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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. Furthermore adding: The President noted that the TFG “controls little territory and it is impossible to hold a conference in that small space.” and Continuing, he added: “Mogadishu is not the Mogadishu of before [i.e. pre-1990] when all Somalis lived in Mogadishu. Today, foreign soldiers protect government institutions in Mogadishu.”
  2. On the TFG and the proposed Somali Conference the President had to say this: “As the TFG mandate was nearing expiration, we called for a Somali-wide conference to be held inside Somalia in a proposal dated 30 January 2011, so that Somalis can discuss the future and the security situation,” President Farole said. “Our idea was to convene a Somali conference whereby Somalis can discuss among themselves and the outcome would be a Somali-owned decision,” he said.
  3. Furthermore the President called for Somali Unity and Solidarity with the Somalis in South Central who are engulfed in famine and war “We know about the devastating situation in south-central Somalia…We pray to Allah to bring prosperity and to defeat the enemies of Somalia,” said the President of Puntland. “I urge the Somali people to uphold their unity, to endorse and support good actions and to unite against bad people and anarchists.” “Troops from Uganda and Burundi will not liberate you [somalis] and only you [somalis] can liberate Somalia.”
  4. The President said on the Puntland Election Commisions forthcoming duty and the revised Constitution “Upon coming to office, my administration reviewed the revised constitution before it was passed by the Parliament on 15 June 2009,” President Farole stated. “The second duty of PEC shall be to start implementation of the multi-party political system following elections for District Councils. The three largest political parties who gain District Council seats shall be the only legitimate political parties allowed in Puntland State of Somalia.”
  5. President Faroole said on the Democratization of Puntland “It is a great honor for me to speak at the event of swearing-in for members of the Puntland Election Commission…No legitimate election has taken place in Somalia since 1969, because 21 years of anarchy (1990-to-present) was preceded by 21 years of dictatorship (1969-to-1990),” President Farole said. “Today, we have an election commission consisting of members who are knowledgeable, experienced and dutiful and who shall advance Puntland towards democratic equality, whereby each person can vote for his candidate directly.” “It was one of my election promises [in 2008] to introduce multi-party political system in Puntland and my gratitude to Allah that today we are one step closer to that goal after appointing PEC,” the President said.
  6. Somalia: President’s Speech at Puntland Election Commission Ceremony 21 Jul 21, 2011 - 9:59:47 AM PRESIDENTIAL SPEECH July 17, 2011 Garowe Puntland State of Somalia A special ceremony marking the swearing-in of members of the Puntland Election Commission (PEC) was held at the Puntland State University campus in the Puntland capital of Garowe on Sunday, 17 July 2011. The event was attended by the President of Puntland State of Somalia, H.E. Abdirahman Mohamed Mohamud (Farole), Vice President H.E. Abdisamad Ali Shire, Speaker of Parliament, H.E. Abdirashid Mohamed Hersi, among Cabinet ministers, Puntland parliamentarians, High Court judges, traditional elders (Issimo), religious scholars, business community, and civil society of Puntland. President Farole’s 22-minute speech covered a range of topics, including the ongoing democratization process in Puntland and the role of PEC, the history of democratization in Puntland, the security situation and pardon for insurgents, insecurity in Mogadishu and south-central