Complex Mind
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Everything posted by Complex Mind
Assalamu Alaikum, Wow, I was feelin' that poem. Masha'Allah..
Assalamu Alaikum, Masha'Allaah sister, I'm feelin' what you just wrote and I'm completely understanding you... I think.
Assalamu Alaikum, Cawralo sis, which relaxer does your sister use?
Masha'Allah, that was deep.... Keep 'em comin' sis..
Assalamu Alaikum, I just have to say that I love that poem "In Praise of Barni Sheekh". Believe it or not, she's still alive and kicking. You may not be able to describe her with those exact words but that's what old age does to you. She's a friend of my mom.... Such a small world...
Mutakalim bro you're right. This is by Shaykh Mishari Raashid al-Efaasy. He has his own website where you could hear him reciting this very poem but, subhan'Allah, I can't remember how it went (alefasy.org or something...) . Beautiful poem Ngonge. Thanks for sharing.
Masha'Allah sis, I think i read it ATLEAST 10 times. I patiently wait for more...
Poet, thanks... What's been up with the poetry section these days. Feels dead...
This is what you do when you don't know what to do This is what you try if you want to get it right This is how it goes if you honestly don't know This is the reply to every question in your mind This is how you play once you understand the game This is how you speak if you don't want to be weak This is how you start, making sure it's from the heart And now to say what's right so you know just how to fight This is what you say and ALLAH will lead the way BISMILLAH AR-RAHMAN AR-RAHEEM
Assalamu Alaikum, Brother Nur, I'd like to know what book you translated this piece from. Jazzak'Allahu khayran. May Allah (swt) reward you greatly for you efforts. Fee Amaanillah
LOL @ Mutakalim...
Assalamu Alaikum, Conscious Manipulation, nice article "bro". LOL! Sayfullah, CM didn't write the article. It's a post...just for clarification purposes. Wa Billahi Tawfiq
LOL!! Are you heybe now?? LOL!
Assalamu Alaikum, Rahima sis, maybe I can help you out on where you got that from. It sounds very familiar to me too. It's from a lecture given by Shaikh Ibrahim Duweish by the title "Al Faa'izoon fee Ramadaan (The Winners in Ramadaan). Masha'Allah, he's one of my favourite Arabic speakers... May ALLAH(swt) reward you for your effort and may HE(swt) make us of those winners in Ramadaan. Ameen... Wa Billahi Tawfiq
Assalamu Alaikum, Viewer Discretion, welcome bro/sis to the SOL family. I'm feeling ur things so do enlighten us with a few more. Take care... Wa Billahi Tawfiq
The Thunder ( Surah Al Racd) Windows To Another World
Complex Mind replied to Nur's topic in General
Assalamu Alaikum, Masha'Allah, Suurah Ar-Ra'd is one of my favourite suurahs. I'm looking forward to this new thread. May ALLAH (swt) increase you in all that is good akhi Nur. Wa Billahi Tawfiq -
Sorry just had to make a correction before there is a misunderstanding. I meant to say: As the Prophet(saw) advised MEN not ME, MEN!!! Jazzak'Allahu khayran.
Assalamu Alaikum and Ramadaan Kareem to all, Masha'Allah, this is a very interesting and beneficial thread. I know too many people caught up in this type of a situation. So, insha'Allah, I'd like to add my two cents... As we all know, marriage is one HUGE step into a world that, no matter how many tips you get, you can never be fully prepared to take it on. It's a learning process but there are key ingredients that need to be there so that this dish could be one that both spouses love. To me, it is unacceptable to consider a brother who does not pray regularly as a potential marriage partner. As sister Raxima stated, the ulemaa label someone who does not pray as a kaafir. Salah is one major thing that separates a Muslim from a Kaafir. It's difficult for me to take advice from some of my siblings who do not pray, simply because of the fact that they don't pray (may ALLAH guide them and us). I see a person who is missing their connection with ALLAH (swt) so how could I take this person's word of advice to make my major decisions?? And what can be said about such an important decision in a Muslim's life: marriage? Brother Baashi made some very insightful points, may ALLAH (swt) reward you and make your marriage a fruitful one that benefits you and the Muslim Ummah, ameen. There are many things that need to be considered once you are in the ring of scoping for a partner. First thing's first, is the deen a major in his life? If so, continue because that's a huge star right thurr!! Second, how compatible are the two of you? Do you agree on many major issues in the deen? Do your goals generally meet on the same line? Do you enjoy talking to him? The list goes on but I think you get my flow... Ofcourse there are going to be things that you won't like about this person or that you wish were a bit more different to your pleasings, but alas, the perfect person does not exist. As the Prophet (saw) advised me about their wives that they will see something that displeases them about their wives but just concentrate on the things that pleases them. To address the issue about sisters not feeling that they are 'ready' for marriage. I don't believe that anyone is ever ready for marriage. You need to consider the high status that marriage has in Islam and how we were warned against rejecting a man that has deen, as it is one of the major causes of fitan. I have a couple of other things to add but alas I must get the afur ready. May ALLAH (swt) accept our fasting and make us of those whose final abode is Jannah. Ameen. Wa Aakhiru Dacwanaa an Alhamdu'lillah Rabbil Caalameen...
