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I Lost Important People By Drunk Driver
Sister_Somali replied to Narcissistic-Sister's topic in General
Allah Ya Rahma Rahimiin, May Allah rest their souls in peace -
Allah Ya Rahma Rahimiin
Very beautiful poem Jazakhallahu Khayran Sister We shall overcome if we remain steadfast and true Mumineens', inshAllah.
Marriage is completing half of the deen so we should rush to it rather than delay it. Life is far too short to wait for a tomorrow that may never arrive.
Asalammu Calaykum wr wb Muna Jazakhallhu Khayran for the lengthy but worthy article. It's scary how there are no guarantees and it's true that Iman lies between fear and hope. We shouldn't and musn't let pride dismantle the good that we've sown and inshAllah will harvest on Youm Al Qiyama.
The Burco that I saw a few months ago is very different to the one painted by LST, people are actually moving from Yiroowe back to Burco not vice versa; and I'm confident when I say that the number of derelict, decayed and crumbling buildings were outnumbered by new developments ( though admitteldy these are found on the fringes of the city) but nevertheless, much renovation has taken place within. I'm actually a little confused as to whether you are referring to the state the city is in now or to how it was a few years ago. I totally agree that the new government needs to prioritize the needs of the infrasructure. The road connecting Yiroowe and Burco is good, but within Burco you'll have a job distinguishing between the pavements and the roads.
Sister_Somali replied to farey's topic in General
Kool Kat iyo KAP..Sisters' shaytaanka baa iskiin tusay...curse the devil! Subhan'Allah -
Mash'Allah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ya Rabii !! What a moving story....those pictures' are sooo beautiful ...u can see the light of Islam shining in their faces. This post gave me one of those scarce soul enriching moments...Sudden and extreme emotion...tears followed by an overwhelming sense of hope...Whenever we feel that we may be straying from the Sirat ul Mustaqeen ..may Allah (SWT) guide us back and keep us on that path Ameen & Alhamdulillah
Are Somalis a burden to the system everywhere?
Sister_Somali replied to Libaax-Sankataabte's topic in General
I picture the USA and in particular the UK as a fat over-fed cow. It's stomach is bursting with what it has grazed from poorer countries...it's about time we milked it and fed ourselves. -
Oh My!!!! Religion and all aside....this girl transcends the definition of beauty....look carefully at her features ...Mash'allah...she is very beautiful..it's such a pity most of you can't see beyond the tone of her skin. I'm really gobsmacked ....whoa!!
I'd rather bake laxoox and help my mother which entails ajar....But whether your heart has been sealed from the truth or you're using blasphemy to remove yourself from the crowd I don't know and I couldn't careless either! I'm going to leave you to bask in your ignorance.
X Playa would you mind removing the Somaliland flag from underneath your name please. We wouldn't want anyone associating our country with your antagonistic attitude.
I strongly believe that a woman's code of dress is a prelude to her level of Imaan. It's wrong to judge people on face value and I accept that, but when I see, lets say a Somali lady, walking along the street dressed head to toe in Western attire ( tight hipster jeans, no hijaab and full make-up...her objective is clear--To ATTRACT THE OPPOSITE GENDER, though, she'll argue that she is looking good for no one but herself...yeah right darlin'!) I can't help but feel a combination of pity and responsibility, part of me wants to move as far away from this unscrupulous person, because even though I'm dressed modestly, I feel a deep sense of shame as though I'm walking around naked myself, but then, my conscience eats at me to speak with her even if to briefly inform her that a new Islamic shop has opened in the area and that it sells books and tapes as well as clothing.....a subtle way to get the message across. Those girls' who do not respect Allah(SWT) don't respect anyone.
I just wanna thank our somalian brothers for just being great!
Sister_Somali replied to lulla's topic in General
I'm agreeing with those who have said that men are men and women are women regardless of their nationality. The only difference about Somali Men is that they share our language and culture and that's what makes them appear to be greater than other men..especially when they try to sweet talk you in the native tongue...that's what lulla probably finds appealing about Somali men. But truely speaking a man is only "great" when he has submitted to the will of Allah(SWT) and conducts his life in a way that is most pleasing to Al Mighty Allah and this isn't dictated by your nationality but rather the strength of your will power in the face of adversity.
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