal iyo muuqaalba, iyo waxa ay ka yidhaahdeen Mukhtar Robow oo xigasho kooban (wadata links) ayaan hoos idiin ku soo bandhigeynaa: MYM Spokesman Eulogizes Senior Al-Qa`ida Leader On 2 February, a jihadist website posted a statement issued by the spokesman of the Mujahidin Youth Movement, Abu Mansur, in which he eulogized Abu-al-Layth al-Libi, a senior leader of the Al-Qa`ida organization. The statement was attributed to the Sada Al-Jihad Media Center of the Global Islamic Media Front. [Read More] In the interview, Shaykh Abu-Mansur talks about the progress of the jihad in Somalia and lists some mujahidin “victories.” He says that the jihad “has never surrendered to pressure and its will has never weakened.” He talks about US “campaigns of conspiracy” against Somalia and says it is an “honor” to be included on the US list of terrorist organizations. Asked about Ethiopian, UN and AU forces in Somalia, Abu-Mansur says that he does not differentiate between them because “all of them are Crusader occupiers aiming at destroying our nation.” He says the Ethiopian Army “can neither continue their military occupation nor can they confront the mujahidin for long.” He also discusses relations with other Somali groups, and says he would not attend a conference on Somalia held in another country. He says that the jihad in Somalia belongs to the “global jihadist movement” and calls for more foreign fighters to come to Somalia. [Read More] -
Why has Mukhtar Robow not been added to the USA and UN Terrorism list? Why is Mohamed Said Atom included on that list even though there are no proofs against him as is the case for Mukhtar Robow (wearing military outfit on video and threatening the West)? Are the UN and the US trying to accommodate Somaliland and Puntland? Or could it simply be because the International Community wants/is grooming Mukhtar Robow as the future President of Somalia? Biyokulule Online, predicts that if Robow does not become the top leader of Somalia, that he will at least be part of the ministerial cabinet in the near future. If that is the case, then the US Assistant Secretary for African Affairs` speech, regarding the dual track approach for Somalia, is very dubious. What is questionable is why certain individuals, such as Mohamed Said Atom, are on the Terrorism watch list, whereas others, such as Mukhtar Robow are being groomed for the top leadership role in Somalia? The questions asked above are those that many Somalis repeatedly ask each other. It remains to be seen what will happen in August 2011, when it is time for the West to change its stick.
Aliyah:waa gartay ismalurto:beryahan badow aan google translator isticmaali aqoon uun baan carabi ku hadlin nurul huda: lol@ بس الناس بتف على الناحية الغلط
Originally posted by ANTARA: Good stuff..keep it coming سوداني جاله ولد أبيض عيونه زرق شعره أشقر سماه.... المستحيل بزاتو فيه بدوية قرأت جواز رجلها لقت المهنه رجل اعمال قامت مسحتها وكتبت رجل نوره lol@mustaxiil bithatuh Aliyah,u speak arabic? or thats google trnaslator lol قصيدة انجلوعربية لممثل الكبير ياسر العظمه
^^he thinks its a joke,paltalk is ur best chance dude lol
Dr.Cali Khalif Galaydh;TFG,PLSL should recognize SSC
ismacil mire replied to ismacil mire's topic in Politics
^^xaji xunjuf hala weydeeyo mooska maxaa lagu nacay bal.i bet he will say its a confurian product -
Siyaasiga Soomaaliyeed ee Cali khaliif Galayr ayaa waxaa uu soo bandhigay qorshihiisa Mustaqbalka iyo halka uu ku wajahan yahay mustaqbalkiisu waxaana uu sheegay Mar uu la hadlayay Idaacada Barkulan iyo SomaliChannelTv in xiligaan uu go aansaday samysashada ganacsi u gaar ah oo uu ku sheegay furitaanka TV iyo Radio laga daawado islamarkaana laga dhagaysto Caalamka oo dhan. Prof Cali khaliif oo ahaa Ra iisalwasaarihii Dawladii TNG da ee lagusoo dhisay Carta ayaa waxaa uu aad u soo dhaweeyay dhismaha xukuumada Cusub ee Soomaaliya ee Ra iisalwasaare Maxamad C/laahi Maxamad Farmaajo. ‘’Xukuumada Cusubi waa mid tayaysan islamarkaana kooban waxaana ka dhex muuqda aqoonyahano iyo dad ka fog arrimaha musuqmaasuqa iyo danaha dawladaha dariska la ah Soomaaliya gaar ahaan Itoobiya ayuu yiri Cali Khaliif oo ka qayb qaadanayay Barnaamijka Falanqaynta Dhacdooyinka ee TV ga SomaliChannelsaldhigiisuna Yahay London. Baarlamaanka KM g ah ayuu ugu baaqay in ay ka feejignaadaan caqabad ay ku sameeyaan Xukuumada Cusub waana in ay eegaan danta guud oo aanay ka fiirin Maslaxad iyo dano qarsoon ayuu intaasi ku daray Prof,cali khaliif oo hada Retire ama hawlgab ka noqday jaamacadaha wadanka Mareykanka oo uu macalin ka ahaa waqti dheer. Barnaamijka Tv ga ee uu Prof, ka qaybqaadanayay oo ahaa dood furan oo xagga taleefoonada looga qayb qaadanayay ayuu si weyn u dhaleeceeyay qorshaha caalamka eek u wajahan arrimaha Soomaaliya waxaana uu sheegay in dhaqaalaha ay ugu deeqaan Soomaaliya aanu sidii la rabay u fulin taasi oo mas uuliyadeeda ay leeyihiin buu yiri Dawlada KMg ah ee matalaysa Soomaaliya. Prof,Cali khaliif Galayr oo wax laga weydiiyay arrimaha Somaliland iyo Puntland eek u wajahan SSC ayaa waxaa uu sheegay in dhibaatada ka taagan Deegaanada Sool ,Sanaag iyo Cayn looga gudbi karo iyada oo la aqoonsadao si toos ahna loola hadlo hogaanka SSC isagoo tusaale u soo qaatay Jabhadii SNM oo ka dagaalamaysay Deegaanada waqooyi galbeed ee hada labaxay Somaliland. Waxaa uu yiri SNM iyo SSDF labaduba ma ogolaadeen hadii dawladihii ka soo horjeeday ay inkiri lahaayeen jiritaankooda sidaasi daraadeed SSC waa urur jira islamarkaana ka dagaalamaya deegaanada ay ka soo jeedaan sidaasi daraadee waa in la la hadlaaa o la joojiyaa beelaha iyo jufooyinka ama shakhsiyaadka sida gaarka ah loola hadlayo ee aan wax ka taraynin nabada Deegaanadaasi Dhageeyso longer version of the audio
Who the hell are you and where have you been all my life?
