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Everything posted by Archdemos

  1. LOL, ithought of this when i saw your thread title Polanyi Ice from the sea of tranquiltiy, thats on the moon. lmao:o
  2. Interesting indeed. Translation anyone:confused:
  3. Poly styrenes daughter Celeste follwing in her mums footsteps , 1/4 Somali The two of them together Mum was half somali, recently died. RIP
  4. Mocky is a half Somali (father) half Canadian Jazz musician. Nice tune!
  5. Keep up the good work Chimera, much appreciated bro. Is you PM function disabled?
  6. Sorry sis I just assumed you were a dude. Wow I’m so sorry for your experience. I think you’re better off without those people anyway considering their ill-mannered behaviour. However there is critical flaw in your argument/outlook. Are there no other Somalis like you out there who are trying to make an honest living? If so why generalise. Where exactly are you from, I ask because here in the UK it’s definitely not as bad as you paint it. My solution is be the best person you can, better yourself and be proud of who you are. I know it’s difficult in current circumstances but Somali history is not defined by the last two decades of civil strife. You have to understand bettering the image of Somalis starts off with you. Read a bit into the history and culture and I assure you there is plenty to be proud of, there are backward traits like all communities but with time inshallah we will eradicate these. I was born outside Somalia and i visited the homeland in 2009. I’m glad I did because it opened my eyes to how unique and beautiful our land and more importantly our culture can be. Somalia sadly is a country with unique set of problems, but I fear you have lost or are in the process of losing all hope. When peace is achieved you will be surprised at what Somalis are capable of, largely without the help of others.
  7. we wouldn't be the most hated why do you generalise like that. What makes you so sure we're the most hated. whatever that means. why not share some of your experiences with us to help us better understand where you are coming from brother. Have you experienced terrible racism. have you been singled out because your somali. set the context for us...
  8. I read this story and immediately felt sorry for the poor girl; I mean she was going to start a family with this fella:(. Yes the fact that he may not be a muslim crossed my mind, but that was a fleeting momentary thought. Two exceptional men were killed that day Chris and Tim, I can’t help but think people are focusing on an irrelevant issue. There are too many unknowns to even to begin to speculate. Additionally I don’t concern myself with others choices in life, not my place to judge. Let’s keep it cordial gents. Idil is a talented young lady, who is making some worthwhile films on behalf of the community, go to her website and read about her. Respect her decisions in life (within limits of course, think Ms Hirsi). I only wish life was as black and white as some of you paint it here. The reality I’m afraid is so much more complicated.
  9. I see Axmed has his religious cap on tonight, bring back the old one.
  10. i was reading this yesterday on the tube. Very sad case indeed. RIP Tim and Chris. Restrepo is one of the best docs i've ever seen. Here is a powerful scene from it. It highlights the sheer lunacy that is war best. LOL @ Chimera. You finally lost your rag with the most bizarre character on SOL. Just ignore his sexual innuendos, he’ll soon get bored and go back to one of the other sites. Oddly enough i do miss Cowke, Peacenow and Mr Somalia. Ok maybe not Mr Somalia:D
  11. Archdemos

    Syria 2007

    ^^Nice i was thinking of going to Sham this summer, but might have to cancel due to safety concerns. i was looking forward to it also. :mad:
  12. Great to see this thread revived. I'm 6'2 and weigh around 175lb or 80kg. Very athletic considering I’m central midfielder (Sunday League). I have seen some fantastic gains in the gym but not in size mainly in strength; size gain has been minimal despite going 3 days a week. Doing all core lifts, bench, dead, squats plus supersets etc. The big issue is eating enough food. To lazy, juggling work and uni and so on. But inshallah I’m planning on hitting the gym hard this summer 4x a week whilst upping my calorie intake to 4500 a day. Ideal weight will be 90kg. How are people going to cope with Ramadan this year. Especially those in Europe. Those in London are in stock for these times from 1st August. Sunrise:05:23 Sunset:20:51
  13. Yes absolutely Alpha. I agree wholeheartedly
  14. yeah tell me about it. My problem seems to be lack of sleep/poor quality sleep. Got to sort it out.
  15. I think 2010 has been reading the comments section more so than the actual article. Question, why do you care what others think so much. Especially those little englanders. :confused::confused:
  16. LOL@ London2010, chill out dude, easy does it with the generalisations buddy.
  17. Archdemos


    I think it is ill judged for them to choose to wear it in non Islamic countries especially considering the rising levels of islamophobia, it’s also equally ludicrous that governments around Europe are now banning it. Ultimately it’s about choice, and if that choice negatively impacts on their quality of life and in some cases puts them at risk or in danger than surely it becomes self defeating. Why not mitigate that risk by donning attire that’s both Islamic and culturally sensitive. Less of this and more of I must admit i find these women intimidating:D, what’s the significance of the colour black anway?
  18. LOl how did i ever miss this thread, I've never LOL'd so much. Axmed inajaad is such a joker or a nutter or both. Chimera i squat 60kg but thats my weak point. I've been slacking recently due to studies. Your dress sense is lets say unique but stylish. I'm more of a Zara man. Inajooad keep up ur nuttiness bro.
  19. he makes alot of sense, having seen so called NGO's on the ground in Somalia.
  20. whats the point of this thread. what puprose does it serve:confused::confused::confused: