- Femme -

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Everything posted by - Femme -

  1. Salaam / Peace and lets get back to the topic.
  2. - Femme -


    LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL Allah qosol badanaa@baranbaro and shah! You got any more?
  3. - Femme -


    1. Why is the Sky blue? 2.Where do babies come from? We all have heard of these questions firsthand or know that they exist. Children are famous mainly for thier habit of asking endless questions--morning, day and night. Some are funny, some incredibly hard to explain, and others just plain silly. They want to know the reasons for A and the cause of B. They sometimes, surprisingly, ask questions we have never thought of ourselves! This is how children gain knowledge--at home asking questions and recieving answers to them. The home is the first school for a child. Thats how they learn about their history, culture, language, family, religion, and basically the world around them. Thus, one would think that parents should answer their child's every question with patience. After all---arent they told that no question is dumb? Arent they constantly reminded that of the somali mah mah " *qof xishood ka batey iyo qof kibir ka batey...labadaba wax ma bartaan*? I have personally found out thorough my and my friends' experiences that this is not so! Especially when it comes to sensitive questions regarding Islam. When I was younger (5-10) I had so many questions about Islam. I attended a private elementary muslim school where we had an Islamic Studies Class as part of the curiculum . Reading those books I would have so many topics to think about, wonder, and question. Questions that kept me awake at night..but was too afriad to ask. These are some of the questions I had when I was 5-10 years old. (<----Dont look at me like that! I know I'm not the only one who had them! REMEMBER I WAS YOUNG ) 1. If Allah is neither male nor female..why do we refer to him as "HE"? Why cant we call him "She" or "IT" for that matter? 2. Why are there no black prophets mentioned? 3. Why didnt Allah allow women prophets to exist? 4. Why are there more women in hell then men? Why did Allah love men more than women? 5. Etc. Etc. Et.c (A lot more...some Im still thinking about! <---but not at that level!) A child is not a miniture adult! Why do grownups forget that they were children once? I think thats legitimate questions for a child to ask? How else are they supposed to learn? Islam is not programmed into our genes from birth...Its a life-long learning process ..we learn..practice...and learn some more in an unending cycle. Isnt it the right and responsibiity of a muslim to learn about their religion? Didnt the prophet (S.C.W.) say Seek knowledge---even if you have to go to CHINA? Why are children (who geniuly want to know the answers to these questions---WHICH THEY DO NOT KNOW!) made to feel embarassed or naughty? When I had these type of questions to my teachers or family either I was: 1. Ignored and told Allah knows best (YES! but ALlah also said that there was a reason for everything...and I want to know WHY! I dont want to use my imagination or come up with my own answers!) 2. Told that too much questions was the sign of shaytaan trying to lead me astray and weaken my IMAN. 3. Told I dont know (I accepted that...If they didnt know..I moved on...didnt want their opinions.) 4. Asked why I was question Allah's decision (Are you trying to say that Allah has made a mistake?) <---- N0! Why is my FAITH or INTENTION being put into question..I had a question...PLEASE ANSWER OR ZIP IT! It got to the point that I was embarassed about asking sensitve questions about Islam, inc. sex (which I learned, more than I cared to know..from FRIENDS :rolleyes: ) WHY ARE CHILDREN BEING PUNISHED FOR BEING IGNORANT AND WANTING TO UNDERSTAND? WHY ARE THEY NOT TAKEN SERIOULSY? I have talked to alot of my frineds about this and they felt the same way and had similar experiences....We generally taught ourselves..from books,surfing the net, or just talking to each other. Its really sad walahi. P.S. A child is just like a new convert to Islam or a non-muslim! Thats the type of questions that they would ask from the start. How is one supposed to answer them if they DIDNT GET SATISFACTORY ANSWERS THEMSELVES! This is not just a personal problem...but one that could affect our ummah as a whole.
  4. Originally posted by Khayr: OG GIRL, who is your GHOST WRITER??? :confused: That is rude and uncalled for.
  5. ^With only a belt :eek: ! Your so kindhearted! I would think they deserve much worse than that! *If only I was made President of Somalia* But seriously...they should be getten rid of if we want to acheive any progress towards peace and reconstruction.