Somalia, the drought and the refugee exodus, and the expected Somalia National Consultation Conference. Democratization Process “It is a great honor for me to speak at the event of swearing-in for members of the Puntland Election Commission…No legitimate election has taken place in Somalia since 1969, because 21 years of anarchy (1990-to-present) was preceded by 21 years of dictatorship (1969-to-1990),” President Farole said. Continuing, he said: “Today, we have an election commission consisting of members who are knowledgeable, experienced and dutiful and who shall advance Puntland towards democratic equality, whereby each person can vote for his candidate directly.” Puntland’s leader explained that a system of election has been in place in Puntland since 1998, but that election process was “based on districts and clan representation using Somali cultural norms.” “It was one of my election promises [in 2008] to introduce multi-party political system in Puntland and my gratitude to Allah that today we are one step closer to that goal after appointing PEC,” the President said. History of democratization in Puntland The 1998 Provisional State Constitution, which constitutionally established Puntland as a federal state within a future federal structure for Somalia, mandated the incoming interim government (1998 – 2001) with major tasks, including conducting a population census, carrying out a public referendum on the constitution, and preparing the state for multi-party elections. “We all acknowledge that three years is not enough, especially since everything was at the beginning [in 1998],” President Farole said, adding: “We all know there was a political dispute in 2001 but due to our people’s political maturity, a peace agreement was later signed.” A new provisional constitution was introduced in 2001, which expired in 2004, when new parliamentarians were elected, leading up to elections for president on 8 January 2005. “The former administration [of President H.E. Mohamud Muse Hersi, 2005-2009] began the constitution review process and a revised constitution which mandated five-year terms for President and Parliament was passed by the Council of Ministers in 2008, awaiting parliamentary ratification,” the President added. However, before the Puntland Parliament could ratify the revised constitution, the 2009 presidential election took place. “Upon coming to office, my administration reviewed the revised constitution before it was passed by the Parliament on 15 June 2009,” President Farole stated. He explained that the next step was to prepare the Electoral Commission Law, which was passed during Parliament’s 2010 session. “It is an honor for us today that the Puntland Election Commission comes into being during a historic month for Somalia,” the President said, whilst referring to Somali Independence Day, July 1. The President indicated that, due to financial and resource limitations, a public referendum of the Puntland Constitution is difficult. Instead, he proposed holding “large conferences of stakeholders, including District Councils and civil society, who can approve the new constitution.” Continuing, he said: “The second duty of PEC shall be to start implementation of the multi-party political system following elections for District Councils. The three largest political parties who gain District Council seats shall be the only legitimate political parties allowed in Puntland State of Somalia.” Finally, speaking directly to the PEC members, he said: “You [PEC] shall be independent for your duties and all the Puntland institutions and agencies are willing and ready to work with PEC.” He rejected claims that Islam does not allow elections, saying: “Elections are held in countries with dominant Muslim populations…look at Turkey, look at Iran.” The President called on the