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Everything posted by Timur
No answer? I'll be glad to step in. You post here because you don't take Somaliland independence seriously. You wouldn't know what to do in the scenario of an independent Somaliland, and you keep up the act in an effort to get attention from "southerners" whom you still think share your 1988 mentality. Its like teenager who makes threats of suicide for attention but would never go through with it. This so-called depressed teen will still make last ditch efforts to be around his friends and family and suck out as much attention as possible before even planning to go through with this threat. Somaliland forumers are no different. Self-titled "Somalilanders" are no different. The parties, the protests, what purpose do you think these serve, its purely a show. No one is going to doubt that people there have lived on happily and some thrived since the fall of Somalia but that same level of success has been mimicked in other non-separatist regions so its no catalyst for independence. That's sort of the jist of it, their presence here is part of a larger mental and lifestyle pattern they've put themselves in. Their independence thing is a dream at most, and they before committing to this unrealistic dream they go around picking up as much public sympathy as possible from their make-believe antagonists. The child in Gedo, the driver in Xamar, the parliamentarian in Garowe - anyone they've been programmed to view as antagonists is a target for their sympathy campaign - online and offline. If this isn't the truth then ask yourselves why we don't have any posters here or on any of the major Somali networking sites, from Djibouti. And even the ones from Djibouti never go as far as to post Djiboutian news, that's because they view themselves as being a wholly different entity whereas our Hargeisan friends...do not.
Somaliland gabiley province police commander sacked
Timur replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
If you don't consider Somaliland part of Somalia then don't post on Somalia Online, its that simple. -
Why do you post on Somalia Online? Why don't you guys post on EgyptOnline or EthiopiaOnline since those are also separate countries like you say Somaliland is from Somalia. No Djiboutians post Djiboutian news on here, so why do you guys post Somaliland news here if you are a separate country? There are plenty of Somaliland forums on the internet designated for the issues of that country so I don't know why you guys still post here. Why do you guys post news from your towns on SOL, like infrastructure projects and political upheaval in this section?. How is that relevant to the politics of Somalia? I thought you were a different country. Xaji Xunjuf and Jacaylbaro make it a part-time job to post irrelevant articles about political shifts in villages throughout Somaliland. What message are you trying to send? You say you're not part of Somalia then why keep making appearances on forums designated for issues concerning Somalia? I'd appreciate honest answers.
Somaliland gabiley province police commander sacked
Timur replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
SOMALIA ONLINE, correct. Why are you posting news from villages in a secessionist region? Aren't you a different country? Would you post this news on SudanOnline or LebanonOnline? If not, then why do you post it on SomaliaOnline? -
I can't wait till Puntland is given the green light to blow these punks out of the water and return glory to southern Somalia. Look at these punks with their tropical cups!
Somalina;682948 wrote: loooool@Gelinsoor. Born n bred in Xamar, my grandfather was born in Xamar and so was his father. You don't belong on my thread, so you need to bounce outta here. You don't even know where Mogadishu is on the map yaa camel herder... get lost and stop wasting my time. I got my hands full with top Shababi supporters, no time for reer badiye english la barey. I suggest you go buy some decency at the terrorist market, that is all you are good for anyways. What a waste of space! p.s. Last time you were claiming Galkacyo, Mudug, and now Xamar..loooool... meel laguu raaco yeelo...is qor qor badanaa Shababiga... You don't have to be shy, we all know you support warlords like Caydiid, Qeybdiid, Qanyare, Indhocadde. You identify more with the thugs of Baraxleey than the natives of Benadir. I claim Gaalkacyo today because criminals like you keep me out of my capital, you've turned it into a tribal playground for your cousins.
Garowe(Puntlandi.com) Xoghoose oo rasmi ah oo aan ka helney saraakiisha ciidamada ayaa noo xaqiijiyey in Guuto ka mid ah Ciidamada Daraawiishata ee doraad(23.12.2010) yimid Garowe ay kusoo wajahan yihiin Gaalkacyo maalmaha soo socda. Ciidamo ka tirsan kuwa Daraawiishta Puntland ayaa khamiistii soo gaarey caasimada Puntland ee Garowe waxaana halkaas kusoo dhaweeyey shacab fara badan oo uu hor kacayo madaxweyne Faroole.(hoos ka daawo sawirada ciidanka oo Garowe lagusoo dhaweynayo). Ciidamadaan ayaa guuto ka mid ah waxey ka howlgalayaan Magaalada Gaalkacyo iyo Nawaaxigeeda sida naloo xaqiijiyey, ujeedada Ciidamada loo keenayo Gaalkacyo ma ahan iney dagaal galaan balse ujeedadoodu waa iney ka qayb qaataan sugida amaanka Gobolka .Waxaa jira warar kale oo aan ka helney dhinaca Gaalkacyo kuwaasoo sheegaya in ciidamadaan la geyn doono goobihii bishaan horaanteeda ay isku dagaaleen labo beelood oo reer mudug ah, waxaana ciidanka lakala dhex dhigayaa beelahaas is dagaaley ilaa heshiis rasmi ah laga gaarayo. Waxaan idiin soo wadnaa Wareysi arintaan ku saabsan oo aan la yeelaneyno mid ka mid ah saraakiisha ciidanka maalmaha soosocda
As Al Shabab Looms, Somali Government Running Out of Time
Timur replied to Jacaylbaro's topic in Politics
Al-Shabaab can loom for a hundred years, they can't push AMISOM out of their positions and because of that the TFG will always have a safe haven. These doom & gloom articles made sense with Ethiopia since it was an accountable entity, but AMISOM has an infinite mandate that allows it all the resources and time in the world to hold off attack; think of a wall that replenishes itself whenever you hurl a bomb at it. -
Where is the Al-Shabaab fanatic? There are two people in this topic; a warlord-fanatic from Gelinsoor (you) and a Somali patriot from Xamar (me) who has been kept out of his capital by the likes of you. Good day.
