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Everything posted by Susu

  1. Nawaal..ha ha ha..U thought she was the system Unix....I don't think there is Universal Somali Association...but if u are willing and able..maybe u can start one.
  2. Nawaal..ha ha ha..U thought she was the system Unix....I don't think there is Universal Somali Association...but if u are willing and able..maybe u can start one.
  3. Nawaal..ha ha ha..U thought she was the system Unix....I don't think there is Universal Somali Association...but if u are willing and able..maybe u can start one.
  4. Hibo...good job girl..that was funny...
  5. Miss Lucia, Do contact me if u need Models of the age 19 and older!
  6. First define smart...there is street smarts and bizz smarts and computer smarts....U can't place the word smart on every man that can quote shakespeare or the wall street journal. Personally I like a man with common sense. I feel as if humanity has lost senses that nature has gevin if the guy happens to have one...GREAT. And I wont lie..but sometimes the good lookin' ones catch my eye, but it never hurt anyone to look. Peace