Puntland people to work with PEC, in order to overcome challenges of misrepresentation, particularly for women. Calling for Somali unity “We know about the devastating situation in south-central Somalia…We pray to Allah to bring prosperity and to defeat the enemies of Somalia,” said the President of Puntland. He appealed to the Somali public, calling for unity: “I urge the Somali people to uphold their unity, to endorse and support good actions and to unite against bad people and anarchists.” President Farole expressed regret that “those who control much of south-central Somalia do not allow people the freedom to live or for political expression.” Continuing, he said: “Troops from Uganda and Burundi will not liberate you [somalis] and only you [somalis] can liberate Somalia.” He noted: “The anarchy in Somalia happened because of Somali disunity, and only Somali unity can restore order and dignity in Somalia.” The President of Puntland appealed to all Somalis to “not keep enmity in your hearts” due to years of civil war, disease and displacement, adding: “I know the people of Puntland do not remember sad memories and they only look towards the future. Today, Puntland is home to all Somalis, who live and work here in peace.” TFG and Somali Conference He spoke briefly about the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) and the process that brought to power the new Prime Minister H.E. Abdiweli Mohamed Ali (Gas). “As the TFG mandate was nearing expiration, we called for a Somali-wide conference to be held inside Somalia in a proposal dated 30 January 2011, so that Somalis can discuss the future and the security situation,” President Farole said. “Our idea was to convene a Somali conference whereby Somalis can discuss among themselves and the outcome would be a Somali-owned decision,” he said. However, the President said that Puntland’s call to host a Somali national conference “did not happen” and instead a “one-year extension” was endorsed for TFG and its parliament, under the terms of the “Kampala Accord.” The President noted that the TFG “controls little territory and it is impossible to hold a conference in that small space.” Continuing, he added: “Mogadishu is not the Mogadishu of before [i.e. pre-1990] when all Somalis lived in Mogadishu. Today, foreign soldiers protect government institutions in Mogadishu.” Drought appeal President Farole said that recurrent drought has devastated the economy and livelihood of Somalia. “In 2010, the rains did not come during the expected rainy season in Puntland…this led to a terrible drought whereby pastoralist communities lost much livestock and some even became victims of poverty and fled to nearby towns,” the President said. “Our government did everything it could do to help drought victims, but it is important that the people help each other. Those who have resources should help others who are less fortunate,” President Farole said. He called on the religious leaders and business community in Puntland to “immediately organize fund-raising for drought victims in south-central Somalia, who are our brothers, who are suffering and who are fleeing to refugee camps in neighboring countries. We must all help them.” Pardon for insurgents “I call upon the people of Puntland to work towards peace, security and development. I call for peace among the warring clans,” the President added. He urged “all groups” to accept dialogue and compromise, saying: “If your plan was to take to power through violence, this will never work. You will never get power by killing people but you can take power through paper [through voting].” Continuing, he said: “The Puntland Government won the war against insurgents in the Golis Mountains in 2010 because our fight is just and right.” President Farole added: “To anyone who is afraid of us if he surrenders, I hereby