- Femme -

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Everything posted by - Femme -

  1. The woman is sick in the head. I would charge her for wasting court time and being selfish and depraved.
  2. Why do you want to 'get around it'? Is it difficult finding the said documents? I don't blame them. I've heard quite a few of people who've taken advantage of the system and when the time to pay it off came --- ran out of the country. Wouldn't you want to be sure your money's safe if you were in their shoes? Some people have this crazy belief that if the person is 'gaal' cheating them is A Okay. I really don't know how that thinking goes, waxbaa ka dhiman.
  3. Things are not as they seem. Stop reading into things eberyaalyahow.
  4. ^ or else what exactly?
  5. To be rejected by an old sensile e-geezer is an old time low for me. I'm going to hang low for a while and contemplate suicide among other things. Ahura, Stop the fitnah jealous heiffer. If you weren't so hideous to look at maybe you'd get half a chance. *sniffs* URGENT NOTICE: Spell my name correctly folks or you'll force me to change it again. And I was just getting attached to it. :mad:
  6. Wildcat, Macawiis you say? Tres-maqnifique. Next time, wear it as a sort of strapless dress with a chunky, jeweled belt around your waist. :cool:
  7. To each, his/her own.
  8. Ah, hell NO! You men had Somalia, beat her, and left her bloody and half dead. No way a Somali man will come up and try anything--I'll assassinate him myself! :mad: I nominate Xaawo Taako's decendants. The girl decendants. :cool:
  9. ^ I never said that; I meant by 'ungrateful' that you don't have to disgard the blessing you have meesha joogtid. Acknowlege that too -- waa lagu xisaabaa. [Edit] Misunderstanding cherie.
  10. Modesty, I understand that love for one's people and longing for their country can overwhelm them, but showing your love and appreciation doesn't mean you have to be ungrateful for the country that has given you freedom and opportunities not available in Somalia. It's not wise to insult and distance yourself from a country that has given you so much ---- does not matter whether it is christian or muslim country. Ungratefulness begets arrogance; and arrogance and pride are 2 faces on the same coin. Alhamdulliah, dheh and I can only hope that seeing somalia has given you appreciation for all the blessings that Allah has given you in the Western country you reside in. Having said that, have a fantastic time and looking 4ward to the pics, inshallah.
  11. Audio: Purpose of Life - Yusuf Estes I'm flabbergasted that this question has taken this turn -- hundreds of posts debating about this, when ya'll already know the answer and it's quite obvious.
  12. Oh I can't edit. Let's stop it there Zafir & Maka before it spirals out of control. Stick to the topic.
  13. Your beliefs are not wanted. Support it with a hadith otherwise it's not of any worthy. Twilight zone. Listen Alexus. Contrary to what you may think, my beliefs ARE worthy. Ma fahante? Number two there is a difference between the first and second sentence --- read carefully.Number three, caadi ma tihid. If your going to throw a hissy fit anythime someone says something you disagree with and insult them (a lil pattern I see), then maybe this forum isn't for you. I'll as soon stop with the 'unwanted answers' as soon as you stop asking for answers to something you can very well research yourself.
  14. Honesita, Excellent. You've got them all right, and not only that but I love the way you described each one in detail. Here is the definitions for the previous; Dikir: remembrance for the sake of Allah. Hadith: Reports on the sayings and the traditions of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) or what he witnessed and approved are called Hadith. Adab: Refinement, ethical norms, and standards of behavior. Connotes discipline, proper etiquette, manners, and training. Loss of aadaab implies loss of discipline and a failure to act with justice. Bid’ah: Innovation. In contradistinction to the Sunnah. Refers to any action or belief which has no precedent in or has no continuity with the Sunnah. Dawah: Invitation; call. Refers to the duty of Muslims to invite or call others to return to the straight and natural path of Islam or submission to God. This, according to the Qur'an, has to be done with wisdom and beautiful advice. The `most excellent speech' is that of a person who calls others to God. Da`wah is addressed to both Muslims and non-Muslims. Fatwa: plural: fataawaa). Juridical verdict, legal opinion. Fiqh: Literally, understanding. The legal science founded mainly on rules and principles developed by human reasoning (ijtihaad) and the body of knowledge so derived. Fiqh may therefore vary from one jurist or school of thought to another. The term "fiqh" is sometimes used synonymously with Sharee`ah (qv.). However, while fiqh is to a large extent the product of human endeavor, the Sharee`ah is closely related to divine revelation and knowledge which is only obtained from the Qur'an and the Sunnah. Fitnah: Any affliction which may cause man to go astray and to lose his faith in spiritual values; test, trial, confusion, civil war, oppression. Hawaa: Vain or egotistical desire; individual passion; impulsiveness. Following hawaa leads to arrogance and destruction. Ijtihaad: Literally, striving and self-exertion; independent reasoning; analytical thought. Ijtihaad may involve the interpretation of the source materials, inference of rules from them, or giving a legal verdict or decision on any issue on which there is no specific guidance in the Qur'an and the Sunnah. Iqaamah: Iqamah is an Arabic word that refers to the second call for the prayer which follows the first call (Adhan). Madhhab: (plural: madhaahib). Literally, way of going. School of thought. Taqwaa: Consciousness of God. Thawab: reward of blessing. Tawheed: Belief in or affirmation of the Oneness of God. Tafseer: Commentary, exegesis of the Qur'an. No worries Kafaaxiye, try these: Awrah Barakhah Fard Istighfar Kalam (as in Kalamu-Alahu) Mujahid Munafiq Mushrik Sabr Shahid Shirk