Buri Hamza is a good man, a native Benadiri from Yemen if I'm correct, the people for which Mogadishu's outlying region is named. It is unfortunate that his, and our beautiful pearl, is occupied by wild animals who escaped the zoos of Baraxleey, Dhusomareeb, and Cadaado. In due time the local people will have their justice, and their peace loving brothers in Puntland, Baay, Bakool, Jubboyinka and Shabellada Hoose await their return to peace. I wish it was as easy as doing the job ourselves, if I could I would rally Puntlanders everywhere to join in with their brothers in the aforementioned regions and liberate Mogadishu from the moryaan who despoiled her. At least Al-Shabaab has shut down the isbaaro business and returned some properties that were stolen by the Mudug-based thugs, some justice has been dispensed I guess.
People chew in Bosaso but its not hazardous like the khat epidemic in Hargeisa, it is a disaster there. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/4145400.stm
You can't troll a Hargeysa thread - it is already a troll topic by opening it here on SOL, this is not SomalilandOnline, get the hell out of here with this secessionist trash.
Xaaji Xunjuf;682856 wrote: No diseases in Puntland war meeshu ma jannadi ba Compared to Waqoyi's khat problems and HIV explosion, yes its jannah.
Large contingents of Puntland army units have returned from their victorious campaigns in Galgala after a visit from President Cabdiraxman Maxamed Faroole. They are headed to their capital with pride! Madaxweynaha Puntland iyo xubno ka tirsan xukuumada ayaa maanta 23.12.2011 kusoo dhoweeyey magaalo madaxda Garowe ciidamo ka tirsan daraawiishta kuwaasoo dib uga soo noqdey buuraha Galgala. Ciidamadaan oo ka qayb galey howlgaladii buuraha ku dhow tuulada Galgala looga sifeynayey kooxaha Al-Shabaab ee uu hogaamin jirey ninka lagu magacaabo Attam. Madaxweynaha Puntland oo hadal kooban ugu jeediyey ciidamadaan duleedka Garowe ayaa u sheegey in howlgalkaan ay ku sifeeyeen kooxahaan uusan shacabka Puntland ilaawi doonin sida ay u guteen wajibaadkooda isaga oo tacsi direy dhamaan eheladii askartii dhimatey dagaaladaas. Madaxweynaha Puntland Dr.Cabdiraxman Farole iyo xubnihiisa ka tirsan Xukuumada ayaa ciidamadaan u soo horkacey xerada ciidamada 54aad oo ku taal duleedka Garowe. Dadweynaha Puntland gaar ahaan kuwa ku nool magaalada Garowe oo safnaa dhinacyada wadooyinka ayaa ku dhawaaqayey hal ku dhagyo ay kusoo dhoweynayeen ciidamadaan. Magaalo madaxda Puntland ee Garowe ayaa dhinaca kale la ciirciireysa dadka ka qayb galay tartanka cayaaraha gobolada Somalia.
Power strugle between Somaliland Puntland within Alshabaab.
Timur replied to MoonLight1's topic in Politics
Xaaji Xunjuf;682844 wrote: ^^ Yeah but he is an Ethnic Somalilander he was born in a village called garadurug 25 km north of aware This is what I mean; the Somalilanders claim Godane as their own and take pride in him while no Puntlander has ever wanted to associate themselves with the thug Shangole who comes from an irrelevant minority clan inside Puntland's borders. -
Power strugle between Somaliland Puntland within Alshabaab.
Timur replied to MoonLight1's topic in Politics
It doesn't surprise me that khat addicts are running amok in the south these days but I don't think Shangole can be associated with Puntland at all. Godane was born in the khat state while Shangole was born in Xamar. You are simply associating Shangole with Puntland but he's from a minority clan in the region numbering just a few thousand, he doesn't even come from any of the politically represented clans in Puntland so I don't understand your comparison. -
Some of the khat addicts and moryaan tuugo do not understand the premise of this topic, but then again there's very little about Somalia and Somali nationalism that they understand. This celebration of SSDF has nothing to do with the early unsuccessful rebellion but more to do with the fact that they dropped all grudges and allegiances and rushed to save the capital in its time of need. These kids left their clans and their people as far away as Gelaadi and Qardho and lost their lives to put out the flames in Xamar. That is the life of a mujahid - someone who risks all to save his people under all circumstances. These are kids who were taught to have an undying hatred for the socialist regime but when the hour came to put aside grudges they put their lives on the line to rescue the Somali state and to save the Somali name before the animals from the USC set it on fire. They died in vain but their struggle is still remembered.
Abdirizak_PTL, I think you are a patriot but sometimes you can be crazy. The photos are from the Daylife cache, it is authentic SSDF mujahideen, don't waste time by trying to test the credibility of the images of all things. Appreciate the work of our brothers and sisters, and salute them.
The photos were taken in March 1991, in a village called Bufo roughly 40 miles from Mogadishu.
I found some pictures from the early days of the noble SSDF with their vehicles parked outside of Xamar, escorting the president as he was besieged by wild animals in the capital. These young men and women came all the way from Wardheer, Mudug and Nugaal to tame the savages who were eating away at the nation's pillars. Many died in vain due to political complications but nonetheless their lives went towards a most noble cause.
As GaroweGal politely put it, the green monster is alive in this one. Anyway, the games are going great, I look forward to Group D playing tomorrow!
Why does the establishment and people of Waqoyi regions always feel the need to bring up SSDF or Puntland? Why do you like to associate yourselves with an organization that had nothing to do with you nor recognizes your existence. I think there are fears and insecurities you lot have with a certain clan, but those people pay no mind to you.