pledge your safety if you surrender. You will not be pardoned if you are a wanted terrorist or killer or you are not from Puntland. For everyone else, I extend a presidential pardon so you can free yourselves from the terrorist enemy who misled you and you can rejoin your community in Puntland.” The PEC swearing-in ceremony featured other speeches by the new chairman of PEC, Mr. Mohamed Hassan Barre. The event concluded well as the nine members of PEC – eight men and one woman representing Puntland’s eight regions – were sworn in as PEC members. --- Communications Office The Puntland Presidency Puntland State of Somalia E-mail: Web:
  7. Gudiga Doorashada Puntland oo Doortay Gudoomiye iyo Gudoomiye ku Xigeen Waxaa maanta xaflad ka dhacday jaamacada PSU ee Magaalada Gorowe lagu magacaabay Gudoomiyaha Gudiga doorashada Puntland iyo kuxigeenkiisa waxaana halka ay doorashadu ka dhacaysay goob joog ka ahaa sagaalka xunood ee gudiga doorashada Puntland iyo waliba Madaxwayne Cabdulraxmaan Shiikh Maxamed (Faroole). Gudoomiyaha gudiga doorashada ee Puntland ayaa waxaa loo doortay inuu noqdo Maxamed Xasan Bare (Shimbirlaaye) oo helay sideed xubnood,halka gudoomiye kuxigeenka gudiga loo doortay Maxamuud Xasan Soofe oo labaduba ka mid ahaa xubnihii gudiga doorashada oo ay dhowaan soo magacaabeen madaxwaynaha iyo gudoomiyaha baarlamaanka Puntland. Barqad Cali Saaalax oo ku dhawaaqay natiijada codbixinta gudoomiyaha iyo gudiga doorashada ee Puntland ayaa sheegay in sida sharciga qabo ay ku doorteen gudoomiyha iyo gudoomiye kuxigeenka,waxaana uu sheegay inuu rajaynayo in xilkan loogu duceeyo inuu ALLAH u fududeeyo. Sarkaal katirsan hay’adda Interpeace oo dhinaca hirgalinta dimuqraadiyada iyo kaaba galinta nabadda ka taageerta maamulka Puntland ayaa waxaa uu sheegay in muddo laga joogo 13-sano iyo lix iyo toban bari laga joogo aasaaska Puntland in la qaaday talaabo la mid ah tii bishii July ee 1960-ay xuriyada ku qaateen koonfurta iyo waqooyiga Soomaaliya,waxaana uu sheegay in talaabadan ay qaadeen xubnaha gudiga doorashada inay tahay mid dhabaha u xaaraysa in lagu guulaysto hirgalinta hanaanka dimuqraadiyada ee Puntland. Gudoomiyaha cusub ee gudiga doorashada Puntland Maxamed Xasan Bare (Shimbirlaaye) oo ka hadlay munaasabadda doorashada ayaa waxaa uu sheegay isagoo ku hadlaya magaca xubnaha gudiga doorashada inuu u mahadcelinayo madaxwaynaha iyo gudoomiyaha baarlmaanka Puntland oo magacaabay xubnaha gudiga,waxaana uu balanqaaday in si daacad ah ay howshooda ay u gudan doonaan xilkan loo dhiibay. “Kitaabka Allah ayaan ku dhaaranay inaan sidaaacad ah aan ugu shaqayno xilkan iyadoo la sameynayo wadatashi iyo wada shaqayn”ayuu yiri gudoomiyaha gudiga doorashada Puntland Maxamed Xasan Bare oo sheegay inay bilaabayaan hirgalinta nidaamka xisbiyada ee deegaanada Puntland,waxaana uu ugu baaqay shacabka Puntland inay u diyaargaroobaan arintaasi Shaqooyinka u muhimsan ee horyaala guddigan ayaa ah: - Afti u qaadida dastuurka Puntland - Diiwaan gelinta Xisbiyada Siyaasadeed - Doorashooyinka Golayaasha deegaanka. Shaqada guddiga ayaa ku eg markii la doorto goloyaasha deegaanka isla markaana ay soo baxaan saddexda Xisbi ee ugu codadka badan, Waxaana markaas la soo magacaabi doonaa Guddiga doorashada rasmiga ah, kuwaas oo xisbiyadu ay ku yeelan doonaan xubno. Madaxwaynaha dowladda Puntland Dr.Cabdiraxmaan Sheekh Maxamed Faroole oo ka hadlay munaasabada ayaa sheegay in maanta ay taariikh wayn ay u tahay shacabka Puntland iyo guud ahaan Soomaliya,waxaaana uu sheegay inay tahay markii ugu horaysay oo doorasho xor ah ay ka dhacayso Soomaaliya. “…….Waad ogtihiin 1969-kadib dalkan kama dhicin doorasho,dadka Soomaliyeed waxba ma dooran jirin waxbaa loo doori jiray“ ayuu yiri madaxwaynaha Puntland oo sheegay in doorashooyinkii Puntland ka dhacay sanadihii lasoo dhaafay inay ahaayeen kuwa aan la jaaqaadin qaabka wax looga