  15. Assalamu Alaikum, This is just a little test of your knowlege of some arabic glossary that tends to come up quite often if you read articles or books on Islam; alot of them I didn't know and just skipped over but a couple of weeks ago I took the time and actually found out what each word meant. How well do you know the following? (From memory, don't use google. ) Dikir Hadith Adab Bid’ah Dawah Fatwa Fiqh Fitnah Hawaa Ijtihaad Iqaamah Madhhab Taqwaa Thawab Tawheed Tafseer If that's too easy; I'll add more Inshallah later on.
  16. Are there any hadith encouraging women to attend Friday pray's? So I can prove to this not so intelligent person they are wrong. If there is a hadith proving you wrong, would you admit your 'not so intelligent'? I believe that the friday prayer benefits everyone, men & women because one learns and gains alot from the kutbah. However its only obligatory on the men to attend and volantary on the woman's part.
  17. Ain't it a great time to be a white man. ARGH. One thing though; I've seen how the Indian and Chinese community help each other so much...Somalis should adopt that attitude instead of being so competitive and each trying to better the other and keeping info (some which they don't even need) to themselves out of spite. Is caawiya. Helping someone does not take anything away from you.
  18. Castro, I don't believe that for a second. Too many risks involved and too much to lose to even consider. Maybe one or two, but thats hardly enough to raise eyebrows about it. AND they do come home. Couple times in the year; to fill the lady's tummy, relax and then off they go half heartedly chasing that elusive pot at the end of the rainbow. Stop listening to gossip. :mad:
  19. I think absentee fathers and husbands are an epidemic in the somali community. For some odd reason, they think they can better help their families if they leave them on their own and go work in some other country/state, send money once in a while, and visit a couple times of the year. What puzzles me though is why the women put up with that shidh? What is the point of getting married, setting house, having kids if he's going to bail out and live like some starving iskaabulo? Why would they want their kids to view their Dad's as strangers? How many times have I seen the akward meeting between kids and their dad's on one of his visits. It's painful. They're so shy and they don't know what to do with themselves. Its wrong, straight up. Family should never be sacrificed in the name of money. Ever. At the end of the day though, our parents have responsiblities over us, which includes their livelihood. So you have to seperate your feelings from your moral and religous obligations. Suck it up and extend that hand. Ahura, Honey, those kids never asked to be born. You can't punish them for the dad's actions. Even hypothetically.
  20. 4 years is too much I agree. He probably has family who depends on him. A fair thing to do would've been if the police or passerby's who caught him held each of his hands, spread his legs, and she was allowed to knee him in the groin with as much force as she wished.
  21. I started calling my brothers Nayaa a couple of weeks ago. I luv it. I just have to make sure were not in company when it pops out - or that will guarantee a black eye.
  22. ^ You can buy me when you pay off my student loans. I've applied to at least 50 places, stupidh me, I always gave it to the customer service people. Good advice: Whatever your applying for; always give it directly to the manager if you can. At least when you get rejected, you'll know it hadn't been misplaced of thrown out. Some people are just xaasideen and WILL throw your application and resume in the garbage. Most do it because they want their friend or family member to get the job.
  23. I am kept abreast of how bad the employment is for young, highly educated immigrants. I'm not talking about an undergraduate degree but advanced degrees and specializations worth gold in the US. Walahi, its not just that. It's hard for immigrants and (black, muslim women like moi) to even find a job that pays minimum wage. The insult of it - even Micky D's rejects you. I had to search for about a year to find my job - a sales position to help me while I'm at school. Now, I've had PLENTY of interviews, but the hiring part was the tough part. Shidh. You can't even get a job where there is no experienence or brainwork needed. I think it's better in T.O and Ottawo, but Vancity is bloody ******. :mad: That's why I'm tailgating out of here when I get my degree in hand. How does Malaysia sound? :cool:
  24. - Femme -


    This is not about me; but would like to hear what you gotta say nonetheless. There is no such thing as a promotion where I work. However, if it was me; I wouldn't accept no matter how big the cheque is. It would hurt so much, but I'd feel guilty. And I loathe that feeling.
  25. - Femme -


    Ok. Here's the situation. Put yourself in this person's shoes; YOU and a friend work together at the same company. In fact, you got your job because of her. She told you about the vacancy and also refered you to her boss. You two are pretty good friends in and out of work. The boss asks you to come to his office; its important. You come in and find him with a serious expression on his face. He tells you that he is going to promote you and give you a raise. Your estatic. You've been working towards this goal for quite some time and you really need the money. Before you can accept he says 'The position your getting is your friend's current job and I'm planning to fire her'. He gives you an option but whether or not you take the job your friend will be fired at the end. So, you either take the job, your friend gets fired, she's upset with you and you'll have to deal with the drama and possible loss of friendship. Or refuse, remain loyal to your friend, she gets fired, and you get passed up for the promotion which is given to someone else. The boss tells you u have a week to make the decision and your not to tell your friend what he told you (this happened). What would you do?