  6. Imitating, copyin and pastin sentences word by word... Tolerance, Homegenous, diversity, equal rights, American Dream, terrorism, Loving god. "This is how we c and this is how u'll c it"...No readin between n beyond the lines..Minds wasted..Robotic generations who lack the sense to distinguish right from wrong.....It is really painful to c u guys using those phony words from the Media outlets and the mahogany desks of Peter Jennings, and his collegues.. Ma waalantahey adi mise waa miyir qabtaa? Acuudu Bilah! We got those from the QURAN and the PROPHET'S SUNNAH! Maybe you should pick it up and read it eh? You'll be surprised. :rolleyes:
  7. Can I butt in here for a sec? Now why should MY GENERATION have to carry the burden and problems created by YOUR GENERATION! (Retarded monkeys :mad: ) Axem..well. Your generation created the problem and its their fault that our country is in ruin and half our population was unnecessarily wiped out ....then they should do something about it! And when they clean up the mess they made....then maybe we'll consider going back and improving it! Until then... count me out!
  8. girls who marry fellows like Jamac and promise to be a loyal wife untill she sets foot in the us and then pooof disappear on his a.s.s. or even worse cold bloodly refuse to live with him???? do you think thats fair or even ethical? MY brain: No. Thats wrong. She should be sent back with a good beating! My heart: The loser deserved everything he got! Men have been using/abusing/manupilating women for centuries...its about time women PLAYED THE GAME! Not only should she have given him the boot...but stole his jaad and sold it!
  9. OG Sis: :eek: I just hated my self and I don't want back to school again Calm down sis. Your being too emotional/dramatic over a little incident. I know that your upset though... Is your number all he asked? Did he make any comments that upset you? Or do anything else? If the number is all he asked then I think you have nothing to worry about. I think he just made a mistake and you did the right thing in correcting him. I dont think there is a reason to to feel bad...its not your fault the guy is an ***** for mistaking a smile for what its not! In fact he should be the one feeling horrible about it... definetly not you!
  10. I'm sensing some friction between wiilo and Garab Tuujiye.
  11. OG Girl: I think thats the main reason why we dont discuss serious health issues or any other sensitive issue to do with women...because this is a public forum and sisters are embarassed and/or shy about bringing up or discussing such topics which is perfectly normal and understandable. And Im not encouraging people to start talking about those subjects because somethings are just "CEEB" and shouldnt be talked about in public. What Im saying is: Are there any topics that you sisters had running through ur minds and u thought would be interesting to share? I would like to talk about why somali/muslim homes are not the best learning environments for children? Islamic Knowledge that is. I'm still thinking about it and getting my thoughts together, and would post it soon inshallah.
  12. A day you say? Ok...Im a little cautious about nights...but days are pefectly alright! P.S. That is so very generous of you What do u get from it?
  13. Action Jackson has officially gone insane. ( Any relation to Micheal Jackson? ) Now hes hallucinating...
  14. I have noticed that the women's section is full of crap and nonsense (and Im sorry to say that I have contributed to it ) I was wondering if we could talk about real important issues concerning us other than love, shukaansi, clothes, and somali men (subjects that should be taken out and shot...repeatedly...point blank range) Could you list some important issues that you would like to bring up, discuss, etc. Whether about religion, culture, education, career, kids, etc. Those that would be actually interesting and at the same time informative? Would help us, educate us? Lets start brainstorming On your marks, get set.. GO!
  15. The same reason you Faraxs are scared and ashamed of wearing the macawiis in public...or kamiis and cimaamad. :rolleyes: So dont be getting all huffy when a kid makes the same choices. :rolleyes: A kid I can understand...but a grown-up man scared of what others would say and think? :rolleyes: Puhleeze give me a break...and lay off the kids. :rolleyes: Look to yourselves first.... :rolleyes: P.S. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  16. Hmmmmmm maybe Im being rude but...Is it only me who snickers when they see these types of threads? Whats the point in making a thread about not finding a marriage partner? Why should we care? How are a bunch of people in the net gonna help you? I tend to think that those kind of people wont find anyone because they come off as too desperate. The world isnt going to stop...fill ur time with other things then moaning about not finding a descent person to marry. And if they do get married..they complain about how hard marriage life is and......etc. etc. etc. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  17. Originally posted by wiiilo: kaalo iyo kufaar uma ogolaan karno dalkeenna. Acuudu Billaah:......... [/QB] Wiilo: Gaal iyo Kufaar iyo kuwa ka dharan dalkeenna wii ka buuxaan. All the warlords and the idots with their mentality...are worse than kaffuras. Because they call themselves "muslims" and not follow the teachings of our peaceful religion. They murder, they maim, rape, kidnapp, take hostages, and commit countless other astrocities... :mad: against their fellow muslim brothers and sisters. In fact, it is said in the quran, that these people will occupy positions in hell which are lower then the kuffars. They are hypocrites/munafiqiin of the worst kind. Why dont we strive to rid our country of their kind? Istaqfurullah. So to be mad at christian Somalis, while people much worse are living among us and ruling us, is just crazy i think. Lets save our energy and hate for those who truly deserve it shall we? I myself, see no problem with it as long as they do not try to convert people or interfere in our issues...after all it is a choice Allah gave them. So, it is between them and Him at the end of the day. How is their choice of a religion effect us in any way? We people get mad over little things and tend to ignore the bigger issues that should hold our attentions. There are bigger and badder fish to fry people.