doorto caalamka,balse waxaa uu sheegay in xiligan Puntland ay ka gudbayso nidaamkii beelaha loona gudbayo inuu qofkastaa isagoo aan wakiil dirsan uu doorto cidii uu doono. Saraakiil kasocotay hay’adaha garsoorka Puntland oo goob joog ka ahayd munaasbadii maanta ayaa waxaa ay ku dhaariyeen hoolka jaamacadda PSU masuuliyiinta iyo xubnaha kale duwan ee gudiga doorashada. Talaabadan ayaa noqonaysa markii ugu horaysay ee Puntland ay yeelato gudi doorasho oo loo igmaday ka shaqaynta nidaamka xisbiyada badan si looga gudbo nidaamka beelaha ee lagu soo xulo 66-xubnood ee baarlamaanka Puntland oo doorta madaxwaynaha iyo madaxwayne kuxigeenka Puntland..
  8. Xafladdii Guddiga Doorashada Puntland oo maanta ka dhacday PSU. Xaflad ballaaran oo si weyn loo soo agaasimay ayaa maanta waxa ay ka dhacday xarunta Jaamacadda PSU ee Magaalada Garowe. Xafladan ayaa ujeedadeedu waxa ay ahayd in lagu dhaariyo guddiga doorashada ka dibna ay doortaan madaxdii hoggaamin lahayd. Xafladan ayaa waxa ka soo qaybgalay Madaxda Dowladda Puntland oo uu ugu horreeyo Madaxweynaha Dowladda Puntland Dr: Cabdiraxmaan Sh.Maxamed Maxamuud,Madaxweyne ku xigeenka Jen: CabdiSamed Cali Shire.Marwada Madaxweynaha Marwo Amina Abiib.Guddoomiyaha golaha Wakiilada Puntland Dr: Cabdirashiid Maxamed Xirsi,Guddoomiyaha Maxkamadda Sare,golaha Wasiirada,golaha Baarlamaanka golaha garsoorka,Hay'adaha ay ka mid yihiin interpeace,PDRC.PUNSAA iyo UNPOS iyo dadweyne kale. Dhaartii ka dib ayaa guddiga doorashadu waxa loo diyaariyey meel ay hawlahooda ku dhamaystaan si ay u doortaan Madaxda hoggaamin doonta,doorsho ka dibna waxa ay ku soo noqdeen hoolkii ay ku sugnaayeen Madaxda Dowladdu iyo qaybihii kale. Intaasi ka dibna waxa loo galay qudbadii loogu talagalay xafladdaasi,waxaana soo jeediyey siday doorashadu u dhacday Barkhad Cali Saalax iyo cida ay doorteen,wuxuuna sheegay in ay u doorteen Guddoomiye Maxamed Xasan Bare,guddoomiye ku xigeenkana Maxamuud Soofe Xasan.guddigan ayaa waxa ay ka koobnaayeen sagaal xubnood oo kala ah: 1-Dr Maxamed Xasan Bare 2- Barkhad Cali Saalax 3- Cismaan Maxamed Xasan 4- Axmed Maxamed Axmed 5- Muxubo Muuse Ciise 6-Dr.Cali Cabdiraxmaan Xirsi 7-Yuusuf Xaaji Saciid 8-Maxamuud Soofe Xasan 9-Cabdirisaaq Axmed Shiikh Shoolaa. Hadaba intaasi ka dib waxaa lagu soo dhoweeyey Gudoomiyaha guddiga doorashada Maxamed Xasan Barre oo halkaasi ka jeediyey qudbad kooban oo micno leh.isagoo u mahadceliyey asxaabtiisii soo doortay,wuxuuna sheegay in sida ay u dhaarteen u fulin doonaan hawshooda ilaahayna ka baryayaan in uu u fududeeyo. Ugu dambayntii waxaa hadalkii lagu soo dhoweeyey Madaxweynaha Dowladda Puntland Dr: Cabdiraxmaan sh.Maxamed Maxamuud wuxuuna ka hadlay arrimo badan oo dhinacyo badan taabanaya,oo ay ka mid tahay mahadnaq uu u soo jeediyey guddiga isla markaana waxa ay ka doonaan dowladda loo fududayn doono,wuxuu Madaxweynuhu ka soo sheekeeyey taariikhda ay soo martay Puntland ilaa asaaskeedii ilaa hadda la joogo.maanta oo ay bisha julay ay tahay 17kii 2011 ay taariikhda ka geli doonto baal dahab ah maadaama ay tahay maalintii aynu iclaaminay habka dimuqraadiyada ee ah hal cod hal hal nin amah al dumar ah sidaana waxa yidhi Madaxweynaha Dowladda Puntland,sidoo kale Madaxweynaha Dowladda Puntland ayaa sheegay in shirka Soomaali weyn lagu qaban doono Puntland. Madaxweynaha Dowladda Puntland ayaa codsi u diray Ganacsatada iyo dadka reer Puntland ee wax haysta in ay u gurmadaan hawlahooda Koonfureed ay abaartu saamaysay waayo ayuu waa dad Soomaaliyeed oo ay wax inaga dhexeeyaa dhinac kastaba ha ahaatee ka dowlad ahaana waan ka qaybqaadanayaa gurmadkaasi,sidoo kale Madaxweynaha ayaa cafis u fidyey dadkii ka qaybqaatay dagaaladdii galgala ee Buuraha ku jira haddii aanay ahyn dhgarqabayaan wax dilay. Xafladaasi ayaa maanta waxa ay ku soo dhamaatay jawi degan iyo dadka oo u hambalyeynayey horumarka ay dowladdu ku talaabsatay.
