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Everything posted by Fiisabiililah
This is for real, we need to wake up! (listen) You walk around town, you see all kind of people saying they are muslim, their name is abdikarim, mohamed and so forth, you read the newspaper there is almost 80 thousand muslims in this town..masha allah then you go to the masjid.... less than 2% are there?????? then you say maybe it is the amount of knowledge available, You go to the library, internet, masjids (having lectures) books, cd's, tapes over flowing... then you go to the masjid....less than 1% are there????? you say this cant be, are we really those people that the prophet s.c.w talked about. who : love the makhluuq but forgot the khaaliq (allah) love the wealth but forgot the xisaab (allah) love this life but forgot what comes next(death) and so on are we? i think so, cuz we all remember birthdays but simply forget the day of judgement.. this is not a long lecture...this is simply a wake up call from brother in islam, if your eyes are open. ((((may allah guide us in the right path))))
can you add the koran please?
that is a good question.... answer: Everything that i do.
*****eykum salaan waraxmutulaahi wabarakaatu. abaayo i realy enjoy the way u put on the words i just wanted to ad one . nabi nuux alaha ka raali noqdo waxuu aduu ku noolaa almost 950sano markii la weydiiyey aduunku maxuu ku jawaabey "waa guri gashay dhinaca kale ka baxey. marka adigoo og inaadan noolaaneyn more then 70years waa average. marka walaahi in uu aduunka la is siiyo wax tareynin. aaqiro inaan u shaqeysano wax ka fiican maleh asalaamu caleykum waraxmatulaahi wabarakaatu. ilaahey waxaan ka baryeynaa inuu na soo hanuuniyo maxaa yeelay ilaahey qof uu soo hanuuniyo ma hanuunsamo diintana halagu dadaalo.
I play a Guiter, a music instrument, is that Haram, or forbiden in Islam
Fiisabiililah replied to Zaylici's topic in General
asalaamu caleykum waraxmatulaahi wabarakaatu my brother and sister. i realy aprecited nur for u honest and everything and i wanted to share one more sheeko of mine. i used to be birthy guy i mean realy birthy guy every where i go just music all the birthy place until my mind just wanted dark like i mean realy dark becuase i couldnt think striaght i will be honest with u i was going colege i take time off becuase i couldnt do better job. now i dont listen music at all alxamdulilaahi i switch all my music casete to quran casete and alxamdulilaahi my thinking is coming back every day. and i start felowing some kutub on mosque and try to pry at mosque on time that is helps to that is my short story. let me give u one short advice my man and who every enjoy music. aqoro is around the corner u never know when u going to die please lets go back to our "diin" and study them is our way of living. hogaamiyaheena waaye hala barto waa idin tuuga. thank u all. asalaamu caleykum -
asalaamu caleykum. is very nice u guys doing extremely important to our people and i give u alot of credit. my suggestion is that i would recomand him to go the place where the muslim meet for instance they were some picnic for all muslims all over united states in chicago the the end of the december and every year they are two of those or three. i dont know how the schedule is this year insha alah but defenetly they will be some meeting and beleive me they are going to be alot of greogous sister up there so i will sugest that and i can find out for him when i visit next time i am just using one of my friend ID iga raali ahaada . asalaamu caleykum. alahu akbar.
ISLAM the solution to the Somali Crises?
Fiisabiililah replied to LixAfar iyo Nus's topic in General
asalaamu caleykum waxaan idinku salaama magaca ilaahey. aad ayaan u farxey marka aan arkey topican. waxa keliya wadankeena ey ku soo noqon karto waa inaan ilowno qabiilka aan u dhiibano our wadaado ayagana ey na hugaamiyaa nagu dhaqaa ilaahey sharcigiisa oo raaliga ka yahay. walaahi aduunka waalaga socdaa hadii aan ilaahey u noqonin hada not later ? waxaan kale oo aan rabey inaan dhaho please ha la barto diinta dhalinyaronimo yeysan idin qaadin aduunka walaahi inuu wax idin tareynin. i dont mean in aan idin wacdiyo laakin i couldnt help it and i probably think alot of people think me as a older guy or wadaad . i am not either one i am just one of you but i was doing little remind becuase we human are tend to forget easy. the mean of human is forgeter. so please halis xasuusiyo aqaaro. salaada si fiican haloo dukado weysada hala saxo ilaaheyna hanoola baryo in ilaahey wadankeena uu nooga dhigo wadin diinta islamka lagu dhaqo. waan ka soo daalney domacraadi qabiil iyo gumeysi kuli.. thank you all for give me aportunity to expres what i have in mind is long but remember i was just visiter. -
TACSI: A very sad day for Somalia Online
Fiisabiililah replied to Libaax-Sankataabte's topic in General
May Allah put him in paradise. Aaamiin. There aren't alot of good people in this world. -
Cambuulo is the the worst yo.
Kash_Flow ....... bling bling.
One of Abdulahiyusuf's famous statements at the peace talks: "these hooligans in Mogadishu chasing each other with the AK-47 need to realize that I am coming soon" looooool. That was very funny. Negotiations failed, so he wants to try force with warlords. Not a bad idea i voted for abdullah yussuf
Originally posted by Kowneyn: Atleast, 8,000 of the great ****CAYDIID'S**** clan were handed over to Aidid and the USC which absorbed them into its ranks And What happened to the soldiers from the other tribes? Massacred?
