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Everything posted by Fouzia_Bella
has it come to your attention that all i demonstrate is nothing but affection? what do i get in return?.....neglection and isolation. what was the attraction i was so drwan to?must've been all the lies and deception. not once did u mention your love for me and your devotion. iam babbling...........................
wooooow hey deadlyvison (OZ)...that was extremly nice, i loved it. see that's why iam one of your fans, keep writting 'em, show ppl your talent cuz damn boy u got it! anyways iam out...keep up the positve vibe! ~WUN~
hey, ya'll got some pretty interesting rhymes at some perticular times so let loose, and let your'e tru talent shine like a bunch of dimes. SOL tollerates no crimes so be sweet and at the same time a lil sour like a lime till then iam gonna bounce on outta here like a mime. :cool:
aight, iam gonne say a a couple of sentences and ya'll have to ryhme wit the last word and continue with the sentence...don't messs it up!aight here goes.... "Life! filled with hopes and dreams, laughter and pain. Most of all, knowlege is what we gain" keep going wit the rhyme :cool:
the toughest decision i made today was wether i was gonna go to work or call in sick. ---------------->iam at work mine: people say don't judge a book by it's cover, but i say......
hey ya'll, here's a fun personality test.iam gonna ask you 10 simple questions and i would like u guys to answere them as honstly as possible.keep track Visualize the following questions, imaging the scenes in your mind, and type the first thing that you visualize. 1You are walking in the woods. Who are you walking with? 2You are walking in the woods.You see an animal.What kind of animal is it? 3What interaction takes place between you and the animal? 4You walk deeper in to the woods. You enter a clearing and before you is your dream house.Describe it's size. 5Is your dream house surrounded by a fence? 6You enter the house. You walk to the dining area.Describe what you see on and around the dining table.. 7You exit the house through the back door. Lying in the grass is a cup. What materal is the cup made of? 8What do you do with the cup? 9You walk on and you find yourself standing at the edge of a body of water.What type of body of water is it? 10How will you cross the water? are you ready to analyze your answers?here goes... > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > 1The person you are walking with is the most important person in your life 2The size of the animal representes the size of your problems. 3The interaction you have with the animal representes how you deal with your problems (passive/aggressive) 4The size of your dream house is the size of your ambition to resolve your problems. 5No fence indacates an open personalty,and a fence indacates a closed personalty. 6If your answer did not include food,people or flowers then you are generally unhappy. 7The durability of the materal the cup is made of is the durabilty of your relationship with the person in question 1. 8Your disposition of the cup representes your attitude towards the person in question 1. 9The size of the body of water representes the size of your sexual desire. 10How wet you get crossing the water is the importance of your sex life.
hey freaky kitten and welcome to somalia on line. shoot, that kitten sent chills up and down ma spine. no worries, i'll be just fine. next time, just gimmie a sign. enojoy your stay here and have no fear ma dear. amma stop now so ciao!!
hey, i was wondering what ya'll were studying and why ya'll decided to get involved in that feild. for me, at first i got into computer programming cuz everyone was studying something to do wit computers and famlity members were constantly pushing me in that direction.i only took it to staisfy ma mother, father, aunts and uncles.during the first 2 weeks of classes i relized that it wasn't ma field, i simply hated it, i found it soooooooooooooooooooooooo boring!so i decided to drop the program and wait untill the next semester to apply for a different program, this time a program i wanted to persue, something i would be happy with regardless of how much people disagreed wit me. i applied for "INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS" and there are alot of feild u can specialize in, for example:international trade, banking and international sales, trading houses, government, all-sized businesses and as entrepreneurs.iam loving my program and iam glade i didn't listen to anyone else this time! so let me here about yours!
hey, i was wondering what ya'll were studying and why ya'll decided to get involved in that feild. for me, at first i got into computer programming cuz everyone was studying something to do wit computers and famlity members were constantly pushing me in that direction.i only took it to staisfy ma mother, father, aunts and uncles.during the first 2 weeks of classes i relized that it wasn't ma field, i simply hated it, i found it soooooooooooooooooooooooo boring!so i decided to drop the program and wait untill the next semester to apply for a different program, this time a program i wanted to persue, something i would be happy with regardless of how much people disagreed wit me. i applied for "INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS" and there are alot of feild u can specialize in, for example:international trade, banking and international sales, trading houses, government, all-sized businesses and as entrepreneurs.iam loving my program and iam glade i didn't listen to anyone else this time! so let me here about yours!
ok, since iam so committed to learning spanich, here are some words or phrases. hablo un poco de espanol i speak a little spanish como se iiama es? What's your name? much gusto please/nice to meet u me iiamo fouzia/me nomber fouzia my name is fouzia cuanto cuesta? how much is this? hasta manana see you tommorow buenos dias good morning buenos noches giid night/good evevning como estas? how are u doing? and so on..............