  9. Guddiga doorashada Puntland oo doortey Guddomiye 17 Jul 17, 2011 - 5:13:02 AM Guddigii doorashada Puntland ayaa kulan maanta 17 July,2011 isugu yimid ku doortey Gudoomiye iyo kuxigeen halka xaflad lagu dhaarinayey 9 xubnood ee guddiga oo ka dhacdey xarunta Jaamacada PSU ee Garowe taasoo uu ka qayb galey Madaxweynaha Dowlada Puntland Dr.Cabdiraxmaan Shiikh Maxamed Faroole. Guddigu waxay gudoomiye u doorteen Maxamed Xasan Barre halka kuxigeen ay u soo xusheen Maxamud Soofe. Gudoomiyaha gudiga doorashada Puntland [PEC] Maxamad Xasan Barre oo ka hadley xaflada loo qabtey munaasabada dhaarta xubnahaan ayaa sheegey in waajibaadka saaran guddiga uu gudanayo hadii Alle raali ka noqdo isagoo tafaasiil ka baxshey talaabooyinka loo qaadi doono dhinaca dimoqaraadiyada/ Madaxweynaha Puntland Cabdiraxmaan Farole oo xaflada hadal ka jeediyey ayaa waxaa uu khudbadiisa kaga hadley nidaamka dimoqaradiyada iyo sida xukumadiisa uga go'an tahay in shacabka ku doortaan qofka ay rabaan iyadoo laga gudbayo nidaamkii 13 sano ee la soo dhaafey ku soo xulan jireen dadka masiirkooda siyaasdeed qaban jirey. Mudane Farole oo dib u raacey qaabkii siyaasdeed ee uu soo marey maamulka Puntland ayaa sheegey in dowlada waqtigaan jiraa ay badali doonto mid shacabka Puntland si toos ah u soo doortaan. Dhinaca kale Madaxweynaha Puntland ayaa u mahad celiyey guddiga doorashada ee cusub isagoo hoosta ka xariiqey in howl badan oo adag u taalo. Gabagabadii hadalka Madaxweynaha Puntland ayaa ku wajahnaa baaq uu u jeediyey ganacsatada iyo shacabka reer Puntland kaasoo ahaa in ay tageeraan dadka Somaliyed ee walaalahood ah kuwaasoo abaaro ba'an ku hayaan Koonfurta Somalia. Dhowaan ayaan idiin soo gudbin doonaa khudbada Madaxweynaha Puntland iyo sawiro. GAROWEONLINE
  10. Guddiga Doorashada Puntland oo La Dhaariyey Doortayna Gudoomiye & Kuxigeen 9 xubnood ee Gudiga Doorashada Puntland Garowe ( RBC Garowe) : Guddigii Doorashada Puntland ayaa maanta loo Dhaariyey Howlaha loo igmaday 9 xubnood ee guddiga waxaa ay dhaarn ka gadaal iska dhex doorteen Gudoomiye iyo kuxigeen, munaasabada ayaa ka dhacday jaamacada PSU Garowe. Read more
  11. Security Guards with Puntland State Minister for the Interior, Development of Rural areas and Local Governments with Head of the Police for the Restoration and Security of Puntland
  12. The Election Committee on their way to the Puntland State University where the 9 members of the Election Committee were sworn in
  13. The President of Puntland State
  14. Chairman of the Puntland Election Committe
  15. Historic Day swearing in of the Puntland Election Committe
  16. GAROOWE : Guddiga doorashada oo la dhaariyay, M-wayne Faroole oo khudbad muhiima jeediyay (Sawiro) July 17, 2011 1:20 pm GMT - Written by Editor - Edited by Editor Print Garoowe:-Guddiga doorashada Puntland ee ay dhawaan soo magacaabeen M-waynaha Puntland iyo Golaha Wakiilada Puntland oo ka kooban 9 xubnood ayaa maanta la dhaariyay, waxayna ku dhaarteen in ay si daacad ah ay u gadanayaan waajibaadka saaran ayna fulinayaan ballaanqaadka laga doonayo ee ah siyaasada Dawlada iyaka oo si caddaalad ah shaqadooda u qabanaya. Guddiga doorashada oo la dhaarshay Dhaarta kadib, ayaa Guddigan waxay Guddoomiye u doorteen Maxamed Xassan