Gediid, I really used to like your posts. You ain't making any sense yo. Originally posted by Gediid: The North generally speaking unlike Mogadisho was never a multi ethnic city. Really? People were chased out of their homes and massacred bro. I can tell you 100s in Minnesota who grew up in the North including my own family. When ya say SNM never comitted any attrocities or were angels, how are ya different from that dude Xasan Nasra Allah? ya'all the same man. It is all about tribalism and politics. Talk to elders from Somaliland baby. I mean elders from Burco, boorame, Eerigabo, Hargiesa etc. The nice ones will tell ya the truth. peace
Lets play...The REGGAE/HIP-HOP/R B Name Game...
Fiisabiililah replied to BORN_BRANIAC's topic in General
young bloodz -
Google search brings up tons of works http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=Jamal+Omar+Minnesota&btnG=Google+Search Latest news about Jamal Omar. http://news.google.com/news?hl=en&q=Jamal+Omar&btnG=Search+News The dude was the most famous Somali activist in North America for real.
It's not about the oil, stupid! - by David Duke
Fiisabiililah replied to Paragon's topic in Politics
Ali, I think ya over-reacting to this Duke shyt. Who cares about his links? It don't matter to us. We don't have to insult each others just cuz we bothered by Duke's name. Just read the message and find out facts about yo true nemesis, the JEWS. Thats all. Ignore his character becuz ya already know what he's about. -
Originally posted by Shyhem: Prozac Now we know what Shyhem takes
Just How many weddings are a product of SomaliaOnline?
Fiisabiililah replied to Qaxwo's topic in General
None -
First of all, i wanna thank all ya'all on behalf of the skyhighfamiiy, we appreciate all your feedbacks and comments. Mad luv to all tha peeps that are showing luv, one-somali that is what we all about na'mean and that is what the cd is about. Furthermore, to answer some of the questions and comments: Burco's 1st Lady : Thankz abaayo, an we definately understand what you talking about " we hater proof!.lol so it really doesnt matter what anybody says or does. We from Minneapolis, MN and the tour is scheduled to happen this summer insha allah, if everything goes as it is planned. skillz and others : We apologize for the sound quality that we have in this sample, and i promise you it is nothing compared to the cd version. So please just be patient with us and we will hear from you when you purchase or get your copy. Proud sista, lady hustla an whome eva has this question ? : I understand where ya'all coming from and i respect your opinions.However i want to make this clearly, SKYHIGH in our case does not mean being under the influence. let me explain in short terms. SKY = SOMALI FLAG = BLUE SKY WITH A WHITE STAR HIGH= THE LEVEL OF PRIDE AND HOPE WE HAVE FOR OUR PEOPLE FAMILY = THE UNITY ONE PEOPLE WITH ONE LANGUAGE, COLOR, RELIGION SHOULD HAVE. AS SOMALIS WE ALL RELATED. Ps* we do have some songs in somali....I guess it depends on wether you heard the cd or not. And NO..lol we are not trying to be like DMX, we might have the same art form as he do. Is like saying you are trying to be white/american/whateva because you posted in english. Moving on, I just want to say we doing it for our people, Every somalian where ever you are in the world.Our main focus is to send message across to our people through music and just encourage nonviolance and nondiscriminitive vibe between somali people. I think i said enuff Much luv to everybody and Take. If you have any further question or comments, the contact is Phasez@mail.com holla!
hey jaaluut, iga qalee hadee maxaa waaye, sheekadaada caato waayee, doorada aad sheegaysid intee ka soo dhacday..lol, laakin saa wax u sheegaysid caadi ma aha, daris lee amaa noqonaa, qaliif ilaha ha u naxariisto waa xasuustaa, laakiin su aasha waxaa waaye "adi yaa aheyd? ciyaal waraf ha i dhihin! lol, isa soo cadee, aydhii iyo baasboor madino aa lagaa rabaa oo magacaagoo sadexan.lol, Ps* Much luv to Burco, even tho i was raised in xamar i was born there, So Big Up !
I thought it was an african brocoli, waz goin on???lol, juz kidding, I dont know what i should say about qad, since every somali person has an uncle or an older brother who chews it, But all i gotta say is it destroys marriages, lifestyles, careers and dreams, betta believe it u become just like a cow eating it. So, for all you chewers out there..put down the "garaabo.lol" and switch your taste maybe to double mint gum..fresh breath is gauranteed...holla
I saw this and thought this is something worth reading
Fiisabiililah replied to HONEY-D's topic in General
Creative minds think alike, i once did a poem like this,(off tha topic) anyways, thanx fo sharin tha poem, it really shows how cruel a warlord can be and that people should have second thought if they even think about supportin one. p.e.a.c.e -
Which girls r better US Somali, or UK somali
Fiisabiililah replied to Abid Abass's topic in Developement | Projects
They are the same, they both our somali sistas, ya dig! Nomad luv..ONE -
Which girls r better US Somali, or UK somali
Fiisabiililah replied to Abid Abass's topic in Developement | Projects
They are the same, they both our somali sistas, ya dig! Nomad luv..ONE -
They are the same, they both our somali sistas, ya dig! Nomad luv..ONE
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