The point thats mostly overlooked when debating atheists is, THEY DONT BELIEVE IN THE END OF TIME, NOR THAT THERE IS AN AFTER wit that in mind...lets see the logic of such a debate...if one doesn't believe in the end of times, one can never comprehend the belief in God, and a being such as god ( the creater ) allowing evil to exist. believers in god (monotheists/abrahamic), such as muslims, christians and jews believe life is just a test to determine one's afterlife: hell or heaven. Thus life is a test to determine one's afterlife.
so here's the part the atheist just simply cannot comprehend...allah is the creater of everything and all-knowing...therefore we can say allah is well aware of the existence of evil, and he allows it to remain in existence...
evil is that which influences man to commit evil: dambi/sins. And god is the one who influences man to do good: ajar/blessings. therefore man is tested in life by how many sins one commited or how many blessings one gained.
if evil didnt exist, good would also not exist. because you need the existence of evil to determine what is good...and vice versa
so when the atheists debate believers of allah on why a being so great and powerfull would allow evil to exist....the answer in short is....believers of allah believe in an after life..the after life consists of two..HELL AND get into heaven you need AJAR (by doing good) be cast into HELL, you have committed many sins ( influenced by evil)....therefore allah allows evil to remain in existence to test man..and through this test..those who believe in allah and those who dont are determined.
P.S. im new to this whats up ppl