Barre, waxayna kuxigeen u doorteen Maxamuud Xassan Soofe., Maxamed Xassan Bare Guddoomiyaha cusub ee Guddiga doorashada Puntland ayaa waxa uu sheegay in ay yihiin kuwo madax banaan oo la dhaarshay ayna fulin doonaan dhaarta ay mareen maadaama ay yihiin dad muslim ah oo dhimanaya, wuxuu sheegay in ay si wanagsan ula shaqayn doonaan madaxda Puntland oo M-waynaha ugu horeeyo iyo Golaha Wakiilada iyo dhammaan Ummadda reer Puntland. Siyaasada Dawladda ayuu sheegay in ay ku shaqaynayaan oo ah in dalka loo horseedo doorasho xor iyo xallaal ah. Guddiga doorashada ayuu u mahadnaqay in ay isaga u doorteen Guddoomiye, wuxuuna balan qaaday in aysan jiri doonin wax gaar ah oo isagu go’aansan doono ee uu xubin ka yahay Guddiga. M-waynaha Puntland Dr. Cabdiraxmaan Faroole oo dhaarta kadib khudbad wanaagsan jeediyay ayaa waxa uu sheegay in ay doonayaan in ay ka soo baxaan balan-qaadkoodii ku aadanaa in dalka laga hirgasho doorasho xor ah oo qofkastaaba codkiisa ku dhiibto (One man, One women One Vote), wuxuuna sheegay in loo baahan yahay in haweenku ay dadaalaan oo sheegashada ah in 60% ay yihiin ay ka muuqato Dawlada iyo maamulka, wuxuuna tusaale u soo qaatay Golaha Wakiilada oo 2 Haween ah ku jiraan, wuxuu ku dhiiriyay in ay dhanka kale u rogaan oo laba rag ah ku soo reebaan Golaha. Dhammaan Ummadda reer Puntland ayuu sheegay in ay ka qaybqaadan karaan tartankasta oo xor ah, wuxuu sheegay in aysan jiri doonin cid qabiil sheegata in looga awood roonaado ee qofkastaaba cod iyo doorasho xaq u leehay. Nabadda. Ummadda reer Puntland ayuu ugu baaqay in ay nabadda oo dhowr jeer ku celceshay ay ka shaqeeyaan, wuxuuna sheegay haddii nabadda la waayo aysan waxba jirayn ee Nabadda lagu wadada daaalo. Puntland, ayuu ku sheegay meel aan Ummadda Soomaaliyeed laga xigin oo ay cid walba ku nooshahay oo ay kaga shaqaystaan qaab ganacsi iyo qaab xirfadeed. Dadka Puntland ayuu ku sheegay dad wanagsan oo aan calooshooda ku jirin dhibaatooyinkii ka dhacay, taasna waxa uu ku macneeyay bisaylka ay u qabaan in la helo Dawlad Soomaaliyeed. Abaarihii dalka ka dhacay. Cabdiranmaan Faroole M-waynaha Puntland, wuxuu xusay abaarihii ka dhacay Puntland ay dad badan ku xoolo waayeen oo xoolihii ay dhaafeen wuxuuna sheegay in loo baahan yahay in dadkaasi la kaalmeeyo oo la caawiyo, wuxu sheegay in arinta ay dhawaan bilaabi doonaan. Abaaraha ka dhacay Koonfurta Soomaaliya. Abaarahaha ka jira Koonfurta Soomaaliya ayuu ku tilmaamay wax laga naxo wuxuuna sheegay in ay tahay arin Alle uu dadka ku imtixaanayo oo la isku eegayo, wuxuuna ballan qaaday in Puntland jawaab degdeg ah ay ka bixin doonto, si buu yiri Ummadda reer Puntland uu cirib-dambeedkeedu u wanagsanaado. maadaama ay iyaku barwaaqo ku jiraan oo Alle abaartii ka saaray. Shirka wadatashiga Soomaaliyeed. M-waynahu, wuxuu sheegay in uu aaminsan yahay in shirka wadatashiga ah lagu qaban doono Garoowe maadaama ay tahay meel nabadd ah oo xasiloon, wuxuuna xusay in ay jiraan dad aan jeclayn in Puntland in lagu qabto shirkan balse ay iyaku cidna nebcayn. Sikastaba, M-wayne Faroole, ayaa isagu u muuqday in uu ku qanacsan yahay in Guddiga doorashada ee cusub ay Puntland gaarsiin doonaa nidaamka doorashada xorta iyo xalaasha ah ee caalamka laga isticmaalo. Axmed Cabdisalaam