ismacil mire replied to Strawberry_Xu's topic in General
war ma shabaab baa meesha soo galay,qubuuraha SOL yaa soo faagay talow? -
Originally posted by Ismalura: OG'nia meey idinka keeneen SOL intii la idin yidhi car qabiil sheega. necessity is the mother of all inventions yaa ismalurto.
Faroole: Wasiirradii puntland waxaa bililiqeystay Sheekh Shariif
ismacil mire replied to sahal's topic in Politics
Originally posted by Shilling: quote:Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed: xayawaan foqal xaywaan, Puntland's parliament should do itself and the state a favor and impeach this guy. Faroole's concerns are legit; both the president and the parliament of Puntland are united against Sheikh Shariif's ill intention toward the state. I'm sure none of you anti-Faroole folk even bothered to check Sheikh Shariif's track record on anything regarding Puntland, perhaps if you all had you all might have had understood the man's concerns. But I don't see that happening anytime soon since you'll are busy making Sheikh Shariif and his advisers ill intention a reality. It's ridiculous how you all manage to turn every legit dispute that state has with the TFG, SSC and Mr. Atom into clan issue. u not making sense awowe,how is Faroole's beef with SSC is legit? spill the beans [ November 17, 2010, 06:52 PM: Message edited by: Libaax-Sankataabte ] -
Waftigii SSC oo Kulan La Qaatay Madaxweynaha Soomalia Sheikh Sharif
ismacil mire replied to Liibaan's topic in Politics
Originally posted by Mr. Somalia: ^ Horta, nin SSC la baxey, habar inuu qof kale ku sheego umaba furnaba! Waayo xarafyada SSC-du, baryaahaan suuqa waxaa kujirta, iney u taagan yihiin S ****ii S aado C ali, oo meesha iidan waxbana kuheynba. what if I tell u suuqa waxaa ku jira PL stands for Pun**i land,would u belive it? besides,did u hear ur uncle threatning to become another SL if shariif didnt share the tuugsi with him? nin gurigiisu dhalo ka sameesanyahay dhagax ma tuuro adeer. -
Originally posted by Malika: ^God forbid we were of the black race.. :rolleyes: we are not blacks,God forbid walaalo.we were a noble irish Gaul and our ancestors lived somewhere in florida before we intermarried with the morish cushitics :mad: . check this out, awowe thomas reppin hard for his beloved country :cool:
Originally posted by CarmeloBrown: muslims need to understand that they can never really be treated as 'citizens'. they are after all ''outsiders''. perhaps, under law, all citizen deserve same treatment but i reckon muslims expect preferential treatment. while muslims are killing apostates. there is a clash of civilisations. there can be no compromise and so called 'moderate' Muslims need to stop being apologists. whats the purpose of this article. these views are all too often heard, often in private conversations, but now it has entered the public discourse. indeed yaa carmel,I remember listening to the renowned historian Bernard Lewis once saying " this is a clash between Islam & Christianity,but the moderates on both sides just don't know it". maqaadiir rabaaneyah ayaa meesha ka socota. ( ولن ترضى عنك اليهود ولا النصارى حتى تتبع ملتهم )
waryaadaheen,for those of you who read the article.the author refers to theories put forward mainly by revisionists or "minority" historians that suggest the un-changed form of Af-somali is the one spoken in between the two rivers areas,due to lack/minimum contact with ajnabiis as oppose to the maxaa tiri Geeljires who roamed the desert and picked up new words,or phonetics"dhawaaq" from their neighboring communities and integrated it into Af-somali.Do yall think there is some truths to that theory? or could it be "historical retribution" at its best?
lol@ the "Mujahideen",Zackow,i realize SNM,and its chairman Silaanyo, had a national ambitions bk in the siad barre era.meel ee wax ka qaloocdeen garan maayo lakinse,I think its safe to say SL has been a beacon of Somali fragmentation for the last 2 decades.
folks,while we are so hung up on polishing up our image,prostitution,especially minor prostituion, remains a major problem in our parentless youth,and poverty stricken communities.while I wish to say this prostitution ring is a black dot on a white sheet,the reality is it is a black dot on a black stripe of a zebra. lil somali girls have become a hot commodity in place like yemen,kenya,syria,the gulf, north america(every state with a mjor somali community has their own ring) and this bust is only the first drop of a very hard rain. unless we treat the issue at its roots. the zebra(the somali community) will keep getting darker and darker until it turns black and I dont know what they are called markey wada madowyehiin. dameer perhaps?
Somaliland: Officer Attacked, Injured in Lasanod
ismacil mire replied to Jacaylbaro's topic in Politics
wasnt the former CID guy assasinated too? it looks like the chicken r coming home to roast slowly