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Everything posted by Faheema.

  1. My suxuur consist of... 1 glass of Innocent Smoothie 1 banana 1 glass of water 7 Dates and so far it has worked, no thirst or much hunger during the day ...Alhamdulilah
  2. I wish I could find a way to package and sell common sense. ahh juxa I know how you feel...get well dear. JotD Two older women were having lunch together, and discussing the merits of cosmetic surgery. The first woman said, "I need to be honest with you, I'm getting a boob-job." The second woman responded, "Oh, that's nothing. I'm thinking of having my arsehole bleached!" "Whoa," replied the first woman. "I just can't picture your husband as a blonde!"
  3. I feel like I just went 10 rounds with a sumo wrestler, hate hargab esp. a summer one Afternoon all.
  4. nuunoow, wax ala waxaad qortay (other than jimicsi) ma fahmin hadaan ku idhaa. On other note: Why do some managers take on a project or are appointed, when they have no clue of the project deliverables. You end up doing the work and they get paid for it ...Aagghhhh!
  5. ^lol poor Ibti lool Juxa sorry...why didn't you call me, I would have slowed down a bit
  6. ^or you can just reduce your hours Thank god, I am back to 3days next week. LoL@NGONGE mine is unpaid
  7. Si fiican baan u daalanahay this morning, I forgot what it was like to do a 5day week I am just glad the office is extra quite today.
  8. Nur, All the best and much happiness for this new phase in your life! May Allah reward you for all your efforts.
  9. To help employers understand the needs of staff during this period the Working Muslim has produced a Ramadan Employer Guide. If you haven't got this from your employer, it might be useful to forward it to them http://www.workingmuslim.com/RamadanEmployerGuide.pdf
  10. ^ I am trying hon, I am really trying, but it looks like I'll be on it til the end of the month lol ... Alhamdulilah all is well though
  11. Afternoon all, This month feels like I have boarded a speeding train with no brakes
  12. Really? I thought there were plenty. Are we talking about the same book
  13. Haa and less than 24hrs I am back to work I need to start playing the Lotto lol
  14. Saturday? I'll be soaking the sun in a far far land Insha allah
  15. ^ w'salam Juxa, not yet couple of days left Ibti is going to Seoul? Wow! she kept that quite lol
  16. ^ Muuq? Duug? ...lol endless 'uugs JB maxaa ku daaray, yaa ku daaray? lol@Ibti, you mean all the ? sorry Morning Juxa.
  17. ^Thanks, I haven't baked for a while so I might just do that to calm me lol btw, did you get the doc.?
  18. ^LooL, you and your random weird stories W'salam Ibti. Be optimistic and go with 'having a good day' I am pretty much in the same boat, I have 2wks of meeting and deadlines and not to mention nagging old ladies lol