  18. ^^^Assalamu Alaikum wr/wb I knew that I wanted to work in the health field ever since I was young girl. Have always been interested in it. Nursing and Medicine were my two choices: Doctor (Family Physician/OBS&GYN): Hard, long years of study, too much responsibilty. Dont think I have the patience or brains Nurse : Too demanding, long hours, hectic shedule, stressful.. I talked to my doctor..got some advice. She herself was a nurse for a couple of years until she decided to try medical school and she was very well at it. Now shes a family physican. Im planing to go into Nursing, Inshallah, probably in pediatrics (children) or obstetrics (women). Then if I like it and think I can have a chance at medical school, will try it. And if I dont make it...I have my Nursing to fall back on. Going into those two careers, I dont think I have to worry about my job and Islam coming into conflict. I think. Thats my tentative plan/goal...things could change however. Its all in Allah's hands. I might very well be Somalia's First Woman President! Inshallah everything will turn out well.
  19. I hate these graemlins with a passion: Markaste aan arko waxaa i qabata in aan ilkaha dheererka badan ka jabiyo. Oo indhahana farta ka galiyo. Kan soo miskiin u egyahey...waa BEEN. Wu ku sirayaa cajuuska. There is something evil underneath it. That smile looks a little forced. Ogoow inuu qosolkaas balaayo iyo dibaato ka dhanbeeyso. Kan kibirkee baa si fiican ugu badatey. :confused: Midkaan doqon buu u egyahey. Darbaaxo iyo wax ka dharan buu istaahilaa. Kan foolxumada badan yaa carabka ka soo jiida. :cool: Midkaan ciyaal suuq buu u egyahey. Reer baadiya ookiyalo la siiyey...maalin iyo habeen ba wuu sitaa. Acuudu bilah. This one you have to be careful with. Tricksta. Its so easy for fall for that wink *starts daydreaming* :rolleyes: I love this one.
  20. I often wonder If I was a dadqalato in a different lifetime..Everytime I see a baby with chubby cheeks my first thought is to bite them! Not hard mind you...just nibble a little. :eek: I cannot resist a fat kid...the urge gets too great ...I look around..come close to them ...AND BITE THEM! If I do not know the kid...then I try to squeeze them until their ribs cross each other. I have so much luv to give
  21. Nafta! How dare you. :mad: .I do not babble :rolleyes: . IM deeply offended now P.S. What I said still stands. I seem to have hit a nerve pretty hard didnt I? Back to the topic: Where are the good somali woman? Out of your reach...so stop trying.
  22. Imagine, the prophet yusef recieved half of the world's beauty.. SO the billions and billions of people in the world (then, now, and after) will have to share the other half :eek: . So NO ONE!
  23. Enlgihten me please. Why is it the way it is with you women? Is it the culture that instills the interest in you? Every woman is unique. I myself have never cared for any type of jewelry..And the only times I wear it (weddings, parties..etc.) I actually prefer wearing bulukaati (I think thats how its spelled :confused: ). Other than that I never wear it though...and it has never interested me. Besides the $ amount of a little circular material around ur little finger can do so much more.. :eek: :eek: .I just see it as a waste. Back to the topic: :eek: :eek: :eek: @Nafta...Ill talk to you after I remove my jaw from the floor.
  24. ^^Describing yourself darling? There is a grain of truth in everything a person says. Or so I've been told