Let us teach each other foriegn languages ... I am serious
Fouzia_Bella replied to Libaax-Sankataabte's topic in General
ok, since iam so committed to learning spanich, here are some words or phrases. hablo un poco de espanol i speak a little spanish como se iiama es? What's your name? much gusto please/nice to meet u me iiamo fouzia/me nomber fouzia my name is fouzia cuanto cuesta? how much is this? hasta manana see you tommorow buenos dias good morning buenos noches giid night/good evevning como estas? how are u doing? and so on.............. -
eyo!!tru reegae fan right here<------ i love reegae, ma favorite? hell i ain't got one specific favorite, i love beenie man, sean pual, bounty killer, t.o.k, wayne wonder, shaba ranks,cocoa tea, and the list goes on......................
eyo!!tru reegae fan right here<------ i love reegae, ma favorite? hell i ain't got one specific favorite, i love beenie man, sean pual, bounty killer, t.o.k, wayne wonder, shaba ranks,cocoa tea, and the list goes on......................
eyo!!tru reegae fan right here<------ i love reegae, ma favorite? hell i ain't got one specific favorite, i love beenie man, sean pual, bounty killer, t.o.k, wayne wonder, shaba ranks,cocoa tea, and the list goes on......................
eyo!!tru reegae fan right here<------ i love reegae, ma favorite? hell i ain't got one specific favorite, i love beenie man, sean pual, bounty killer, t.o.k, wayne wonder, shaba ranks,cocoa tea, and the list goes on......................
minion!na gurl, that's not exactly the word i would use.the guy has some interesting posts so i ain't even trying to hate on him, and just b'cuz i liked his story doesn't neccesasarly make me one of his minions.
honestly speaking, darman would be the last person i'd consider voting off b'cuz of his story about "deeqo and the roach" which i enjoyed reading very much. no one really gets on ma nerves on SOL...but if i had to vote someone off and i was obligated to, i think it would be Mizz_Lexus,i don't hate the gurl, but her lil posting on "if your'e over 21, your'e considered to be an oldie and u shouldn't waste your time on SOL, you should do something more productive wit your time" gave me a bad expression of her.
jamal, abowe..iam not sure if u read one of ma posting about ma favorites poets b4, but i remember some1 said that you were thier favorit, and ma replay was that i neva read any of ur work and picked guled and deadlyVission cuz i did enjoy reading thier poetry. After reading all your poems, i think u just made it on top of ma list.Wow, you are one talented brotha. and as for idil, gurl you are right, nothing god created is ugly and one thing i strongly believe from experience is that an individual can look extremly attractive, with all the right features,makes heads turn ect.., but if they have an ugly personality or charactrastics it makes them look nasty too. i enjoyed reading your poems and keep up the positive vibe! WUN
hey ppl u have to say my favorite color has and will always be "RED" why? b'cuz i think it's a sexy colour....it contracts attention...it looks good on me....80% of ma cloths are red...anything red catches ma attention...and i agree wit 'simple woman' cuz anything that's red is beautyful!
hey ppl u have to say my favorite color has and will always be "RED" why? b'cuz i think it's a sexy colour....it contracts attention...
loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool iam cracking up, ppl are starting to think iam on something. yo, i really enjoyed reading that story, hella funny.i am loving the combinations though, an insect and a human beeing.
EAsy way To mAke Money $$$? check this and dont tell the admin..
Fouzia_Bella replied to OG Moti's topic in General
you now what! an idea is an idea, and personally no idea is a bad idea. i do i agree, you can sell just about anything depending on how you present you product, how much time you put into it, and how you can convince ppl to by your poduct and why they should buy it. iam not saying iam gonna go right ahead and make a book version of somaliaonline cuz it's not something i would want to persue but what iam saying is that i like the direction you're thinking at, u seem like a business oriented individual. -
Hey ppl, i though that i might share one of my favorite poems of all time. it's a sonnet by elizabeth browning, wife of robert browning who was also a poet.ENJOY! HOW do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I love thee to the depth and breadth and height My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight For the ends of Being and ideal Grace. I love thee to the level of everyday's Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light. I love thee freely, as men strive for Right; I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise. I love thee with the passion put to use In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith. I love thee with a love I seemed to lose With my lost saints, -I love thee with the breath, Smiles, tears, of all my life! - and, if God choose, I shall but love thee better after death. by: Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Who Do You Think Has The Best Nick On Somalionline?
Fouzia_Bella replied to MiZz_LeXuS's topic in General
Ma vote goes to Runaway^virgin