Assalamu Alaikum, Much respect styll. ~~~~~~~ That was DEADLY but to the point with 20/20 VISION In this world we live in, we all got one mission Gotta step up to that role and live with conviction Bow your head in humbleness and truthful submission To the ONE, the ONLY, deserving of my recognition As the ONE, the ONLY, I answer to on Resssurection... Day by day, my inevitable end is creeping on me One day I'll be in a place with nothing but earth all around me Asking myself, over and over, dang girl are you ready?? See myself rushing, making wudu, and on the salli saying Ya Rabbi!! Wallahi this life passes by like the blink of an eye Don't let Shaytaan mask you from the haqq, cuz you WILL die Be in this world like a traveller, a passerby This ain't your final destination, in this dunya don't rely... That was DEADLY but to the point with 20/20 VISION In this world we live in, we all got one mission ~~~~~~~ Wa Billahi Tawfiq
Assalamu Alaikum, Haseena, daaaaaaaaaang!! I'm feeling ur pain from here sis. May Allah make it easy on you and make your heart content with someone else. Who knows, it could be that this guy isn't all that good for you anyways, walaahu a'lam. If there's one word of advice I could give you from a sister who can relate: "Fa inna bacda cusrin yusraa"!!! May you find peace in those words and may another seed of pure love (who belongs to you and only you ) find its way to your heart. Ameen... Wa Billahi Tawfiq
Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaatuh Jazzak'Allahu khayran akhi/ukhti for the article. A nice slap in the face for those who still sleep. May ALLAH (swt) accept the du'aa of the Muslims. Ameen Ya Rab Wa aakhiru da'wanaa an alhamdu'lillahi rabbil 'aalameen
Assalamu Alaikum, I need one of those bro...Ship on....Wa jazzak'Allahu khayran
Assalamu Alaikum, Modesty, that's a good question sis. As far as affection and Islam's grounds for it in public goes, there is one report of a time when there was some sort of sport was going on outside in a public place. The Prophet (saw) was standing there watching the sport and Aisha(ra) wanted to watch as well. So, he told her to come behind and look over his shoulder, which she did. She stood directly behind him with her chin rested on his shoulder, and she stayed like that until she was satisfied and left. The Prophet(saw) didn't move until she was done watching. I don't know about you, but that's pretty close. If that happened with the Prophet(saw) and his wife(ra) then I don't see the problem with holding hands in public. I used to live in Cairo for a year and something and you'd be surprised how affectionate the Muslim couples are to each other over there. Fully geared brothers holding their wives with one hand and carrying their kid in the other while she, niqaabi black from head to toe, walks next to him. Masha'Allah, it's really beautiful to see those kinds of things. I think it enforces more love in the relationship. Those little things make a difference. As far as immitation of the kuffaar goes, I wouldn't state it as such. If anything, I think there are limitations to how much affection can be displayed in public, like kissing.....UMMMM... Some things belong in private places. Hope that answers your q sis... Jazzak'Allahu khayran. Wa aakhiru da'wanaa an'alhamdu'lillahi rabbil 'aalameen
Assalamu Alaikum, Jazza'Allahu khayran Moti for posting this up. These kinds of things are always a good reminder. And Silent-Sistah, you have spoken the truth abaayo. I want to share something with you guys, insha'Allah. The word human in arabic "insaan" comes from the root word "nasiyah" which means "he forgot" (past tense). ALLAH (swt) says: "Verily, a reminder benefits the believer", for a good reason. The name says it all. May ALLAH(swt) make us steadfast in following HIS religion and hold fast to the Qur'an and Sunnah in the way in which the Salaf comprehended them. Ameen... Wa aakhiru da'wanaa an alhamdu'lillah rabbil 'aalameen